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Pulp Non Fiction

[ Wednesday, April 30, 2003 ]


Why Don't I Feel Liberated?

art [7:51 PM]


What IF Saddam Was Never Found? (Written March 18 2003)


Let us just assume that after the blitz on Iraq, after
we have bombed out all those roads and bridges, after
we have bombed out all the defense forces,after we
have bombed out all the facilities after we have
bombed out innocent men women and children
Iraqis,after the dust settles so to speak, there is no

We are just assuming.

Bear with us on the eve of a possible war.

On this eve of destruction.

Let us assume a week goes by and Saddam is nowhere to
be found.

Bear with us.

A month and no Saddam.

And the figures start coming out on how many dead and
wounded innocent Iraqi civilians.

And no Saddam.

Two months.

And no Saddam.


Saddam is in deep hiding maybe in Kora Kora.

We bomb the bejeezus out of Kora Kora.

No Saddam.

Five months.

September comes and no Saddam.

We are now in "control" of "iraq".

But still no Saddam.

Rumsfeld says "he might be dead he might be alive
whatever who cares? We're in control!"

Saddam is out there lurking somewhere forming the ILO.

Saddam's Suicide Bombers Strike October and

No Thanksgiving this November.

Eight months have gone by and no Saddam.

We are just assuming all this bear with us.

December we find our troops are spending Christmas in

And coming back in body bags.

We are not celebrating but demonstrating this New

2004 and No Saddam Hussein.

And Iraq is in shambles.

Or economy is in shambles.

And ChIraq is saying we told you so Mr. Freedom fries.

Valentines in Iraq.

Saddam who?

Bin Laden?

Who cares?


Mr. Georgeous Bush is busy campaigning for November.

He is at War with the EVIL Demoncrats.

art [7:44 PM]


A Flower Grows in Babylon

By Dean Jorge Bocobo

art [7:38 PM]

[ Tuesday, April 29, 2003 ]


free enneagram test

art [9:48 PM]

[ Monday, April 28, 2003 ]



Arabs today have to rise above petty differences that separate them as a people.Arabs ,be they moslem shiite sunni alawi or druze,be they christian orthodox chaldean or coptic, have to sieze this uniting moment in history or forever be damned.The Arabs have put forward a comprehensive Land for Peace plan that is fair and objective.We should Take it.Its clearly a more responsible plan than Fuzzy's Road Map.Lets give the Arabs what they want.Lets really try to understand the problem and be fair for once in our lives.Land for Peace sounds reasonable to any impartial observer.

Israel has labeled Iran Syria and Lebanon rogue states that harbor terrorists and thru its agents in the USA be they senators congressmen generals or secretaries of state,have shaped US foreign policy to say that Syria and Lebanon are part of the long list of the nonexistent axis of evil.(The evil is only in Busharon's mind)

Israel thru its powerful lobby and media influence want us belive that a small political armed resistance group called Hizballah that has been fighting since 1967 for their freedom from occupation BY Israel, is a threat to Israel and the USA and the world.

Israel thru its representatives in Washington like Wolfowitz Perle Lantos and Liebermanns want us to believe that Hizballah are the A Team of terrorists,outshining and outranking the Quaeda who rank in their Zionists eyes as a B-Team of terrorists.Do they think we forgot that they labeled AlQaeda the A team a year ago in the hunt for Usama Binladen?

Nothing could be further from the truth.Hizballah is not the A Team of Terrorists.Hizballah is the A Team of freedomfighters fighting to get a hostile invading occupying army out of its land.The minute Israel leaves,the nanosecond Israel leaves Lebanon and gives the southern Lebanese their land and lives back the war with Hizballah will the over.

Its as simple as that.Israel is the occupier.Israel thru Our Senators and Congressmen in the US want us to believe that both the Syrian and the Lebanese government should be punished for providing safe haven and harboring these "terrorist" groups.Israels American lawmakers have been feverishly trying to pass the Syrian accountabilty act that would do just that. PUNISH Syria thru sanctions not unlike Iraqs.

Why Syria?

Because Syria and Lebanon both recognize the Hizballah as legitimate freedomfighters and not terrorists like Israel falsely claims they are?

Because Syria is standing up for whats right and is a threat to Israels continued occupation and agression both is southern Lebanon,the golan and in the Palestinian occupied territories?

Because Syria holds a balance of power to the intransigent expansionist Zionist plan to dominate the Middle East?

Because Syria is speaking out for its rights and the rights of its brothers and neighbors the Lebanese and the Palestinians?

Because Syria thru its leadership and restraint has been a beacon of hope for all freedomfighters for the last 50 years?

Because Syrias "hard line" has been the only truly moderate voice seeking a just and long term peace in the region?

Because Syria's humble soft spoken President was the true man of peace and not Sharon?While It takes great men to make the peace, it took an even greater man like Hafez Assad to have kept the "relative" peace in the region since 1967 in general and in Lebanon since 1989 in particular in the face of countless forms of provocation by Israel?

Because Syria is easier to take militarily? It doesnt take a George Bush and the most powerful army in the world to take Syria.Because we dont like the ruling Baath party so we go in and kill them?

Because Syria is no match militarily to Israel who has Weapons of Mass Destruction Who definitely has a nuclear bomb and who is just itching to use it?

Because we have a Syrian Accountability Act when we should be DEMANDING an Israeli Accountability Act?

We have unwittingly been letting Israel (thru the power of Israels Senators and Congressmen in Washington and the "Israel Right or Wrong" policy) get away with ethnic cleansing for the last 100 years not to mention our clandestinely building Israels Nuclear capability on the side while we got on India and Pakistan and Koreas cases.


How long are we going to let Israel and her Lantos's and Liebermann's and Wolfowitzes and Perles and Greenspans dictate to us their hidden agendas that coincidentaly coincide with Israels ,that we have bought hook line and sinker that have made us the most hated and feared nation on earth?

How long before we wake up as a nation and see that a conspiracy in the highest levels of government does exist and it has its hands on the throats of almost all our lawmakers from the President on down?

How long before we wake up and see that the conspiracy has a name and it is Zionism?

How long before we realize that Wolfowitz and Perle Lantos Liebermann and co.are the A-TEAM of Zionists?

How long before we wake up and realize that Zionism is Racism and that the apartheid Zionist government of Israel is far worse that of South Africa(De Klerk never dropped one ton bombs on innocent black civilians!) and that we have unwittingly been supporting Sharon and the Zionists in their unjust war on the Arabs for the last 50 years?


ZIONIST JINSA : Driving US Invasion of Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and Iran.

"Indeed, there are some in military and intelligence circles who have taken to using "axis of evil" in reference to JINSA and CSP, along with venerable repositories of hawkish thinking like the American Enterprise Institute and the Hudson Institute, as well as defense contractors, conservative foundations and public relations entities underwritten by far-right American Zionists (all of which help to underwrite JINSA and CSP)."


"JINSA/CSP advisers Richard Perle and Douglas Feith have spent the past fifteen years working quietly to keep the US arms sluice to Turkey open."

"Almost thirty years ago, a prominent group of neoconservative HAWKS found an effective vehicle for advocating their views via the Committee on the Present Danger, a group that fervently believed the United States was a hair away from being militarily surpassed by the Soviet Union, and whose raison d'ętre was strident advocacy of bigger military budgets, near-fanatical opposition to any form of arms control and zealous championing of a LIKUDNIK Israel. Considered a marginal group in its nascent days during the Carter Administration, with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 CPD went from the margins to the center of power."

"Just as the right-wing defense intellectuals made CPD a cornerstone of a shadow defense establishment during the Carter Administration, so, too, did the right during the Clinton years, in part through two organizations: the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) and the Center for Security Policy (CSP). And just as was the case two decades ago, dozens of their Zionist members have ascended to powerful government posts, where their advocacy in support of the same agenda continues, abetted by the out-of-government adjuncts from which they came. Industrious and persistent, they've managed to weave a number of issues--support for national missile defense, opposition to arms control treaties, championing of wasteful weapons systems, arms aid to Turkey and American unilateralism in general--INTO A HARD LINE,WITH SUPPORT FOR THE ISRAELI RIGHT (RIGHT OR WRONG) AT ITS CORE."

How long are we going to be bamboozeled and hoodwinked by the Zionists in our Government?

When are we going to grow up as a country and get our heads out of our gameboys and the sports and celebrity/entertainment pages and take it back from the Wolfowitzes in sheeps clothing?

How long are we going to let the likes of Kissinger and Liebermann and Perles and Wolfowitzes And Cohens and Allbras Greenspans and Eagleburgers DICTATE TO US THEIR EXPANSIONIST ISOLATIONIST ETHNIC CLEANSING AGENDAS, go around pretending like they are regular Joes ,playing good cop bad cop with us idiot Nintendoheads, when it is obvious, and IN OUR FACES, that they work for a HIGHER FORCE, ANOTHER POWER that has its headquarters in Israel but has its tentacles in every high level major government office?

"We ...control America" - Ariel Sharon, Israeli Prime Minister, Knesset, Tel Aviv, Oct. 3, 2001.

"Every time we do something you [Shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it!"

"There is no more secrecy about Jewish power... they are telling us to our faces that they are in charge." - - National Journal.


Ian Flemming, in James Bonds wildest dreams, has never met with a foe, an evil villain so great and so cunning as the ZIONIST CABAL .They make Goldfinger and Dr.No look like whimps.

Are we destined to be a country ruled by Zionist HAWKS? And we idiots have to ask, "why do they hate us so much?"



WE ASKED for it!


"Experts tracking antigovernment radicals also note their shared interest with Muslim extremists in opposing what they see as this country's pro-Israel foreign policy. This is often voiced as opposition to, as the most militant call it, "ZOG" – the "Zionist-Occupied Government" of the US.At the same time, the new push for federal "homeland security" is firing up the camouflaged crowd in ways that have some militia-watchers worried."

Jack Straws conversion to hardcore Zionist :

Will we allow Christian Fundamentalists and Jewish Chicken-HAWK Zionists WHO advocate preemptive strikes and want to send OUR BOYS AND GIRLS off to fight a nuclear war for them?

The Men From JINSA and CSP

1). Richard Perle----One of Bush's foreign policy advisors, he is the chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board. A very likely Israeli government agent, Perle was expelled from Senator Henry Jackson's office in the 1970's after the National Security Agency (NSA) caught him passing Highly-Classified (National Security) documents to the Israeli Embassy. He later worked for the Israeli weapons firm, Soltam. Perle is one of the leading pro-Israeli fanatics leading this Iraq war mongering within the administration and now in the media.

2). Paul Wolfowitz----Deputy Defense Secretary, and member of Perle's Defense Policy Board, in the Pentagon. Wolfowitz is a close associate of Perle, and reportedly has close ties to the Israeli military. His sister lives in Israel. Wolfowitz is the number two leader within the administration behind this Iraq war mongering.

3). Douglas Feith----Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at the Pentagon. He is a close associate of Perle and served as his Special Counsel. Like Perle and the others, Feith is a pro-Israel extremist, who has advocated anti-Arab policies in the past. He is closely associated with the extremist group, the Zionist Organization of America, which even attacks Jews that don't agree with its extremist views. Feith frequently speaks at ZOA conferences. Feith runs a small law firm, Feith and Zell, which only has one International office, in Israel. The majority of their legal work is representing Israeli interests. His firm's own website stated, prior to his appointment, that Feith "represents Israeli Armaments Manufacturer." Feith basically represents the Israeli War Machine. Feith, like Perle and Wolfowitz, are campaigning hard for this Israeli proxy war against Iraq.

4). Edward Luttwak----Member of the National Security Study Group of the Department of Defence at the Pentagon. Luttwak is reportedly an Israeli citizen and has taught in Israel. He frequently writes for Israeli and pro-Israeli newspapers and journals. Luttwak is an Israeli extremist whose main theme in many of his articles is the necessity of the U.S. waging war against Iraq.

5). Henry Kissinger-----One of many Pentagon Advisors, Kissinger sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle. For detailed information about Kissinger's evil past, read Seymour Hersch's book (Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House). Kissinger had a part in the Watergate crimes, Southeast Asia mass murders, Chile dictatorship, and more recently served as Serbian Dictator Slobodan Milosevic's Advisor. He consistently advocates going to war against Iraq. Kissinger is the Ariel Sharon of the U.S.

6). Dov Zakheim----Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Department of Defense. He is an ordained rabbi and reportedly holds Israeli citizenship. Zakheim attended attended Jew’s College in London and became an ordained Orthodox Jewish Rabbi in 1973. He was adjunct professor at New York's Jewish Yeshiva University. Zakheim is close to the Israeli lobby.

7). Kenneth Adelman-----One of many Pentagon Advisors, Adelman also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle, and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war against Iraq. Adelman frequently is a guest on Fox News, and often expresses extremist and often ridiculus anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views. Through his hatred or stupidity, he actually called Arabs "anti-Semitic" on Fox News (11/28/2001), when he could have looked it up in the dictionary to find out that Arabs by definition are Semites.

8). I. Lewis Libby -----Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff. The chief pro-Israel Jewish advisor to Cheney, it helps explains why Cheney is so gun-ho to invade Iraq. Libby is longtime associate of Wolfowitz. Libby was also a lawyer for convicted felon and Israeli spy Mark Rich, whom Clinton pardoned, in his last days as president.

9). Robert Satloff----U.S. National Security Council Advisor, Satloff was the executive director of the Israeli lobby's "think tank," Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Many of the Israeli lobby's "experts" come from this front group, like Martin Indyk.

10). Elliott Abrams-----National Security Council Advisor. He previously worked at Washington-based "Think Tank" Ethics and Public Policy Center. During the Reagan Adminstration, Abrams was the Assistant Secretary of State, handling, for the most part, Latin American affairs. He played an important role in the Iran-Contra Scandal, which involved illegally selling U.S. weapons to Iran to fight Iraq, and illegally funding the contra rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government. He also actively deceived three congressional committees about his involvement and thereby faced felony charges based on his testimony. Abrams pled guilty in 1991 to two misdemeanors and was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of community service. A year later, former President Bush (Senior) granted Abrams a full pardon. He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Reagan Administration's State Department.

11). Marc Grossman-----Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. He was Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources at the Department of State. Grossman is one of many of the pro-Israel Jewish officials from the Clinton Administration that Bush has promoted to higher posts.

12). Richard Haass-----Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and Ambassador at large. He is also Director of National Security Programs and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the first Bush (Sr) Administration who sat on the National Security Council, and who consistently advocates going to war against Iraq. Haass is also a member of the Defense Department's National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon.

13). Robert Zoellick-----U.S. Trade Representative, a cabinet-level position. He is also one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Bush (Jr) Administration who advocated invading Iraq and occupying a portion of the country in order to set up setting up a Vichy-style puppet government. He consistently advocates going to war against Iraq.

14). Ari Fleischer----Official White House Spokesman for the Bush (Jr) Administration. Prominent in the Jewish community, some reports state that he holds Israeli citizenship. Fleischer is closely connected to the extremist Jewish group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, who follow the Qabala, and hold very extremist and insulting views of non-Jews. Fleischer was the co-president of Chabad's Capitol Jewish Forum. He received the Young Leadership Award from the American Friends of Lubavitch in October, 2001.

15). James Schlesinger-----One of many Pentagon Advisors, Schlesinger also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war against Iraq. Schlesinger is also a commissioner of the Defense Department's National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon.

16). Mel Sembler-----President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. A Prominent Jewish Republican and Former National Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. The Export-Import Bank facilitates trade relationships between U.S. businesses and foreign countries, specifically those with financial problems.

17). Michael Chertoff ----Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, at the Justice Department.

18). Joshua Bolten----Bush's Chief Policy Director, banker and former legislative aide. Prominent in the Jewish community.

19). Steve Goldsmith----Senior Advisor to the President, and Bush's Jewish domestic policy advisor. He also serves as liaison in the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (White House OFBCI) within the Executive Office of the President. He was the former mayor of Indianapolis. He is also friends with Israeli Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert and often visits Israel to coach mayors on privatization initiatives.

20). Adam Goldman-----White House's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community.

21). Joseph Gildenhorn-----Bush Campaign's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community. He was the DC finance chairman for the Bush campaign, as well as campaign coordinator, and former ambassador to Switzerland.

22). Christopher Gersten-----Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families at HHS. Gersten was the former Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Husband of Labor Secretary, Linda Chavez, and reportedly very pro-Israel. Their children are being raised Jewish.

23). Mark Weinberger-----Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy.

24). Samuel Bodman-----Deputy Secretary of Commerce. He was the Chairman and CEO of Cabot Corporation in Boston, Massachusetts.

25). Bonnie Cohen-----Under Secretary of State for Management.

26). Ruth Davis-----Director of Foreign Service Institute, who reports to the Office of Under Secretary for Management. This Office is responsible for training all Department of State staff (including ambassadors).

27). Lincoln Bloomfield-----Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs.

28). Jay Lefkowitz-----General Counsel of the Office of Budget and Management.

29). David Frum-----White House speechwriter.

30). Ken Melman-----White House Political Director.

31). Brad Blakeman------White House Director of Scheduling.

Now that Bush has hired these pro-Israel Jewish lobbyists to the highest positions in the land, they have escalated the fanatical war-mongering against Iraq, all the while they support the Israeli war-criminal Sharon in his terrorism and mass-killings of Palestinian civilians. It seems that the price of the acheiving the White House involves selling out to the Israeli lobby, much like Clinton, before him.



SHARON HAS NUKES AND HAS threatened to use them.Thats why its of UTMOST IMPORTANCE that the








Syria and Lebanon TARGETS.

Sitting Ducks.

Why ?

Cause MR.Eagleburger from the A-Team of Zionists said so.

COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT of C-Team Zionist Tony (Z) Snow/Lawrence (Z) Eagleburger Below:,2933,60704,00.html (BOOKMARK IT)

SNOW: What targets could be more important than Iraq?

EAGLEBURGER: But what's happening because of this whole focus on Saddam Hussein, we are

losing our focus on the terrorist war, and that worries me a lot as well. There are a lot

of other terrorist targets we ought to be focusing on.

SNOW: Such as?

EAGLEBURGER: And I'm afraid that, because we focus so much on Iraq, we're losing that



EAGLEBURGER: Well, there is SYRIA, for example, which is pumping through -- because of IRAN, is pumping weapons on into HEZBOLAH and so forth -- we ought to be -- which is then producing a lot oFAGONY in Palestine and in Israel. We ought to be doing a bit to try to stop that.

There's HEZBOLAH, there's HAMAS, there is a whole range of terrorist targets out there related to Palestine and to ISRAEL that we ought to be trying to deal with."

BINGO! Straight from the Zionist Shoulder.


art [3:45 PM]

[ Wednesday, April 23, 2003 ]


art [12:40 AM]

[ Tuesday, April 15, 2003 ]


Blair Bush Sharon : Axis of Evil


art [11:03 PM]



A declaration of war on the Syrians was written by Ariel Sharon Long Before the War on Iraq.This article was written back in the late nineties when the world was busy defining what "sexual relations with that woman" meant while Madeline Allbright in the State Department and William Cohen in the Defense Department and Evelyn Liebermann in the White House and General Jacob Granger in the US Army stacked every single undersecretary deputysecretary assistant secretary secretarys secretary position with all the Zionist Jewish Americans they could produce.

Below are The plans of Ariel Sharon laid bare for all to see.Do we have to look further to see who REALLY benefits in this war on Syria AND Lebanon AND the Hizballah Freedomfighters who are desperately just trying to get Sharon OUT of Lebanon? Do we have to look any further to see who is steeering the Bush Administration to an injust war on the Arabs?

Do we have to look further to see who is really terrorizing whom? Do we have to lose one

more of our sons and daughters for Ariel Sharon? Do we have to kill one more Afghani or

Iraqi or Syrian or Lebanese child before we realize that for ALL this madness to end ALL

Sharon and his FORCES have to do is END the Illiegal Brutal OCCUPATION and the ethnic

cleansing of Jerusalem the West Bank Gaza South Lebanon and the Golan?

Do we have to look further to see that all WE have to do to win this War on Terror is to

stop supporting Ariel Sharon and the Zionists and stop supporting their unjust war of

occupation by sending them Billions of our hard earned dollars and support the Arab Land

for Peace Plan that is free and that is being offered to us on a silver platter?

Do we have to look further to see that we have yet to see normalcy returned to Afghanistan and that the war on Iraq is far from over and that all this war is NOT in our best interests as we are breeding millions of more people who hate us daily?Do we have to look further to see that Iraq had no weapons of Mass Destruction and we are being fed the same line now by Rummsfeld about the syrians Chemical weapons when it is CLEARLY a move to for control of the oil water and power in the Middle East according to Ariel Sharons and Paul Wolfowitzes and the Zionists plan?

Are we going to let them get away with it?

Are we going to let the Zionists rule the world?

Is that what we really want? If that is what we want then we are a sorry lot indeed.

You be the judge.

The article you are about to read was written by alleged man of 'peace' in 1999:


By Ariel Sharon

JERUSALEM -- As the Israeli and the Syrian teams hurry back to Washington to resume

negotiations, we are told this is the last and only chance for peace and that Israel must

take it or face war. I believe this hasty approach is wrong, misleading and, above all,


Israel must adopt an approach that will allow it to assess Syrian intentions over time

before making any commitment to give up the commanding high grounds of the Golan Heights.

And since in Israel, the only real democracy in the Middle East, we like to do things the

American way, I suggest we should also adopt the American model when negotiating the vital

issue of control of the heights. The United States ended the cold war and brought stability

to Western Europe because it understood that peace must be based on dealing effectively

with the military capabilities of former adversaries and not on changes in intentions


It kept the defensive shield of NATO intact, and any alterations in Western strength were

based on reciprocity by the Soviet Union. If this kind of concern for security was

essential in Europe, it is of critical importance in the shifting sands of the Middle East,

and particularly when dealing with Syria.

What would United States negotiators have demanded if the Golan Heights were an American

asset? I believe they would have stressed several points.

First, there must be no rewards for the aggressor. In most conflicts negotiated in this

century, the aggressor paid by losing territory, as Japan and Germany did after World War

II. Syria attacked Israel three times: in 1948, 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973. From

1948 to 1967, it carried on a war of attrition against Israeli civilians by attempting to

divert vital water resources from Israel.

Now Israel is asked to reward the aggressor by allowing return of the heights that rise

over its territory in the valley below.

Knowledgeable statesmen and strategic experts have warned that, given the nondemocratic,

authoritarian character of the Syrian regime and the unpredictability of what might take

place in Syria after Hafez al-Assad is no longer in power, an Israeli agreement to return

to the 1967 borders could cause it to end up with neither peace nor the Golan Heights.

Second, national defense requires territory. Most foreign defense experts and senior United

States Army officers who have visited the Golan Heights or studied it repeat the

categorical opinion that even in the missile age it is impossible to defend Israel

effectively against a ground attack without military control of the Golan Heights. Syria

has more than 4,000 tanks and 1,000 missiles, and the last and only line where an assault

by them could be stopped runs through the center of the heights.

The missile threat and the vulnerability of Israel's home front do not allow Israeli

military planners to rely any longer on a 24-hour rapid reserve mobilization system. The

depth and space of the Golan can buy the time for regular forces to contain a surprise


Furthermore, no country, including the United States, has ever given up territory and

strategic depth just because it had advanced weapons systems or sophisticated early warning


Third, Syrian armed forces must be reduced. Though Israel so far has not done so, it must

insist that if it is to give up the defensive asset of the Golan Heights, a there must be

not only a demilitarized zone on the Golan, but also a reduction of Syria's armed forces

and the number of its missiles, and a dismantling of its arsenal of chemical warfare.

Israel must also demand, though it has not yet done so, the withdrawal of Syrian forces

from Lebanon, where a continued Syrian military presence would reduce Israel's ability to

defend its northern borders.

Israel has not made explicit demands, either, that the United States will not rearm Syria

with advanced Western weapons after an agreement is reached. Such rearming would erode the

Israeli ability to deter attack and cancel the Israeli qualitative edge in weaponry that

the United States has pledged to maintain.

Fourth, Israel must have control of its water resources, which are of great long-term

importance in an arid region where there are already shortages. A third of Israel's water

flows from the Golan Heights and could be diverted there, and it must continue to have a

presence near these water sources.

Finally, comprehensive peace must also include measures to contain threats from Iraq and

Iran, which have weapons of mass destruction and could also be sources of terrorist

activity. This is another important issue about which Israel has made no specific demands

in the current negotiations.

Since 1975, successive United States administrations have been committed to the principles

in President Gerald Ford's 1975 letter to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin backing Israel's

stance that any peace agreement be predicated on Israel remaining on the Golan Heights.

"Even in times of peace, we must hold the Golan Heights, Ehud Barak, then the Israeli

military chief of staff, said in 1994. And he was not alone. Mr. Rabin took the same

position clearly in 1992, when he was prime minister.

Today Israel is asked to make so-called painful compromises: giving up the Golan and

transferring to foreign troops a major building block of its overall capability to defend

itself, deter attacks and assure itself of early warning if an attack should occur. It is

also being asked to bear the painful cost of transferring 18,000 of its own citizens and

uprooting 33 communities, deepening already dangerous divisions in Israeli society. All

this for what is at best an uncertain nonbelligerency agreement? Thanks, but no thanks.

I believe Israel must keep the Golan Heights. Peace is important for Israel, and we all

seek it. But not less is it important for the Syrians. Isn't it about time that they were

asked to make some painful compromises as well?


Ariel Sharon is chairman of Israel's Likud Party and the victorious general who saved

Israel during the Yom Kippur War (1973)

art [8:35 PM]

[ Saturday, April 12, 2003 ]


The Heavy Thinker

It started out innocently enough. I began to think at parties now and
then to loosen up. Inevitably though, one thought led to another, and
soon I was more than just a social thinker.

I began to think alone - "to relax," I told myself - but I knew it
wasn't true. Thinking became more and more important to me, and
finally I was thinking all the time.

I began to think on the job. I knew that thinking and employment don't
mix, but I couldn't stop myself.

I began to avoid friends at lunch time so I could read Thoreau and
Kafka. I would return to the office dizzied and confused,
asking, "What is it exactly we are doing here?".

Things weren't going so great at home either. One evening I had
turned off the TV and asked my wife about the meaning of life. She
spent that night at her mother's.

I soon had a reputation as a heavy thinker. One day the boss called
me in. He said, "Art, I like you, and it hurts me to say this, but
your thinking has become a real problem. If you don't stop thinking
on the job, you'll have to find another job." This gave me a lot to
think about.

I came home early after my conversation with the boss. "Honey," I
confessed, "I've been thinking..."

"I know you've been thinking," she said, "and I want a divorce!"

"But Honey, surely it's not that serious."

"It is serious," she said, lower lip aquiver. "You think as much as
college professors, and college professors don't make any money, so
if you keep on thinking we won't have any money!"

"That's a faulty syllogism," I said impatiently, and she began to
cry. I'd had enough. "I'm going to the library," I snarled as I
stomped out the door.

I headed for the library, in the mood for some Nietzsche, with a PBS
station on the radio. I roared into the parking lot and ran up to the
big glass doors... they didn't open. The library was closed.

To this day, I believe that a Higher Power was looking out for me that

As I sank to the ground clawing at the unfeeling glass, whimpering for
Zarathustra, a poster caught my eye. "Friend, is heavy thinking
ruining your life?" it asked. You probably recognize that line. It
comes from the standard Thinker's Anonymous poster.

Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker. I never miss
a TA meeting. At each meeting we watch a non-educational video; last
week it was "Porky's." Then we share experiences about how we avoided
thinking since the last meeting.

I still have my job, and things are a lot better at home.
Life just seemed... easier, somehow, as soon as I stopped thinking.

art [6:45 PM]


Jewish Zionist General Jacob Garner to Govern Baghdad?

Arabs incensed that Bush choice to rebuild Iraq seen as ‘pro-Israel’

art [2:02 AM]


Clear Example of Disinformation by Cnn

They were showing an Iraqi training camp and showed a shooting range where the target had a picture of a face and a star of david and written on the top clearly in Arabic was "this is a zionist".

The translator read it as "this is a jew"

art [12:59 AM]


Richard Armitage & Co: The "A -Team" of Zionists

US Official Calls Hezbollah 'A-Team of Terrorists'

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top U.S. diplomat took aim at Hezbollah on Thursday, saying the United States would go after the group he called "the A-team of terrorists.""Hezbollah made the A-team of terrorists, maybe al Qaeda is actually the B-team," Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said in answer to a questions after a luncheon speech."We're going to go after them just like a high school wrestler goes after opponents, we're going to take them down one at a time," Armitage said. rticles/A42352-2002Sep5.html

Richard Armitage and co.are the "A TEAM" of Zionists".

Everything that is happening today is directly related to the terror the Zionists sowed into the sleepy land once known as Palestine.You reap what you sow.The Zionists TERRORIZED close to a million Palestinians to flee their land and homes. Zionists ARE terrorists. Zionists have been terrorizing the Palestinians and the Arabs for 50 years.Where were WE then when THAT ethnic cleansing happened almost 50 years ago? Where was CNN? Where was Christian Amanpour?We rushed to rescue the situation when Milosevic was on an ethnic cleansing rampage and brought him to trial.

We did NOT do that when the Zionists Ethnic Cleansed Palestine.We not only didnt do anything we did EVERYTHING (thanks to our our zionist politicians) to wipe out Palestine from the map and helped create the State of Israel.We expected almost a million Palestinians to roll over and play dead.Well they didnt.They have come back to haunt us.Three million of them all justified in their right to return to their land.We were accesories to the crime 50 years ago.

We (unwittingly) helped the Zionist ethnic cleanse Palestine and we still continue ( ever so unwittingly) to do so to this day.The mere fact that billions of our hard earned dollars is going YEARLY to help the Isolationist Zionists in Israel achieve their goal of TOTALY ethnic cleansing Israel.A hundred thirty BILLION in the last 50 years.Total Cost to U.S.(unwitting suckers) Taxpayers $134,791,507,200 rael.htm

Today The Zionists are building an electric fence like no other fence in the world. And our dollars are helping build that fence.A high voltage fence that would make the the iron curtain look like a safety pool fence for toddlers.A BIBI barrier.

The A TEAM of Zionists are HIGHLY visible in our lives.One can not turn on ones TV without seeing them in FORCE all over the networks.We can not pick up a newspaper w/out them dictating to us their anti palestine anti arab opinion.We can not VOTE in ANY election w/out one of them on the ballot.They are all over the place.They are US.American Zionists .We can be sure they LOVE Israel above all and want us to love her too.Israel and israels "security" is a HIGH priority in the Zionist agenda so we should expect that Israel will be a TOP priority for them when we vote or appoint any one of them to a government position.We can not delude ourselves further into thinking we are a free democratic nation when most of our TOP leaders belong to the Zionist Movement whose loyalty is to Zionism and Israel first are steering us towards a NUCLEAR World War.

The A Team of Zionists:

Richard Armitage
Alan Greenspan
Henry Kissinger (DEEP THROAT no doubt in our minds it was HE who betrayed Nixon because he hated the Zionists )
Lawrence Eagleburger
Richard Perle (CAPTAIN ZION)
Paul Wolfowitz
Joe Libermann
Samuel Berger
Dick Armey
Barbara Boxer
David Rockefeller
Dianne Feinstein
Madeline Allbright
Stephen Solarz
Richard Lugar
Tom Lantoz
Carl Levin
Henry Waxman
Jacob Javitz
Barney Frank
Caspar Weinberger
Arthur Goldberg
Russ Feingold
Gary Ackerman
Charles Schumer
Eliot Engel
Abe Fortas
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger
Arthur Burns
Samuel Newhouse
Robert Gottlieb
Ed Koch
Mike Bloomberg
Katherine Meyer Graham
Alen Specter
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Ariel Sharon
Bin Yamin Nethanyahoo
Shin Bet
David Bin Gurion
Barush Goldstein

The BB Team

Larry King
Ted Koppel
Mike Wallace
Morley Safer
Scott Simon
AM Rosenthall
Laura Schlessinger
Barbara Walters
Wolf Blitzer
Ariel Fliesher
Dennis Ross
Alon Pinkus
Dore Gold
Jonathan Pollard
Harvey Pitt
Robert Novak
Geraldo Rivera
Thomas Friedman
William Saffire
Barbara Streisand
Alan Derschowitz
Andrea Mitchell
Andrea Koppel
Aaron Spelling
Eric Burns
Yigal Amir (who shot Rabin)
Jack Ruby(as in who shot JFK)

The CZ TEAM (Christian Zionist) (As GOOD as if not better and more effective than the A team)
International Fellowship of Christian Zionists and Jews President Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein says Jews are now realizing who their staunchest allies in the war against terror really are. (Windows Media)

Brent Scowcroft
Donald Rumsfeld
Dick Cheney
Trent Lott
Joseph Biden
John McCain
Alfonse DAmato
Sean Hannity
Britt Hume
Cal Thomas
Tony Blair
Charlton Heston
Richard Myers
Thomas Franks
Jerry Fallwell
Bill Bennett
Pat Robertson
Shepard Smith
Tony Snow
John Gibson
John Savage
Oliver North
Alexander Haig
Bill Oreilly
Bob Graham
Ann Coulter
Gretta Van Susteren
Joseph Farah
Bill Clinton
Lyndon B Johnson (as in who killed JFK)

art [12:43 AM]


His name is Alon Pinkus the Israeli Conman General

Posted By: ArtBishop

In Response To: ISRAEL LAUGHS AT BUSH AND U.N. (ChristopherBollyn)

We saw him laughing too. His name is Alon Pinkus the Israeli Consul General to the USA. A horrible arrogant overbearing man.

We also heard Israeli Consul General Alon Pinkus (that snotty Homer Simpson lookalike w/the horrible blond hairdo ) spew out his venom on the FOXTV network where he is a regular "guest" on a show called Fox and Friends.Consul Pinkus said:

"Could you imagine your son or daughter having a pizza in New York and they are blown to bits?" "Could you imagine your son or daughter waiting for a bus on 42nd st on the way home from school and a HOMICIDE BOMBER (Pinkus REFUSES to use the term suicide bomber) blows up YOUR CHILDREN and you NEVER see them again???"

And the 3 biased racist stooges of Foxzion and Immature Fiends all nod in agreement that that would be indeed terrible.

Wait a goddamn minute! Hold your horses there Mr.Conman! Who the flock do you think you are fooling?

Why should WE in NEW YORK have suicide bombers????? That is NOT OUR problem. That is Israels. Why is that unbearable likeness of being ..CONSUL GENERAL PINKUS EXPORTING HIS WAR to US HERE? How DARE he SCARE US like that?? The NERVE of that man! Get him OFF our airwaves!

The USA did NOT TERRORIZE and ETHNIC CLEANSE almost a million palestinians from what once used to be known as Palestine in 1948 and turn it into the State of Israel.They expected almost a million refugees to roll over and play dead but they have mushroomed into 3 million spread out from Lebanon Syria Jordan Egypyt Jordan Saudi Arabia the Gulf to London to Canada to Australia and to the USA.

What the Zionists did in the '40's was exactly what Milosevic TRIED to do in the 90's.The only difference is that there was no Ted Turner CNN and Christian Ammanpour in 1948.Why did we feel the pain of the moslem refugees in the former Yugoslavia and mobilized NATO to help them return to their homes and did our damdest to bring MILOSEVIC to trail for his CRIMES? We did the RIGHT thing there, Yet we insist on helping a butcher named Sharon and calling him a man of peace and calling the Palestinians and Syrians and Lebanese terrorists when nothing could be further from the truth.

Would we consider the Moslem Serbs terrorists too if Milosevic had trumphed in his ethnic cleansing and they fought him 20 years from today as the Palestinians are fighting the Zionists today for THEIR right to return today?Would we call THEM terrorists? Huh?

Where have all the freedomfighterrorists gone?

: Christopher Bollyn - American Free Press - Washington, D.C.


: Francis A. Boyle
: Law Building
: 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
: Champaign, IL 61820 USA

: Prof. Boyle,

: While listening to George W. Bush speak at the UN yesterday, I
: noticed that a member of the Israeli delegation was
: laughing. The camera quickly pulled back as it was probably
: decided that it was in bad taste to broadcast an Israeli
: diplomat laughing as the President of the United States was
: threatening war against the largest Arab nation.

: It crossed my mind that this blonde Israeli diplomat, whose
: name escapes me, might have been laughing at how easily
: Israel manipulates the American president and the United
: Nations.

: Bush is trying to make the case that Iraq is a threat to peace
: armed with weapons of mass destruction. Iraq, however, is a
: signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and
: allows its main nuclear facility at Tuwaitha to be
: inspected on a yearly basis.

: The International Atomic Energy Agency inspected the main
: Iraqi nuclear site in January 2002. On the other hand,
: Israel, Pakistan, and India - all known to be
: nuclear-tipped states - are ALL on the brink of war and
: have ALL been engaged in hostilities since 1947, but have
: not signed the NNPT treaty and do not allow inspections of
: their nuclear facilities. Pakistan and Israel are allowed
: to develop WMD with total secrecy and impunity.

: As you well know, Israel actively violates no fewer than 4
: Security Council Resolutions: 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397
: (2002), and 1402 (2002), going back 35 years.

: These resolutions "recall" or "reaffirm"
: the earliest resolution, 242 from 1967 which calls for:
: "Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories
: occupied in the recent conflict;
: [and] Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and
: respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty,
: territorial integrity and political independence of every
: State in the area and their right to live in peace within
: secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts
: of force;"

: How can the United States declare war on Iraq for being in
: non-compliance with resolutions while casting a blind eye
: on Israeli non-compliance going back 35 years? Who is Iraq
: occupying?

: SC Res. 1402 "calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops
: from Palestinian cities, including Ramallah", although
: Israeli troops continue to occupy those cities and towns 6
: months after the resolution was signed last April 1.

: SC Res. 1397 of March 12, 2002, "Demands immediate
: cessation of all acts of violence, including all acts of
: terror, provocation, incitement and destruction" yet
: Israel continues to invade Palestinian villages and towns
: on a daily basis and destroy homes and businesses with
: impunity. No fewer than three times this week Israeli
: troops have invaded Palestinian towns in the Gaza Strip and
: engaged in "acts of terror, provocation, incitement,
: and destruction."

: How can we expect the people of the Middle East to accept this
: blatant double-standard? How can Americans accept this
: hypocrisy and abuse of the U.N. by their government? How
: can Americans allow their sons and daughters to go to war
: to fight for Israel's Lebensraum and hegemony?

: How many people will have to die in order to deliver Iraq's
: oil reserves to the plutocrats of London and Houston?

: Regards,

: Christopher Bollyn

art [12:36 AM]

[ Friday, April 11, 2003 ]



PBS VIDEO LINK BELOW: EXCELLENT! Make yourselves a nice cup of coffee
and watch this enlightening video (like visine for the brain) about
what the HAWKS (the RUMSFELDS and the WOLFOWITZES)(the two top
christian and jewish Zionists)(THE A-TEAM of ZIONISTS) hidden agendas
are all about.

While the U.S. stands at war with Iraq, many are now warning about
the potential consequences: the danger of getting bogged down in
Baghdad, the prospect of longtime allies leaving America's side, the
possibility of chaos in the Middle East, the threat of renewed

But the Bush administration insiders who helped define the "Bush
Doctrine," and who have argued most forcefully for war, are
determined to set a course that will remake America's role in the
world. Having served three Republican presidents over the course of
two decades, this group of close advisers -- among them Vice
President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and
perhaps most importantly, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz -
- believe that the removal of Saddam Hussein is the necessary first
act of a new era.

In "The War Behind Closed Doors," FRONTLINE traces the inside story
of how those advisers -- calling themselves "neo-Reaganites," "neo-
conservatives," or simply "hawks" -- set out to achieve the most
dramatic change in American foreign policy in half a century: a grand
strategy, formally articulated in the National Security Strategy
released last September, that is based on preemption rather than
containment and calls for the bold assertion of American power and
influence around the world.



Through interviews with key Republican insiders, foreign policy
analysts, and longtime White House observers, the report reveals how
America got to the brink of war with Iraq -- and how a war and its
aftermath will put these advisers' big idea to the test.
"The War Behind Closed Doors" follows a long-running policy battle
between two of Washington's most powerful insiders and the
philosophies they represent: Secretary of State Colin Powell and
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. Powell, who held the top
military job at the Pentagon under President George H.W. Bush and
other powerful posts at the highest levels of government, is a
cautious realist who represents the establishment's abiding belief in
diplomacy and the containment of foreign enemies. Wolfowitz, who
built a career as a smart and tough hardliner at the Departments of
State and Defense, champions the idea of preemption, striking first
to defend America and to project its democratic values.
At the time the Gulf War ended in 1991, Powell was the chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Wolfowitz was deputy secretary of
defense for policy, the third-highest ranking civilian in then-
Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney's Pentagon. Powell was instrumental
in stopping the war short of going to Baghdad and removing Saddam
Hussein. Wolfowitz and other hardliners were less than enthusiastic
about that decision.

"Paul Wolfowitz believed then that it was a mistake to end the war,"
says Richard Perle, chairman of the influential Defense Policy Board
and a veteran of the Reagan administration. "They underestimated the
way in which Saddam was able to cling to power, and the means he
would use to remain in power. That was the mistake."
Soon after the Gulf War, Wolfowitz supervised the drafting of a set
of classified policy guidelines, called a Defense Planning Guidance,
for how the U.S. should deal with Saddam Hussein and the rest of the
world in the post-Cold War era. Wolfowitz believed containment was an
old idea -- a relic of the Cold War -- and that America should use
its overwhelming military might preemptively, and unilaterally, if
need be. His draft of these policy guidelines was leaked to the press
in 1992.

"Inside the U.S. defense planning establishment, there were people
who thought this thing was nuts," Barton Gellman of The Washington
Post tells FRONTLINE. "The first draft said that the United States
would be prepared to preempt the use of nuclear, biological, or
chemical weapons by any other nation, even, the document said, 'Where
our interests are otherwise not engaged.' ... It spoke of punishing
or retaliating for that use, but it also said 'preempt.' This was the
first time."

"Wolfowitz basically authored a doctrine of American hegemony," says
historian and foreign policy expert John Lewis Gaddis, "a doctrine in
which the United States would seek to maintain the position that it
came out of the Cold War with, at which there were no obvious or
plausible challengers to the United States. That was considered quite
shocking in 1992. So shocking, in fact, that the Bush administration,
at that time, disavowed it."

As the first President Bush left office, Wolfowitz's draft plan went
into the bottom drawer, but it would not be forgotten.
"The War Behind Closed Doors" goes on to recount how the Clinton
administration struggled to deal with Saddam Hussein's defiance of
U.S. and U.N. containment policies, while hawks in the
neoconservative wing of the Republican Party grew increasingly

With the election of George W. Bush in 2000, however, the hawks saw a
new opportunity to implement a stronger, forward-leaning American
stance in the world. Yet during the new president's first year in
office, skirmishing between Colin Powell's State Department and
Rumsfeld's Pentagon -- where Wolfowitz is now the second-ranking
civilian -- left the adminstration's foreign policy stalled in a kind
of internal gridlock.

All that would change on Sept. 11, 2001.
Four days after the attacks on New York and the Pentagon, President
Bush and his Cabinet held a war council at Camp David. "From the
first moments after Sept. 11, there was a group of people, both
inside the administration and out, who believed that the war on
terrorism should target Iraq -- in fact, should target Iraq first,"
says Kenneth Pollack, author of The Threatening Storm: The Case for
Invading Iraq (2002) and a former member of the National Security
Council staff in the Clinton administration.
But Colin Powell and Gen. Henry Shelton, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs, were determined to rein in the hawks. Powell's argument --
that an international coalition could only be assembled for a war
against Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, not an invasion of
Iraq -- won the day, and Iraq was put on the back burner.
Yet President Bush had made it clear that the U.S. would not stop at
pursuing terrorists and bringing them to justice. "We will make no
distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those
who harbor them," the president told the nation on the evening of
Sept. 11.

Four months later, with the Taliban defeated and Al Qaeda largely
dispersed, Bush was ready to move on to the next phase of the war on
terrorism. In his State of the Union address, he laid the groundwork
for an invasion of Iraq, tying Saddam Hussein's regime to terrorism
and weapons of mass destruction.
"States like these," Bush declared, "and their terrorist allies
constitute an axis of evil arming to threaten the peace of the
world. ... The United States of America will not permit the world's
most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most
destructive weapons."

The stage was set. Phase two was underway, and preemption would get
its test case. The president had set a course for the U.S. to use its
military power not only to topple Saddam Hussein but to promote
democracy in Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. Wolfowitz and the
hawks, by all appearances, had succeeded.
"I wrote a piece in the Post two days after the State of the Union,"
recalls William Kristol, editor of the influential neoconservative
magazine The Weekly Standard, "saying we've just been present at a
very unusual moment: the creation of a new American foreign policy."
In the thirteen months since that speech, the Bush administration has
moved steadily toward war with Iraq, though Colin Powell was able to
convince the president to seek U.N. backing. Whether that approval is
won or not, it is clear that this administration intends to alter
America's strategic relationship to the world.


art [11:23 PM]


Playing Cards Wanted Dead or Alive

New trick in US hunt for regime leaders :Central Command, Qatar

US troops in Iraq will be given packs of playing cards displaying the names, faces and roles of 55 regime leaders targeted by Washington as war criminals to be either "killed or captured"


How childish.

Will these morons be trading them on ebay like baseball cards?

What genius.

What the heck....Where can we get a deck?

Souvenir of Bush's Folly.

art [5:54 PM]


"Saddam No longer in power" GWBush

If he is no longer in power you moron, who the hell are you fighting?

Is it not the Iraqi who you came to liberate from Saddam?

Why dont they feel liberated?

art [2:49 PM]

[ Thursday, April 10, 2003 ]


Premature Jubilation?

We may have won a victory over a statue but we did not win the war.

We toppled a statue of Saddam yet Saddam is far from toppled.

Bush and Blairs premature ejaculation.

Endless Love


As we sit in SHOCK and AWE at the brutal carnage of the Iraqi Invasion
by General Tommy Franks and our troops and as we sit in amazement at
the demonstrations around the world against us and our war,we cant
help but wonder just who are the real losers here?
While Saddam might get killed and the Baath party might get
dismembered and the Iraqi people might get their country back,and
George Bush Sr.and his Carlyle group might get control of the oil,we
have to ask ourselves,what did we US citizens get out of this?
We will never be the same again.We have overtaken Israel to become the
most hated nation in the middle east and the world.We have lost our
credibility and earned the wrath of the whole free world in the

Our country is deeply divided.Families are being torn apart.The issue
of war transcends partisanship.One is no longer just Democrat or
Republican.Nowadays one is either pro peace or pro war.Senator Joe
Liebermann is a fine example or a pro war democrat.Not a few members
of the Bush administrations diplomats have resigned in disgust with
our bully foreign policy.

Nobody wins here but Paul wolfowitz and his A Team Zionist
Cabal.Nobody wins here but Ariel Sharon and his "thousand eyes for an
eye" policies.The unjust Iraqi invasion will only further embolden the
"man of peace" to attack his neighbours using Israels WMD's.We ignore
the fact that Israel has broken dozens of UN resolutions.
We invaded Iraq for breaking UN resolutions and we just broke the
biggest UN resolution that the world has ever known that was asking
for more time for the UN inspectors to do their job.We also managed to
make enemies with our allies France and Germany,not to mention Russia
and China.

As we see it we Americans are the biggest losers in this gulf War part
II.Even in death Saddam will be a hero to some in his country and in
the Arab world while Bush will go down in history as the most hated
man on the planet.Saddam will rest in peace while we Americans,will
have to spend the rest of our lives living in fear and terror from
George Bush's belated fathers day gift to George Bush the elder.
As we sit in AWE and SHOCK at the brutal carnage of the Iraqi Invasion
by General Tommy Franks and our troops and as we sit in amazement at
the demonstrations against the war around the world,we cant help but
wonder who are the real losers here.

While Saddam might get killed and the Baath party might get
dismembered and the Iraqi people might get their country back,and
George Bush Sr.and his Carlyle group might get control of the oil,we
have to ask ourselves,what did we US citizens get out of this?
We will never be the same again.We have overtaken Israel to become the
most hated nation in the middle east and the world.We have lost our
credibility and earned the wrath of the whole free world in the

Our country is deeply divided.Families are being torn apart.The issue
of war transcends partisanship.One is no longer just Democrat or
Republican.Nowadays one is either pro peace or pro war.Senator Joe
Liebermann is a fine example or a pro war democrat.Not a few members
of the Bush administrations diplomats have resigned in disgust with
our bully foreign policy.

Nobody wins here but Paul wolfowitz and his A Team Zionist
Cabal.Nobody wins here but Ariel Sharon and his "thousand eyes for an
eye" policies.The unjust Iraqi invasion will only further embolden the
"man of peace" to attack his neighbours using Israels WMD's.We ignore
the fact that Israel has broken dozens of UN resolutions.
We invaded Iraq for breaking UN resolutions and we just broke the
biggest UN resolution that the world has ever known that was asking
for more time for the UN inspectors to do their job.We also managed to
make enemies with our allies France and Germany,not to mention Russia
and China.

As we see it we Americans are the biggest losers in this gulf War part
II.Even in death Saddam will be a hero to some in his country and in
the Arab world while Bush will go down in history as the most hated
man on the planet.Saddam will rest in peace while we Americans,will
have to spend the rest of our lives living in fear and terror from
George Bush's belated fathers day gift to George Bush the elder.

art [3:55 PM]



The Eastern world, it is explodin',
Violence flarin', bullets loadin'.
You're old enough to kill, but not for votin',
You don't believe in war -- but what's that gun you're totin'?
An' even the Jordan river has bodies floatin'.
But you tell me, over and over and over again, my friend,
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
Don't you understand what I'm tryin' to say,
An' can't you feel the fears I'm feelin' today?
If the button is pushed, there's no runnin' away,
There'll be no one to save, will the world in a grave.
Take a look around you, boy, it's bound to scare you, boy.
An' you tell me, over and over and over again, my friend,
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
Yeak, my blood's so mad feels like coagulatin',
I'm sittin' here just contemplatin'.
I can't twist the truth, it knows no regulation,
Handful of senators don't pass legislation,
An' marches alone can't bring integration
When human respect is disintegratin',
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin'.
An' you tell me, over and over and over again, my friend,
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
Think of all the hate there is in Red China,
Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama.
Ah, you may leave here for four days in space,
But when you return it's the same ol' place,
The poundin' of the drums, the pride an' disgrace.
You can bury your dead, but don't leave a trace.
Hate your next-door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace,
An' tell me, over and over and over again, my friend,
You don't believe we're on the eve of destruction,
No, no, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.

art [3:33 PM]

[ Wednesday, April 09, 2003 ]



Posted By: ArtBishop

Israel ignores the United Nations and has weapons of mass destruction.So why all the fuss about Iraq?


"As the world debates the merits of another American-led war against Mr Hussein, the idea
has returned in a new form. Israel has violated countless UN resolutions and amassed
weapons of mass destruction, say those who oppose this war. Why then is Iraq singled out
for yet more punishment while the Israelis get off scot-free?

This question is no longer being asked by Arabs alone. “No war against Iraq, Free
Palestine” has become the slogan of anti-war demonstrators in Europe and America. The two
conflicts have become entwined in the public mind in a way that the West's politicians can
NOT ignore."

Israel is acting arrogantly and irresponsibly and speaking like a superpower because it has
WMD's in their arsenals and know that "THEY" control America.

The A- Team of Zionists Wolfowitz Perle Libby Abrams Fliesher Eagleburger Feith Luttwak
Kissinger Zakheim Satloff Grossman Haass Zoellick Schlessinger Sembler Chertoff Bolten
Goldsmith Goldman Gildenhorn Gerstein Weinberger Bodman Cohen Davis Bloomfield Lefkowitz
Frum Melman Blakeman Eagleburger Allgright Greenspan Liberman.The B-Team and C-Team of
senators congressmen governors generals mayors judges is endless.

Most Successful Cabal in History

Bushes Rogues Gallery

"Perhaps the most telling decision in the gang was the selection of Paul Wolfowitz over
Richard Haass. "It [was] a fight for the soul of George W. Bush on foreign policy in
general but also Middle East policy specifically," commented AEI's Middle East analyst,
David Wurmser. Haass is a Middle East specialist who served under President Bush as senior
director for Near East and South Asian Affairs on the National Security Council and
currently directs foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institute. He comes from the
branch of the Republican Party most closely identified with President Bush and James Baker,
a wing which opted against continued pursuit of Saddam Hussein's forces in 1991 and which
also clashed with the pro-Israel lobby over loan guarantees in 1992. This side of the
party, more closely tied to big business, and oil companies in particular, has tended to
prefer multilateralism and diplomatic engagement over simple military confrontation. On
Iraq, for example, Haass has argued against arming the Iraqi National Congress for fear
that it would trigger "a region-wide war with Syria, Iran and Turkey." He has also
advocated for a "more nuanced policy with Iran" and taking a firmer stand with Israel.

Wolfowitz, on the other hand, is a preeminent hard-liner from the Reaganite side of the
party which advocates an aggressive US policy of rolling back perceived threats. He is dean
of Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies and former
undersecretary of defense. "Wolfowitz is one of the best representatives of the classical
neo-conservative Reagan Republicans. He believes very strongly that power can be used very
effectively to create more power," Wurmser told The Forward of New York. For years
Wolfowitz has been pushing hard to arm the Iraqi National Congress, complaining to the
House International Relations Committee in February 1997: "For all the talk about
supporting the opposition, the United States has yet to deliver a single rifle." More
recently, Wolfowitz has advocated the use of US ground troops to carve out pieces of Iraqi
territory, telling The New Republic in December: "It will take American forces to create a
protected area in which opposition forces can organize and to which units from Saddam's
army can defect." Gen. Anthony Zinni, commander of American forces in the Persian Gulf,
called such plans "a Bay of Goats" scenario."

"Buttressing Wolfowitz on the far right is Richard Perle, another Vulcan cold warrior and a
former assistant Secretary of Defense. Within the Reagan administration, Perle earned the
nickname "The Prince of Darkness" for being so hard-line. He is credited with bringing to
the Pentagon a number of staunchly pro-Israel activists who dramatically increased weapons
sales to Israel. In 1996, Perle gained the distinction of simultaneously advising both the
Dole campaign in the United States and the Netanyahu campaign in Israel. He was the
principal author of "A Clean Break," a widely circulated policy paper published by the
Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (Jerusalem) that advised Netanyahu
to cancel the Oslo accords concluded with the Palestinians. During the recent Camp David
negotiations, Perle came under serious fire for advising the Israeli delegation to prepare
to walk out, lest it become a pawn of Vice President Gore's campaign. Perle's statements
drew a harsh rebuke from the White House, which criticized him for injecting politics into
international diplomacy. The Bush camp quickly disavowed the remarks, claiming that Perle
had been "speaking for himself." For Wolfowitz and Perle, US might is best asserted with an
iron fist, without the velvet glove usually donned by the Baker-Haass wing."

Post-1967 UN resolutions relating to Israel-Palestine?

"Flagrant & Condeming" but impotent.

It makes us think twice about Hitler's dilema and What Really Happened in WWII.

Interest in Adolf Hitler does not abate:

INQUIRIES about "Hitler" (1889-1945) are in the top 100 searches on the Lycos search
engine. The Nazi statesman comes in 98th, beaten narrowly by "Holocaust" at 91st.


Berlin, 29 April,1945,4 a.m.

(REVISED 22 February, 2003, Lunch Break)

More than thirty years have passed since 1914 when I made my modest contribution as a
volunteer in the First World War, which was forced upon the Reich.
In these three decades love and loyalty to my people have guided all my thoughts, actions
and my life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions ever to
confront mortal man. In these three decades I have spent my strength and my health.

It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It was wanted and
provoked solely by international statesmen working for ZIONIST interests. I have made too
many offers for the limitation and control of armaments, which posterity will not be
cowardly enough always to disregard, for responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be
placed on me. Nor have I ever wished that, after the appalling First World War, there would
ever be a second against either England or America. Centuries will go by, but from the
ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred of those ultimately responsible will always
grow anew against the people whom we have to thank for all this: international ZIONISM and
its henchmen.

Only three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I proposed a solution of the
German-Polish problem to the British Ambassador in Berlin - international control as in the
case of the Saar. This offer, too, cannot be lied away. It was only rejected because the
ruling clique in England wanted war, partly for commercial reasons and partly because it
was influenced by the propaganda put out by international ZIONISTS.

I have left no one in doubt that if the people of Europe are once more treated as mere
blocks of shares in the hands of these international money and finance conspirators, then
the sole responsibility for the massacre must be borne by the true culprits: the ZIONISTS.

Nor have I left anyone in doubt that this time millions of children will starve to death,
millions of men will die in battle, and hundreds of thousands of women and children will be
burned or bombed to death in our cities without the true culprits being held to account,
albeit more humanely.

After six years of war which, despite all setbacks, will one day go down in history as the
most glorious and heroic manifestation of the struggle for existence of a nation, I cannot
abandon the city which is the capital of this Reich. Since our forces are too meager to
withstand the enemy's attack and since our resistance is being debased by creatures who are
as blind as they are lacking in character, I wish to share my fate with that which millions
of others have also taken upon themselves by remaining in this city. Further, I shall not
fall into the hands of the enemy who requires a new spectacle, presented by the ZIONISTS,
for the diversion of the hysterical masses.

I have therefore decided to stay in Berlin and there to choose death voluntarily when I
determine that the position of the Fuhrer and the Chancellery itself can no longer be
maintained. I die with a joyful heart in the knowledge of the immeasurable deeds and
achievements of our peasants and workers and of a contribution unique in the history of our
youth which bears my name.

That I am deeply grateful to them all is as self-evident as is my wish that they do not
abandon the struggle but that, no matter where, they continue to fight the enemies of the
Fatherland, faithful to the ideals of the great Clausewitz. Through the sacrifices of our
soldiers and my own fellowship with them unto death, a seed has been sown in German history
that will one day grow to usher in the glorious rebirth of the National Socialist movement
in a truly united nation.

Many of our bravest men and women have sworn to bind their lives to mine to the end.I have
begged, and finally ordered, them not to do so but to play their part in the further
struggle of the nation. I ask the leaders of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force to
strengthen the National Socialist spirit of resistance of our soldiers by all possible
means, with special emphasis on the fact that I myself, as the founder and creator of this
movement, prefer death to cowardly resignation or even to capitulation.

May it become a point of honor of future German army officers, as it is already in our
Navy, that the surrender of a district or town is out of the question and that, above
everything else, the commanders must set a shining example of faithful devotion to duty
unto death.

Before my death, I expel former Reichs-Marshal Hermann Goring from the party and withdraw
from him all the rights that were conferred upon him by the decree of 29 June, 1941 and by
my Reichstag statement of 1 September, 1939. In his place I appoint Admiral Donitz as
President of the Reich and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

Before my death, I expel the former Reichsfuhrer of the S.S. and the Minister of the
Interior Heinrich Himmler from the party and from all his state officers. In his place I
appoint Gauleiter Karl Hanke as Reichsfuhrer of the S.S. and Head of the German Police, and
Gauleiter Paul Giesler as Minister of the Interior.

Apart altogether from their disloyalty to me, Goring and Himmler have brought irreparable
shame on the whole nation by secretly negotiating with my enemy without my knowledge and
against my will, and also by attempting illegally to seize control of the State.

In order to provide the German people with a government of honorable men who will fulfill
the task of continuing the war will all the means at their disposal, I, as Fuhrer of the
nation, appoint the following members of the new cabinet:

President of the Reich: Donitz
Chancellor of the Reich: Dr Goebbels
Party Minister: Bormann
Foreign Minister: Seyss-Inquart
Minister of the Interior: Gauleiter Giesler
Minister of War: Donitz
Supreme Commander of the Army: Schorner
Supreme Commander of the Navy: Donitz
Supreme Commander of the Air Force: Greim
Reichsfuhrer of the S.S. and Head of the German Police: Gauleiter Hanke
Trade: Funk
Agriculture: Backe
Justice: Thierack
Culture: Dr Scheel
Propaganda: Dr Naumann
Finance: Schwerin-Crossigk
Labor: Dr Hupfauer
Munitions: Saur
Leader of the German Labor Front and Minister without Portfolio: Dr Ley.

Although a number of these men, including Martin Bormann, Dr Goebbels and others together
with their wives have joined me of their own free will, not wishing to leave the capital
under any circumstances and prepared to die with me, I implore them to grant my request
that they place the welfare of the nation above their own feelings. By their work and loyal
companionship they will remain as close to me after my death as I hope my spirit will
continue to dwell among them and accompany them always. Let them be severe but never unjust
and let them never, above all, allow fear to preside over their actions, placing the honor
of the nation above everything that exists on earth. May they, finally, always remember
that our task, the consolidation of a National Socialist state, represents the work of
centuries to come, so that every individual must subordinate his own interest to the common
good. I ask of all Germans, of all National Socialists, men and women and all soldiers of
the Wehrmacht, that they remain faithful and obedient unto death to the new government and
its President.

Above all, I enjoin the government and the people to uphold the race laws to the limit and
to resist mercilessly the poisoner of all nations, international ZIONISM.

Berlin, 29 April, 1945, 4 a.m.

Adolf Hitler


Dr Joseph Goebbels Wilhelm Burgdorf
Martin Bormann Hans Krebs



It is NEVER too late to make peace.What we are saying is STOP the cenuries and millenia of
persecution and persecuting.Please Mr. Zionist.Come down to earth and join the rest of the
Jews and Christians who want to live in peace not rest in it.What you are doing Mr. Zionist
is stepping on the toes of a billion arabs and moslems and today ,the world!The world is
saying we can avoid a war and we do not want a war and its not JUST the injustice of
preempting Iraq,its US and our bully foreign policy that needs a major paradigm shift.

It is never too late to make peace Mr. Sharon.In your plight for security and fighting the
terrorists you have become the monster you rallied us all to fight in WWII.Can't you see
that?You cant see the forrest from the trees!Can't you see that your actions today that our
children are doomed to inherit ,are going to become our worst nightmare? And that old self
fulfiling propecy of a holy nuclear war and destruction is going to come true?

Twenty years ago when Nostradamus fans would say 'the next world war`is going to start in
the Middle East' 'Nostradamus said so',people would dismiss it as fast as they heard it.
Now Nostradamuss coltrains are coming back to haunt us.Are we going to let them?

Get down off your high horses for crying out loud already.The security situation is all in
the way you treat the Palestinians.Treat them like equal human beings and there will be no
more security situations.Get them out of the refugee camps (ghettos?) that you have
subjected them to for the last fifty years.Stop the ethnic cleansing. Learn to SHARE and
LIVE in peace.Goodness,Hitler never dropped one ton bombs on ghettos.What have you become?

You have proverbialy become your worst enemy.

The Arab Leaders leaders on the other hand are just as guilty and should take this as a
wake up call.This is the 21st Century and times are hard.The only reasonable and just thing
for the Arab Multi Billionares Kings and Princes alike is to share the wealth.Its high time
to turn a new leaf and wake up to the harsh reality that the masses ARE hurting and that if
they do not want a revolution a la Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI, they better get off
their high camels too or abdicate.

Abdicate or share equaly.

When you come to think about it, the two MAIN ISSUES that Usama Bin laden has , Usama'sBeef ,are:

1) Share the wealth of the Gulf States with its rightful owners,the people.

2) Treat the Palestinian like an EQUAL human being and give him his right to return.

Those two demands dont sound too fanatical.

We (ARAMCO)have been making untold billions and maybe trillions over the last 50 years is
our partnership with the Kings we installed and defend to this day.

Well,the partys over.

The people, the Arabs that we see on the street, not the ones skiing in St.Moritz and
swimming in Marbella,are hurting and want their share!Its only Fair.It doesnt mean that we
will be kicked out,it means that we have to take a cut our profits thats all. Its not the
end of the world.We can negotiate someting that would still be profitable for all.We dont
have to go around the world imposing OUR will on THEIR land using THEIR oil forever when we have our own vast reserves untapped!We dont want to spend
the rest of our lives going around the middle east kicking sand in the Arabs faces and
watching our backs around the world.

The Palestinian is clearly getting the short end of the stick and has been getting the
short end of the stick for 50 years.The Zionist ethnic cleansing has not stopped.It has
been handed down from Prime Minister to prime minister and Its getting worse.Heaven help us
when Nethanyahu takes over.Its not just ethnic cleansing its extermination.Human Beings are
being hunted down in Palestine this very minute with Made is USA weapons as we read this
smug in our middle class homes with our Electricity and our Gas and our Water and our
security and our suv's and our TV's and our three square meals a day and our nightcaps and
midnight snacks that we take for granted, but that is something the Palestinians and the
Southern Lebanese have been begging for for the last 50 years!And we refuse to let them.

We call the opressor " A Man of Peace" while the Palestinian freedomfighter gets a steady
diet of rubber bullets torture prison bulldozing of the shack that he calls a home in a
squallid miserable stinking refugee camp.And to add insult to injury he is called a
terrorist because he is blowing himself up to return to the land that was once his.

How would you feel?Have you ever put yourself in the slippers of the Palestinian living in
a horrible refugee camp from the day you were born with no hope in sight with only Israeli
Sniper scopes in sight and apache helicopters hovering overhead in sight that can KILL ANYONE they feel like ,like wild animals calling them 'suspected' terrorists?The only
occupied territory on the planet in this 21st Century?Gee we dont know why they hate us.

Killing SUSPECTED terrorists? Just WHO is terrorizing whom?

How would you feel if you were sleeping with your wife and kids and someone drops a ONE TON BOMB on that ghetto of a refugge camp that you call a home and kills your entire family and
15 of your neighbours and criticaly wounds 150 innocent women and children in your godforsaken neighborhood?



How would you feel if your 12 year old son is killed ,shot in the head,by a BlackHawk
helicopter that sprayed warning shots at the boys throwing stones at the platoon of Israeli
tanks (Made in USA).You just couldnt LOCK HIM UP AT HOME any longer and while he was out
doing what any red blodded young Palestinian Boy would do,throwing stones at the
OCCUPIERS,doing what almost every single teenager living in your pathetic rundown
bulldozed stinking refugee camp that is being bombarded night and daily,where death
w/martyrdom is almost a welcome relief ??

You are lucky its happening to him and not to you but it was HIS 12 yr old son was murderedby Israeli Zionist using an American weapon paid for by you and me thru our yearly taxes.

HOW does that make you feel?

It is no secret that 100% of the suicide/homicide bomber sees him/herself as a martyr for
the Palestinian cause and 95% of Arabs see the Palestinian suicide/homicide bomber as a
martyr for the cause too.They do not see him/her as a terrorist.He/she is a freedomfighter
inflicting terror on the REAL TERRORIST to make him STOP the OCCUPATION terror and TREAT
him like an EQUAL HUMAN BEING. A balance of power.The Israelis have F16's Tanks Helicopters
Nuclear Weapons WMD's and the Pals have the suicide/homicide bomber SHB's.

Once the Occupation Stops we can be sure the Suicide Bombing will Stop.No one wants to die.
But it is easy to die when life is not worth living. You would rather die than live the
rest of your life like your father did in a refugee camp.

It would be easier to comprehend this incomprehensible situation if only we could empathize
with the Palestinians who have lived as refugees for the last 50 years and see what drives
them to blow themselves up for a cause.

If the tables were turned and Hitler had persecuted the Palestinians instead of the
Jews,and the World came to their rescue just as they did the Jews and they relocated the
Palestinians to Israel after the war and while the WORLD was feeling sorry for the Poor
Palestinians ,they QUIETLY ethnic cleansed Israel out of 700,000 Jews living there for
thousands of years who were driven into Lebanon Syria Sinai Jordan Iraq Kuwait etc.They
made refugees out of innocent helpless Jews who were living in Israel and not bothering
anybody who were waiting for someone to save them and just like in the real story with the
Palestinians, NO ONE HAS SO FAR.Fifty years of Opression.

And to add insult to injwry, they turn what was once known as Israel into the Independent
State of Palestiine and made the former Israelis into third class human beings and first
class terrorists herding them like cattle into the West Bank and Gaza and subjecting the
poor Israels to a BRUTAL OCCUPATION that has lasted 50 years and thanks to OUR (USA) BLESSING ,thanks to the Ultra Right Wing Arabists in Our Government (AOG's) influencing our
Crusader of a president to call ARAFAT a MAN of PEACE, with no HOPE in SIGHT?

Would we condemn the Israeli if he became a suicide bomber?Would we call the Israeli suicide bomber who was terrorizing the Poor Palestinians a terrorist too?

Would we stand by idly and watch as dozens and hundreds of 12 year old Jewish boys who have not even reached their bar mitzvah shot in cold blood on a daily basis for the last 2 years?

We would.

Dont be shocked. We would.

We are doing it as we speak to the Palestinian Boy.

We do it everyday Thanks to the Biased Double Standard of our'PALESTINIAN RIGHT or WRONG'
policies dictated to us by those pesky Arabists Erakats Aryans and Issas who have occupied
every single sensitive position from the Army to the DOD to Nasa to the Senate who have
brainwashed us with their Hawkish 'Might is Right" one sided definition of terrorism.

Both Israelis and Palestinians have to eventualy burry the hatchet and truly forgive and
forget but the ball is in Israels court. The ball is in the Zionist court. It has always
been in their court and its time to play together as a team and share the future as one.
The two state solution is a farce.A band aid solution to a major wound that needed surgery
yesterday.Two states solution might work and bring peace for the short term but two states
would only breed more hate and intolerance that we will leave behind to our children to
deal with later.We dont want that. We want to deal with it now and as we see it the only
long term solution to the Israel Palestine problem in a nutshell (we have kept you long
enough,thank you for reading this far), is to tear down that wall and SHARE EQUALY in one
federal state not unlike Switzerland.

Not Israel Not Palestine, Not Yours Not Mine.



Viva Isralestine!

art [8:45 PM]



C-SPAN's LBJ White House Tapes Archive allows you to listen in Real Media format to individual conversations that have aired on C-SPAN Radio. You can search the archives by category, keyword, or participant.

LISTEN TO LBJ's Frustrated Love sick calls to Jackie Kennedy telling her how much he loved her and how everybody loved her and how 180 million Americans loved her and he was one of the millions who LOVED her and missed her and wanted her to come put her arms around him and how he wanted to be a "daddy" to Caroline and Johnjohn and how he persisted with every phone call to sweet talk her to come to Washington to visit him!

REMEMBER, you read it first on PULP NON FICTION!

96. Conversation 1295 with Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of President John F. Kennedy
Thursday, January 09, 1964, 11:30 AM

Just over six weeks into his presidency, President Johnson again speaks with his predecessor's widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, who provides him some advice on how to make it in the White House. Mrs. Kennedy mentions former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. President Johnson again asks Mrs. Kennedy to come visit him at the White House but receives a firm reply. Jacqueline Kennedy would not appear at the White House again until the presidency of Richard Nixon.
Duration: 1 minute 14 seconds

115. Conversation 6312.16.13 with Press Secretary Pierre Salinger
Monday, December 23, 1963, 9:45 PM

At 9:45 pm on December 23rd, President Johnson gets a call from White House Press Secretary Pierre Salinger. The recording starts with Mr. Salinger giving LBJ information on who will go to the funeral of Democratic Congressman Bill Green of Pennsylvania. Another topic is a news story on LBJ’s phone conversation with President Kennedy’s widow, Jacqueline, earlier that evening. Mrs. Kennedy did not know that several reporters were with LBJ during that call.
Duration: 4:04 min.

116. Conversation 6312.16.2 with Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of President John F. Kennedy
Monday, December 23, 1963, 7:18 PM

Two days later, the president calls Mrs. Kennedy again, just two days before Christmas.
Duration: 1 minute 33 seconds

117. Conversation 6312.14.9 with Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of President John F. Kennedy - and between Lady Bird Johnson and Jacqueline Kennedy
Saturday, December 21, 1963, 6:55 PM

Four days before Christmas, President and Mrs. Johnson call Jacqueline Kennedy, who has already left town, to wish her a merry Christmas. The Johnsons' 16-year-old daughter, Luci Baines Johnson, delivered Christmas presents to the Kennedy family before their departure.
Duration: 2 minutes 27 seconds

128. Conversation 6312.5.5 with Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of President John F. Kennedy
Saturday, December 07, 1963, 5:20 PM

On the day the Johnsons occupy the White House for the first time since the assassination of President John Kennedy, President Johnson calls Mrs. Kennedy at her home in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, DC. Mrs. Kennedy is exhausted by her move out of the White House with her young children Caroline, six-years-old, and John, Jr., who is three.
Duration: 2 minutes 11 seconds

132. Conversation 6312.1.24 with Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of President John F. Kennedy
Monday, December 02, 1963, 2:42 PM

Just 10 days after the assassination of her husband, President Johnson calls Jacqueline Kennedy as a follow up to a handwritten note he has sent to her.
Duration: 2 minutes 2 seconds

art [8:30 PM]


Most of our soldiers are in their late teens and in
their early twenties.We have soldiers who were but a
few years ago playing Nintendo...that’s if they don’t
think they’re still playing Nintendo.
Could these be the nintendo wars?

The Apache 130 Gunship Video is proof of the Nintendo

The Apache videotape is proof tht this time its not
counterstrike or red alert...we have given these young
boys billion dollar machines of war with megaton
bombs. that do not give anyone on the ground a
fighting chance.They've stopped using machine
guns,they're using bombs instead.
And as the AC 130 video shows, they empty all their
ammunition on anything and anyone that moves.

Of all the war footage we have seen none is as
barbaric and despicable as the ac130 gunship
video.Please take a minute to watch the 5 minute
carnage and save it to your hard disc and forward it
to everyone you know.

While it is being played by the media as some sports
event, these boys in this vdeo should be court
martialed,their commanding officer court marshaled,and
the general of the joint friggin chiefs of staff of
these killer forces should be taken out and
court-martialed and the commander in chief of this oh
so arrogant fascist regime and his warmongers should
be impeached and sent to the Hague unlike all the war
criminals the world has ever known but as the most
henious war criminals the world has ever seen since
the end of WWII!

What have you done to our boys Uncle Sam? What have
you done to our country?

What would you do if you were Iraqi and given the
choice? Not to say that the Iraq’s were ever given a

Live with a brutal dictator or die from the bombs of a
“friendly liberator”?

Some Iraqis now find themselves resting in peace
instead of living in it.

Thanks to Operation Iraqi Freedom.

art [8:21 PM]



The low blows ,hitting the French below the belt,from our politicians and our media and our next door neighbor exposes the Vast network of Racist Zionists in the USA who are a MAJOR cause/part of the Middle east problem while pretending to be part of the solution.Most Christian Zionists dont even know they're Zionists though they swear by the "Israel Right or Wrong" policy.That in itself sums up the Zionist agenda and whether one is or is not a Zionist.

Israel is NOT above the law.

Bush and Cheney are not above the law.

NOBODY is right when hes wrong.

We are for Israel when she is right.


We're NOT blind!

Milosevic didnt commit HALF the war crimes and crimes AGAINST HUMANITY!



"Though not for all Americans. Increasingly, France is becoming the North Star for domestic America-haters. The French have long said that being French is a state of mind, not an ethnicity (which is why they made Algerian students recite "Our forefathers the Gauls…" every day). Well, if you go by French attitudes alone, America has the largest population of Frenchmen never to have surrendered to Germany.

Cynthia McKinney, that awful woman, cribs most of her conspiratorial nonsense from French best-sellers and newspapers — even if she's too dim to know it. America's lefty intellectuals, long convinced that anything said with a French accent must be true, serve as a transmission belt for any and every anti-American pronouncement that comes out of Paris."

Why is GOLDBERG spewing ALL this hatred on the French and on Cynthia McKinney too?


And if you dare question his wisdom in bashing he will scream "Anti-Semite!Nazi!"

And Palm Beach County Commissioner Burt Aaronson said he would try to block a subsidiary of the French conglomerate Vivendi from getting a $25 million government contract to build a sludge treatment plant.

"France's attitude toward the United States is deplorable. I don't want to have any French companies earning dollars from American interests," the 75-year-old Aaronson said. "We've left thousands of our men and women over in France, underground. It's quite possible that if we didn't send our troops there, the French people would all be speaking German."

France is far from alone in pushing for a delay in military action. Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Greece, Ireland and Luxembourg have all said they would prefer to give U.N. weapons inspections more time.



In West Palm Beach, Fla., bar owner Ken Wagner dumped his entire stock of French wine and champagne into the street, vowing to serve vintages only from nations that support U.S. policy.



"It's a little different," said Pennsylvania state Rep. Stephen Barrar, who has asked the state to bar sales of French wine. "For 60 years, America has protected France. And we're tired of their anti-American attitude."



"At my insistence, Kathleen Matthews gets to talk, and she describes other "lachrymose" moments, as conservative commentator BILL BENNETT teasingly called Matthews's Gore tribute. Once, Kathleen saw him tear up talking with Charlie Gibson on Good Morning America the day after the death of Tip O'Neill. Then there was the time at a Hay-Adams reception for French businessmen when Matthews waxed poetic about General John "Black Jack" Pershing. She looked up and he was weeping, she recalled.

"That was the white wine!" he interrupts. Some baguette crumbs fly from his lips."

BILL BENNETT is a Zionist.

Ann Coulter was writing "tongue firmly in cheek" when she recommended devastating Muslim countries. On September 12, she was still reeling, as we learn, from the shock of losing friends to terrorist violence. She also pronounced what may be taken as standard neocon prescriptions for dealing with Muslim enemies; and her words, however impassioned, were perhaps less frenetic than the appeal to the American government that issued from the usual neocon suspects hours after the bombings of September 11.

Certainly Coulter’s delight over the "carpet bombing of Germany" in World War Two and her desire to apply this tactic to fighting Muslims could not have disturbed Goldberg’s or Lowry’s handlers in the least. The call for bombing Middle Eastern Muslim countries, on September 12, directed at the government by Bill Kristol and Bill Bennett and thirty seven of their clients, was at least as macabre as anything suggested by Ann Coulter.


These Zionists are but a few of the many French bashers we see today who are calling the French names and belittling Saddams request for a debate.A debate sounds timely. Especialy if it can avert a war. We DEMAND that BUSH agrees to a debate w/ Saddam.That is highly unlikely because he is just not man enough.His handlers wouldn't let him get in the ring w/ Saddam. Saddam would tear him to pieces.

Its not that Saddam is Smarter than Bush,hes just Right and Bush is wrong.

Saddam is NOT Hitler and has no concentration camps where he has detained thousands of Americans or Jews.Rumsfeld and Ashcroft on the other hand have not a few Arabs Afghans and a bevvy of assorted Moslems this very day in detention camps.

Bush has no case for WAR ,PLUS Saddam would spill the beans on WHO GAVE him the biological chemical and nerve agents that he used for almost 10 years killing IRANIANS.

The same arrogant ChickenHawk Bush apologists who are BASHING the FRENCH and cheering us on to war AND calling anyone who opposes them Anti American and Anti Semitic, when the world knows its exactly the opposite, being Anti Bush and Anti Sharon. ANYONE who opposes Sharon and the Zionists is SLANDERED with the "anti semite" kiss of death by none other than the Sons of Zion themselves.

Anti Zionism ends up translated into Anti Semitism.In fact the majority of people we know have never heard of the term Zionist and even more disturbing are those who say its "the jews" and blame it all on the jews when nothing could be further from the truth.

The blame lies squarely on the Zionists,not Jews.Jews are the victims of the Zioinsts.In Israel they are being held hostage by BOTH the IDF and the PLO.Innocent peace loving Jews from the south Bronx to South Africa Southern Galilee end up suffering and being attacked for Sharons massacring misdeeds and now thanks to Wolfowitz and Perle WE deep in the HEARTLAND of America, have been dragged in to this world wide HATRED for the Zionists.

Its a tight race for the Number ONE Most hated man on earth.

Blair Bush or Sharon? Blusharon?

The French are true friends/allies who are warning us of an impending disaster that we are getting ourselves into.What is a friend?

A friend is someone who will advise you to work whatever difficulties out with your spouse, someone who advises you to preempt them in a bitter divorce where you both lose and where the children lose, is not a friend.

BUT it takes a BIG MAN to admit he is wrong and Bush is just not man enough.

Funny,isn't he the smallest six foot two in the world?
He called the North Korean leader a Pygmy. He meant SHRUB.
Schroeder Dwarfs Bush at five foot ten in stockings!

The normal reaction would be to thank the French and the Germans and the Russians and the Chinese for "stabbing us in the front"and not stabbing us in the back as we do world leaders the world over and as we did with Saddam after USING him for around a decade and giving him all the chemical weapons mustard gas nerve gas etc to kill as many Iranians as he could reach with the WMD's and when he informed April Glaspi (what ever happened to her?) that he wanted to reclaim Kuwait back,we told him that we have no objection to his retaking Kuwait back to the Iraqi Motherland as his 'payment' for 10 years of being loyal to US.Then we POUNCED on him.

Michael Moore applauded France for trying to slow the U.S. drive to war with Iraq, saying, "there are millions of Americans" who feel the same."Thanks for showing us the way, and for taking up a position on something very important," he said. "A real ally, a real friend, is someone who tells you when you're wrong."

Michael Moore is right and is a PATRIOT and a HERO for praising not bashing the French.

Synergize dont Pulverize.

French bashing is wrong.

George Bush is wrong.

Israel right or wrong is wrong.

The French and Germans are not W easels.WE are the W EASELS. W is a Weasel!

WE will be the BIG losers in this unjust war with Iraq. We might wipe Saddam and his whole family off the face of this earth but we will be HATED AND DESPISED more than ever the world over.We might win this war for the short term oil and George Bush SR. and his Carlyle Group of Defense and Oil contractors,but we AMERICANS will lose big time in the both short and long term.

We are going to pay for our actions. Did we think we can just go in there and step on the toes of a billion moslems worldwide from Malaysia to the former Yugoslavia and get away with it?WE are going to suffer for this crime we are about to commit.

Did anyone hear Dr.Mahatir?

Its not just Saddam, Its a BILLION moslems. 1/5th of the world population! We are waging war on one in every five people we see!Its MAD!"This blatant double standard is what infuriates Muslims, infuriates them to the extent of launching their own terror attacks.Since September 11, the rich and the powerful have become enraged with the poor half of the world. And their extreme measures to ensure security for themselves have only amplified the anger of the oppressed poor. Both sides are now in a state of blind anger and are bent on killing each other,on war!",5744,6038091%255E25193,00.html

France and Germany are NOT on ORANGE ALERT like WE are today.France and Germany dont have Rummsfeld Cheney Wolfowitz Perle Abrams and Ashcroft turning THEIR country into a paranoid POLICE STATE.SloWly but Surely,Day by day,We are turning into the U.Z.S.A.

United Zionist States of America.

Is that what we want?

That is WHAT the Mad Dog WOLFOWITZ WANTS.He wants that RABIDLY.

When someone bashes others he is voicing out his own W orst fears about himself.When you point you finger to criticize unjustly remember three of your other fingers are pointing straight back at you.

Every single one of us holier than thou Americans,(NOBODY ELSE IS DOING SO),like GOLDBERG AND AARONSON ,who bash the French and the rest of the world for wanting peace and an end to ALL WAR, have to look deep within ourselves and ask WHY are we so AFRAID of SADDAM that we have to travel halfway around the world sending our sons and daughters to go KILL him?

We have to ask ourselves, is it just him? Or do we fear ALL moslems? We have to ask is Saddam the End? Last year it was Bin Laden and we didnt even get him and here we are rushing to kick some more Moslem ass.

And we ask "why do they hate US so?"

Is Saddam W's flavor of the year? Will it be Iran's Khatimi next year? Or Will it be Syria's Assad or Lebanon's Hizballah Fadlallah?

BUT WHY ATTACK anyone at all?

What have they done to us? Why are we on a preempting mode?

Shades of David Levi and his "THOUSAND EYES FOR AN EYE!"

George Bush going thru a Preemptal Stress Syndrome and making us all miserable with him.And we ask "why do they hate us so?"

Is George right and the whole world wrong?

Dont laugh, He is making us miserable.But Bush's no dummy and he and his Poppy and his Carlyle Bildenberg Bin Laden Group are laughing all the way to the bank while heading the world on to a Nuclear World War!

Rummsfeld is pressuring the F.I.B.I for something SPECTACULAR!Something that would befit the Greatest Skull and Bones Leader that Ever Lived!(and Rummy doesnt mean junior)

And the Bashing goes on.

Surreal Francophobia!

While it boils down to senseless French bashing without recognizing their position in the matter, reading something like this just has to make you cringe at how STUPID we are:

More than 100 Nashvillians turned out this afternoon to hit a French car with a sledgehammer in support of America's troops and to protest French anti-American sentiments.

The ''Bash A Peugeot For Peace'' event at the Beaman Automotive Group on Broadway was sponsored by WWTN radio talk-show host Steve Gill. All proceeds are going to charities that send supplies to troops overseas and their families, who have remained at home.

BUSH's BASHERS.Are they all Zionists?
Or are they dumb brainwashed sheep being led to the slaughter?

Kim Jong Il who?


Barbara Bush's Bashers Sell Artillery Shells By the Seashore.

Pass the Frankfurters Garnished with Relish, Onions and Saurkraut AND the French Fries please.

We'd better stop the Bush's Bashers from further Bashing or the French are going to take the Statue of Liberty back.

Are we going to wait till the Crusader in Chief has us at war with Europe next?
BIN LADEN GROUP(click on the link and prepare to be AMAZED)



Take the POLL:


Stop US Tax-funded Aid to Israel Now! SUSTAIN is a non-hierarchical, grassroots organization committed to supporting and sustaining the Palestinian movement for justice, human rights and self-determination. The United States government supports Israeli violations of Palestinian national and human rights militarily, economically, and ideologically. The most tangible form of this support is the massive tax-funded aid that goes to Israel. We are committed to building a campaign against US military and economic aid to Israel so that US tax-dollars do not support the abuse of human rights.

art [8:17 PM]


Rumor Mill News Agents Forum;read=29495


Posted By: ArtBishop
Date: Wednesday, 5 March 2003, 5:49 p.m.









Posted By: ArtBishop
Date: Monday, 11 November 2002, 9:03 p.m.

In Response To: REAL TARGET IRAN??? (TJHines)

Syria and Lebanon TARGETS.

Sitting Ducks.

Why ?

Cause MR.Eagleburger from the A-Team of Zionists said so.

COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT of C-Team Zionist Tony (Z) Snow/Lawrence (Z) Eagleburger Below:,2933,60704,00.html (BOOKMARK IT)

SNOW: What targets could be more important than Iraq?

EAGLEBURGER: But what's happening because of this whole focus on Saddam Hussein, we are losing our focus on the terrorist war, and that worries me a lot as well. There are a lot of other terrorist targets we ought to be focusing on.

SNOW: Such as?

EAGLEBURGER: And I'm afraid that, because we focus so much on Iraq, we're losing that sight.


EAGLEBURGER: Well, there is SYRIA, for example, which is pumping through -- because of IRAN, is pumping weapons on into HEZBOLAH and so forth -- we ought to be -- which is then producing a lot oFAGONY in Palestine and in Israel. We ought to be doing a bit to try to stop that.

There's HEZBOLAH, there's HAMAS, there is a whole range of terrorist targets out there related to Palestine and to ISRAEL that we ought to be trying to deal with."

BINGO! Straight from the Zionist Shoulder.

We have a Syrian Accountability Act when we should be DEMANDING an Israeli Accountability Act.







: In the aftermath of the Turkish Parliamentary vote last week,
: Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz has reportedly
: sent maps and invasion corridor proposals to the Pentagon,
: according to a well-placed Israeli source.

: According to the report, Israel is proposing to stage an
: incident
: to justify an IDF incursion into Syria, to cut a corridor into
: central western Iraq, which could be used to supply American
: troops from the 101st Airborne Division, who would be dropped
: into northern Iraq. Already, the source indicated a build-up
: of
: Israeli tanks along the Syrian border, in order to provoke a
: Syrian mis-step to justify heavy Israeli military actions.

: Despite Sharon's desperation to get the Iraq war going, so
: Israel can pursue its own brutal plans for the occupied
: territories, Lebanon and Syria, the source indicated that many
: Israeli military officials believe that the U.S. is not yet
: ready
: to launch the war, and that any kind of war will be taking an
: enormous risk. In an unsolicited remark, he cited the North
: Korean crisis as the second front in the global crisis that
: would
: explode, were Bush to give the order to American forces to
: invade Iraq.

: [source: Ria Novosti, March 4, 2003, per Fed News]

: sub-theme at a Moscow press conference March 4, held by two
: members of the Federal Council Defense and Security Committee.

: Vasily Klyuchenok, a lieutenant-general of aviation, opened
: his
: remarks by stating his concern that whereas, Iraq had made
: military history through its use of chemical weapons, the U.S.
: had demonstrated, during the bombings of Hiroshima and
: Nagasaki,
: that nuclear weapons could also be used. He described these as
: "vicious" priorities, and said that it cannot be
: guaranteed that
: these things wouldn't happen again.

: "Or, if the conflict goes much further, then ...
: will it not become the prologue for a third world war
: involving the use of quite serious means of destruction,
: and with much more serious consequences for all the
: participants?"

: Later, asked about whether he was forecasting a Third World
: War, he said, he hoped not, but that he had expressed his
: concerns. Asked whether the U.S. may use low-yield nuclear
: bombs,
: he said that he could not rule this out. He also said he had
: raised this danger to the Americans.

: On a slightly different note, when asked if he thought a
: certain stage of military deployment would make it impossible
: to
: stop, he said no. "All troops operate by command.... This
: could
: be described as exercises and one can get out of this
: situation
: with dignity in general."

: It is perhaps also of note that the moderator of the press
: conference started off saying that it's likely Washington will
: hit Iraq March 12, with or without a UN resolution.

: [Source: Xinhuanet, Tuesday, March 4, 2003.]


: Obviously feeling the heat
: of the international exposes of the Bush Administration
: utopians'
: schemes to use mini-nuclear weapons against Saddam Hussein in
: an
: Iraq war, British Defense Minister Geoff Hoon told the House
: of
: Commons on Monday, ``Can I make it quite clear that we forsees
: no
: circumstances at the present time where nuclear weapons would
: be
: required'' in a war against Iraq.

: ``I am confident that the United States, like the United
: Kingdom,
: will fully respect its obligations under international law,''
: including conventions banning the use of chemical weapons.

: Back in February, in an interview with BBC television,
: Hoon had been more equivocal about the use of nukes,
: declaring,

: ``We have always made it clear
: that we would reserve the right to use nuclear weapons
: in conditions of extreme self defense

: THE USE OF "MINI-NUKES" into various military
: strategies,
: said a leading strategist, who has done a great deal of work
: on the history of nuclear warfare plans.

: He was speaking to EIR, in response to a discussion
: on EIR's recent groundbreaking material,
: on the "mini-nukes" plans of the utopians.

: He said: "The whole history of nuclear warfare planning,
: since 1945, has been one long attempt, to find a way of USING
: nuclear weapons, without a global war, and creating a global
: radioactive disaster. There has been constant search, which
: has
: taken different forms over recent decades, to find nuclear
: weapons 'so small and harmless', that they can be used in
: regional wars. The first person to enunciate this, was Henry
: Kissinger, in his {Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy}, in the
: 1950s."

: The strategist said a second key individual, is Colin Gray,
: of the University of Hull -- which is an interesting story, in
: and of itself. The late John Erickson always pointed to Gray,
: as
: typical of the emerging "geopolitical madmen"
: threatening the
: planet, and would tell EIR, "He was my student, but then
: he went rotten."

: Gray has been the co-director, with Professor Geoffrey
: Sloan of the Britannia Naval War College, in Dartmouth, UK, of
: the Mackinder Forum, a key forum for geopolitical madness.

: A third key figure in this history, is James Schlesinger,
: and his doctrine of "flexible response."
: Georgetown's Edward
: Luttwak also, for a time, had played around with "small
: nuclear weapons" scenarios.

: The source said: "The consolation in all this, is that
: nobody has succeeded in pulling this off, there is no such
: thing,
: as an unconventional conventional weapon, that would allow for
: the use of nuclear weapons, without creating a radioactive
: desert."

: A second individual, a higher-up in the British strategic-
: military establishment, who was otherwise fully on the
: "war is
: inevitable"/"quick victory in Iraq" line
: (although not himself a
: fan of the Washington Chickenhawk crowd), was aghast at these
: "mini-nuke" plans, declaring, "I am implacably
: opposed to all of
: this, there is no worse signal that we can give North Korea.
: This will blow apart the entire global non-proliferation
: regime,
: if it is allowed to get too far. The whole idea is absolute
: nonsense." He remains convinced, for whatever reason,
: that "the
: political leadership" in the U.S. or UK, would never
: allow
: nuclear weapons to be used in Iraq.


art [8:15 PM]


One night, George W. Bush is awakened by George Washington's
ghost in the White House. Bush asks him; "George, what's the
best thing I can do to help the country?

"Set an honest and honorable example, just as I did,"
Washington advises.

The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson moves through the
dark bedroom "Tom," Bush asks, "what is the best thing I could
do to help the country?"

"Cut taxes and reduce the size of government," Jefferson

Bush isn't sleeping well the next night, and sees another
figure moving in the shadows. It's Abraham Lincoln's
ghost. "Abe, what is the best thing I can do now, to help the
country?" Bush asks.

Abe replies; "Go see a play."

art [8:02 PM]


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art [8:00 PM]


Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum


Posted By: ArtBishop
Date: Saturday, 23 November 2002, 10:03 a.m.


Stupidity features interviews with Noam Chomsky, John Cleese, Bill Maher and former Bush speechwriter David Frum, and is being commissioned by the Documentary Channel and the CBC. A trailer for Stupidity can be found at:



Messages In This Thread

ArtBishop -- Saturday, 23 November 2002, 9:37 a.m.
ArtBishop -- Saturday, 23 November 2002, 10:03 a.m.
BarbaraHartwell -- Saturday, 23 November 2002, 4:35 p.m.

art [7:54 PM]


Im dreaming of a white christmas...
just like the one i used to know

It takes a few minutes to load, so be patient, but I
think you will enjoy :) this one was found after
extensive research for the most original Xmas greeting 2002.

art [7:51 PM]



The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime,the Watch Dog That Did Not Bark
(Updated 03/02/03)

The Sherlock Holmes mystery the "Silver Blaze" was about the theft of an expensive race horse from its stable. During the investigation, Inspector Gregory of Scotland Yard asked Holmes if there was any particular aspect of the crime calling for additional study. Holmes replied "Yes," and pointed to "the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime." Inspector Gregory replied, "The dog did nothing in the night-time." Holmes said, "That was the curious incident." In this case, the failure of the dog to bark when Silver Blaze was stolen showed the watch dog knew the thief. This was an important material fact; it considerably reduced the number of suspects, and eventually solved the case.

Having said that we would like to ask one question having searched the web thru and thru and high and low but could find NOTHING to answer our question.So short of asking Jeeves, we would like to toss the question out to you and you tell us.As far as we know this is the FIRST time this question has ever been raised on the intrnet or anywhere.
(original Dog that Did Not Bark article published April 2002)

As anyone who has been to a modern day airport probably noticed, there are security cameras that record your every move from the minute your car drives in the parking lot to your walking up to the ticket counter to your going thru the xray machine to your sitting in the departure lounge to your boarding your plane. Are you with us so far? Does anyone dispute this FACT? Can anyone tell you otherwise?

Ok now to get to our question,we want to take you to a black and white still picture that was shown to the WORLD that showed two men checking in an airport on 911.Keep in mind that a 6th grader can take a picture and put ficticious dates on them.A date on a picture is not foolproof.One of them was called Atta the other was,does anyone remember his name? Does anybody really care what his name was?We got the big bad arab moslem fanatic ringleader Mohammad Atta ,thats all that matters right?


That wasnt the question in question.
The question that has been nagging us for 17 months now that NOBODY has asked is:

Where the hell is the footage of the 17 OTHER 'hijackers'?

All we were shown were 19 passport pictures of 19 'dead men'.

We'd like to see the footage of ALL of the 19 'hijackers' entering the airport checking in going thru the xray machines and boarding the bloody planes please, do you mind Mr.Bush?

We'd settle to see some still pictures of them all in the airports even.
Is it too much to ask? We need proof.We hunger for the truth,dont you?
You SHOULD have those tapes somewhere dont you?

We dont trust TonyBlair saw proof.Does anyone trust Tony?Not even the British believe him.

In all FAIRNESS to the families of the victims we DEMAND to see the AIRPORT SECURITY CAMERA TAPES of the victims in their last two hours or so ALIVE before they tell us well one year has lapsed and since no one asked and they were classified docs, we normaly, SHRED THEM!

Forgive us for doubting and bringing up this maybe irrelevant point out to you here,but these are extraordinary times,and these are very relevant questions you should be aksing yourselves,and while we 're at it we have a few more NAGGING questions:

2) We'd like to see pictures of the plane that crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside...We never saw ONE shred of debris of a plane,did you?Has anybody seen ONE picture of a plane? In this day and age where we have footage of the lowliest car chase we dont have ONE picture of that plane that crashed in Pennsylvania.? All we saw were trees and some sort of sand dune debris in the background.We are in no way implying anything but SHOW US PLEASE,and that BLACK BOX? should be made public.Its fishy/suspicious to say the least when it is "revealed" to just the grieving family members who were sworn to secrecy.Has anyone heard a peep from them since?Why the secrecy?Because there was NO MENTION of ARABS anywhere on the taped conversations?

3) We'd d like to see the same for the pentagon 'plane crash'.we have gone thru ALL the pics made available. Wheres the plane? Where are the wings? Wheres the tail? Did the 4 engines evaporate into thin air? Where are the black boxes (supposedly found september 14) for cryin out loud?Why were the 'hijackers'names not on the planes manifest? Why were there no Arab names in ANY of the 4 'planes'manifests?Was it a missle that hit the Pentagon? A truck bomb a la Oklahoma?Shades of Timothy McVeigh?Or was it an INSIDE JOB?

4) If there are no planes in Pittsburgh and the Pentagon and there are no hijackers what REALLY happened? Remote controled planes in the WTC case or was it our very own homegrown American homeboyterrorists?Or was it the SHADOW GOV? Was it the Marvin Bush and the Mossad?

5) Why has the MAIN Anthrax suspect PHILLIP ZACK NOT been arrested yet? Are the feds afraid of his being a Zionist?

6) Were the Mailbox bombs Bin Ladden and Saddams work too? Were the SNIPERS Arabs?

7) Will King George Bush the Second (KGBII )declare martial law abolishing the writ of habeas corpus making everyone & anyone who opposes the war on terror and who questions whats going on a terrorist too?"You're either with us or you're a terrorist too"?

9) Why did George Bush sit there reading a goat story to kids for almost 30 minutes AFTER the second plane crashed into the WTC? Was that the normal reaction of a Leader who said he would do everything in his power to protect his citizens?Where was his OUTRAGE? Was he waiting for the "operation" to finish?

9) Is Cybermartial law next?The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime,Why didnt the dog bark? Elementary dear Watson...He knew the culprit.

art [7:44 PM]


A couple goes on vacation to a fishing resort in northern Minnesota. The husband likes to fish at the crack of dawn. The wife likes to read. One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out by herself. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and continues to read her book.
Along comes a forest policeman in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and says, "Good morning, Ma'am. What are you doing?" "Reading a book," she replies, thinking, isn't that obvious? "You're in a restricted fishing area," he informs her. "I'm sorry officer, but I'm not fishing. I'm reading." "Yes, but you have all the equipment, so I'm going to have to take you in....."
"If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault," says the woman. "But I haven't even touched you," says the policeman. "That's true, but you have all the equipment," she replies.
MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It's likely she can also think.

art [7:41 PM]