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Pulp Non Fiction

[ Monday, June 30, 2003 ]


art [9:49 AM]

[ Saturday, June 28, 2003 ]


Don't Shoot Till You See The W hites of Their Eyes


When the Rebels became aware of the British general's intention, they decided to frustrate it. Under cover of darkness during the night of June 16, they managed to send their men and a few field guns to the top of Bunker Hill. The surprised British woke up to find American guns pointing down at them. General Gage felt he had to take the hill at all costs and ordered a frontal attack, supported by artillery, by the guns of his ships, and by floating batteries on both sides of the peninsula.

Since the Bostonians had a limited supply of powder and used far from reliable muskets, their leader, General William Prescott, told them, "don't one of you fire until you see the whites of their eyes." And so they did. Just at the point of being overrun, the Rebels delivered a fire so deadly that the British troops retreated in disorder. Then a second wave marched up the steep hill, only to be repulsed again.

By the end of the day, however, a third wave —fighting with bayonets — captured the hill, and thus the British finally commanded the whole peninsula.

At that moment, the roomful of tea drinkers broke into wild cheers: "Jolly good show!...Those Rebels got what they deserved... That'll teach those hotheads...They must know their place now." When the hubbub calmed down, my father continued: "The casualties are high. More than 1,000 killed and wounded on the British side, more than 400 for the Rebels, including General Warren who was killed. And the nearby town of Charlestown almost totally destroyed by fire on the order of General Gage."


With our troops getting killed like sitting ducks on a daily basis it is clear that this arrogant cakewalk is no cakewalk.We know jfcakewalks and this dear Tommy Franks is NO cakewalk.

What we are witnessing today is a guerilla warfare and public resistance to an occupying force..the likes vietnam or or even afghanistan for that matter has never seen.The Israelis have been digging themselves deeper into this occupation hole for the last 50 years with NO SUCCESS whatsoever..Iraq is a hundred times bigger and more complex than the west bank!Saddam or uday or qUSAy could not fight our B52 bombers and our 20 ton Bombs and our F16's and our cruise Missleds of Mass destruction (The US won that battle but the wars not over yeat mr mission accomplised ..saddamloyalists are waging a man to man war now on the ground as the Iraqi Liberation Organization.Lets see thats what it is.LMD TOZP Loyalists of Mass our zionist plans.

And King George Bush dons his Top Gun Costume and declares above the USS CLUELESS.. "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" KGB

Mission Accomplished you moron?MORE than FIFTY OF OUR BOYS KILLED and HUNDREDS WOUNDED since W made that missionaccomplished statement and The shows just getting started.But Stay tuned to FOXNN for the latest disinformation we'll dsitort it somehow to your liking.Mission Accomplished? That was a premature ejerkulation if we ever heard one.Whos he foolin?

How long are we going to be bamboozeled by this self destructive administration?How much longer are we going to let the Wolfowitzes and the A Team of Zionists Rule OUR country?Do we have to wait for hundreds of grieving parents to BEG US to bring their CHILDREN back?How long before we see that ot is our BULLY foreign policy that they hate,not us!How long before we see that OUR president is themost hated man today on this planet only after having overtook Ariel the Butcher Sharon (who overtook Milosevic) for first place in a few years.

End the Warrenterra.

IMPEACH the Bushes.

Save the world from Evil Dewars who are a threat to civilization and who have WMD's and threten to PREEMPT ANYONE they damn please.



Click on the link above and Cast your vote now or forever hold your mouse."

"Americans supposedly in polls support the war, it may be a case of living in denial"

Dont be fooled by polls we just saw on foxtv a poll taken in iraq that said that 67% of Iraqis polled SUPORT GEORGE BUSH.


That iraq poll in iraq is INFLOCKINGCREDIBLE since maybe 67% hate bush right here in the US and around the world the figure is HIGHer.

Irak and Poll.

Guerrilla War feared in Iraq

US commanders feel pacifying Iraq may take longer than expected
The mounting casualty toll suffered by US and British forces this week in Iraq is a worrying reminder, both to their commanders and to their political masters back home, that the process of bringing peace to Iraq will take time and will have a significant cost.

art [8:19 AM]

[ Tuesday, June 24, 2003 ]


"On the first day of the campaign, Marine units were ordered to secure 600 Iraqi oil wells and prevent environmental disaster. And that MISSION was ACCOMPLISHED" (Applause.) GWBUSH 4/3/03

art [3:06 PM]

[ Saturday, June 21, 2003 ]


65.2 per cent want Bush impeached
OfficialPoll results confirm public opinion
THE WMD's In The Mail Stupid!

art [12:15 AM]

[ Friday, June 20, 2003 ]


Terrorist Dogs : A Simple Analogy

Our dog Max loves us.

We love our dog Max.

The second he hears us pull up the driveway he rushes to greet us,barking wagging his tail and jumping up and down with joy.And we greet him and pet him and say good boy Max and walk towards the garage closet where we have a box of dog biscuit and give him one and he is the happiest dog in the world.He has been waiting for that treat all day.

Our 50 lb Labrador licks our hands our face in happiness and would go on for hours playingw/us if we let him.This friendly animal that we let into our homes and into our lives and into our hearts,thats totaly dependent on us that would probably give his life for anyone of us.

But had this same animal, who our 10 yr old daughter personally domesticated from a puppy 2 years ago, been brought up on the streets running with a pack of dogs,having to fight for his very existence and survival,he would be a different animal entirely.You see them sometimes driving down the streets ,there would be no way you could even dare come close to him as we are today.He would scare you and ten others like you had he been a wild dog.Even stray cats are wild and dangerous and you would never dream of petting her,not that she'd let you get anywhere near her.

This same happy loving animal who is naturally great with children would be a violent vicious ferocious creature that could tear your throat apart and eat your heart out without thinking twice and with no remorse whatsoever.

Had Max been a wild dog or had we sent Max to a police dog academy of sorts and trained to be an attack dog,we would tremble at the sight of him.So would you.The images of that woman in San Francisco forgive me for not remebering her name right now but letss not stray from the issue we're trying to make.That dog was not born wild, he was once a cute little puppy that you would have loved to own.Years of living on the streets and fighting with other wild dogs and cars and rummaging thru garbage made him into the wild possibly killer "guard" dog that he is today.

The Palestinians just one example of a poor shepherd tribe that nobody really gave a flock about who woke up one day to find that their land was no longer their land and they had to live in refugee camps in like the sheep they used to keep.These proud peace loving shepherds and fishermen and farmers were exiled to these miserable camps where most of them live to this day and they have given birth to maybe 2 million more refugess They have The true victimes of ethnic cleansing that is going on to this day who have been living not in the streets but in the in the streets of the refugee camps which is the closest you could call hell on earth for 50 years now,displaced disgraced degraded dejected denied destroyed yet always resurected.

This humble yet proud Arabs who had no oil that we grossly abandoned have refused roll over and play dead.This Hamas suicide bomber"terrorist" that we fear these boys and girls mostly in their teens and early twenties who are plowing themselves up to be heard who we grossly misunderstood that is on the top ten of the Israels most wanted list being hounded like a wild animal were once a peaceful human being too.

Israel turned him into the killer that he is today.

The twelve year old boy that is hurling stones at Abrams tanks (made in the USA)That is getting shot and killed will one day grow up (if he survives) to be a suicide bomber.He knows no better.He would rather die as a martyr a hero and take us with him Than spend the rest of his living like his father did, a refugee in a miserable refugee camp under occupation by a hostile army whose mission in life is to kill him.

The same goes for the dreaded Lebanese Hizballah "terrorist",the TigerTamil "terrorist",the Chechen "terrorist",the MILF "terrorist",and so on and so forth.There is more to these "terrorists" than meets the eye.Where have all the freedomfighters gone?Taken by their governments and transformed so conveniently into terrorists.

In order to see this we have to go beyond the latest "terrorist" attack and examine the root of the problem that transformed this human being that was once a helpless baby sucking his mothers breast, into the beast that he is today.

No one wants to live the way any of the above "terrorists" are living. Why should they? Would you? How long would you stand for it?How long would you stand for living like a hounded animal in a refugee zoo that makes the ghettos in Warsaw look like a five star hotel?

The Palestinian could be the Israelis best friend.

Can we turn a wild dog into a domesticated pet? Sure. Feed him regularly for a few days, show him that you care for his well being,make him a little doghouse that he can call his own,make him feel comfortable with you,make him TRUST you, throw him a stick and play fetch with him once in a while,buy him dog biscuits,and before you know it he will be eating out of the palm of your hand and licking your face.Before the two of you know it,this wild beast would become your best friend
who would defend you with his life if you were ever attacked by man or beast.

No dog wants to live the rest of his doggone life in the wild,fighting daily for his very existence just as no man would accept to wake up everyday living under a brutal occupation in a squalid dirty stinking miserable refugee camp not knowing how he isGoing to feed his children and not knowing if he will live thru the day without getting killed. No man wants to live a dogs life yet no dog would want to live a Palestinian refugee “terrorists” life.

The Filipino “terrorist” in Mindanao has been subject to this degradation and extermination for the last 400 years.He was hounded in his own land by Spanish conquerors for his faith that was also subjected to him by the Arabs and 400 years later he is still being hounded by his own people who were converted into good Christians and handed the intolerant torch by the Spanish and Americans when they left the Philippines.


From Muritania to Mindanao, no one wants to live like that.Would you?

Treat them like wild dogs and one day when theyre hungry enough they will attack you and maybe kill you.

Pet them and care for them and they will be your best friend.

art [1:51 AM]

[ Thursday, June 19, 2003 ]


Visually Navigate Information Spaces and Taxonomies: A Gem of the Web.

Visual Thesaurus 2

A must have writers tool.Bookmark it now.

art [8:49 PM]

[ Tuesday, June 17, 2003 ]


By Eliot Weinberger

June 2003

This article, one of the best short analyses of the Bush administration's policies, was written for "Vorwarts," the official magazine of the German Social Democratic Party.

In the Western democracies in the last fifty years, we have grown accustomed to governments whose policies on specific issues may be good or bad, but which essentially institute incremental changes to the status quo. The major exceptions have been Thatcher and Reagan, but even their programs of dismantling systems of social welfare seem, in retrospect, mild compared to what is happening in the United States under George Bush-- or more exactly, the ruling junta that tells Bush what to do and say.

It is unquestionably the most radical government in modern American history, one whose ideology and actions have become so pervasive, and are so unquestionably mirrored by the mass media here, that the population seems to have forgotten what "normal" is.

George Bush is the first unelected President of the United States, installed by a right-wing Supreme Court in a kind of judicial coup d'etat. He is the first to actively subvert one of the pillars of American democracy: the separation of church and state. There are now daily prayer meetings and Bible study groups in every branch of the government, and religious organizations are being given funds to take over educational and welfare programs that have always been the domain of the state.

Bush is the first president to invoke the specific "Jesus Christ" rather than an ecumenical "God," and he has surrounded himself with evangelical Christians, including his Attorney General, who attends a church where he talks in tongues.

Perhaps it cannot be stopped, but the first step toward slowing it down is the recognition that this is an American government unlike any other in this country's history, and one for whom democracy is an obstacle.

What Is Happening in America?

art [4:56 AM]

[ Sunday, June 15, 2003 ]


Happy Fathers Day

The Improbability of You :To Live at All Is Miracle Enough

by Richard Dawkins

excerpt from Chapter I,of his 1998 book Unweaving the Rainbow

art [5:16 AM]

[ Wednesday, June 11, 2003 ]



What's the number one item on the agenda of the Christian Right? Abortion? School Prayer? No and No. Believe it or not, what's most important to a lot of conservative Christians is the Jewish State. Israel: Its size, its strength, and its survival. Why?

There is the alliance between America and Israel in the war on Islamic terror. But it goes deeper. For Christians who interpret the bible in a literal fashion, Israel has a crucial role to play in bringing on the Second Coming of Christ.

It’s not good for the Jews. It’s not good for the Jews," says Alfer. We have to get God out of this conflict if we’re going to have any chance to survive as a healthy, secure Jewish state."

art [5:27 PM]


92% Polled Said YES.

Take the poll

Should George W Bush be impeached?

art [2:14 PM]

[ Tuesday, June 10, 2003 ]



Bush has become a liability for Israel. If the world starts looking at the lies about Iraq, it won't stop there. They will look at the lies about Afghanistan, the lies about the Anthrax letters, and the lies about 9-11.

So thats why ARIEL FLIESHER's leaving the Whitelies House?

art [7:35 AM]

[ Friday, June 06, 2003 ]


Arent You Glad You're Not a NeoCon?

Don't You Wish Everybody Wasn't?

(found this gem of a test browsing the enemy (FreeRepublic) websites)

(personal results [shared w/ you lucky readers] below)

Take the Quickie Test Here:

Are You a Neocon?

Regular readers of LRC or other right-of-center sites are sure to have seen terms like "neoconservative" and "paleo-libertarian" from time to time. A quick Google search can explain what the words mean, but definitions don’t really answer the more interesting and important question – which one are you?

Naturally you might be neither "paleo" nor "neo." But for those who’d like to find out I devised a quick quiz during a spell of
procrastination a few months back. Here it is. After answering twenty questions it’ll give you my impression of which of ten modern American deologies is the best fit for you, along with links to sites representing the philosophy of each.

There’s no shortage of political quizzes on the ‘net, but how many others includes "paleoconservative" and "third way" as categories? Not many (or any) that I’ve seen. And to be thoroughly immodest, this quiz is less slanted than most too. I’m a pale-something myself though, so if you find bias that’s where I’m coming from. Other than that the major flaw is that I don’t know modern left-wing ideologies at all well, so the categories of "radical," "liberal" and "third-way" probably are not how leftists would classify themselves.

The quiz questions are mostly about public policy. An alternative method would have been to ask general philosophical questions, or even to ask for interpretations of historical events. I chose the policy-oriented approach because it seemed most straightforward and clear.

Here, in brief, are the ideologies that the quiz examines. You’ll probalby want to take the quiz first though. The sketches below aren’t an answer key, but you can probably deduce from the definitions how someone of a given ideology would answer a particular question. That’s the entire principle of the quiz, after all.

Centrist – Just what it sounds like. Someone who doesn’t have any particularly strong ideological leanings in any direction.
Conservative – Specifically a "fusionist" conservative of the National Review - Heritage Foundation mold. Someone who believes in traditional morality and capitalism, and the need for a limited government to allow both to flourish.
Left-libertarian – The quiz uses a mild definition of a left-libertarian, an anti-statist who is somewhat fearful of corporate and religious influence on public life.
Liberal – Supports economic regulation to promote social justice and takes a progressive stance toward moral or cultural issues.
Libertarian – A libertarian opposes most or all government activites. Does not favor much or any government support for either moral or economic systems.
Neoconservative – A "neocon" is more inclined than other conservatives toward vigorous government in the service of the goals of traditional morality and pro-business policies. Tends to favor a very strong foreign policy of America as well.
Paleoconservative – "Paleocons" want less US involvement in foeign affairs than other conservatives and oppose mass immigration. They are also more favorably disposed toward the South and the idea of secession, or at least decentralization, than neoconservatives.
Paleo-libertarian – Similar to other libertarians except for oppostion to mass immigration, and shares the paleocon appreciation of the South.
Radical – Critical of bouregois morality and strongly opposed to capitalism and willing to use state power to achieve desired ends.
Third-way – More supportive of foreign intervention than liberals and less supportive of economic regulation, coupled with more-or-less progressive social views. "Third-way" is to liberal what neoconservative is to conservative.


OK artsresults: The list below is modified by your input. Note: The selector author alone determined the questions and scoring of these results.

Rank #1 equals your best match:

ArtBishops results are below...

#1 Radical
#2 Liberal
#3 Left-libertarian
#4 Libertarian
#5 Paleo-libertarian
#6 Third Way
#7 Paleoconservative
#8 Centrist
#9 Neoconservative
#10 Conservative

What results did you get?

art [11:00 PM]


Politician Freefalls to His Death?


"Moellemann announced in March he was leaving Germany's opposition Free Democrats as
leaders of the party made efforts to expel him over accusations that he uttered anti-Semitic statements."

Thursday, June 5, 2003

BERLIN, Germany (CNN) -- A German politician under investigation in a party funding scandal
died in a parachute jump as federal deputies suspended his parliamentary immunity and launched an investigation.
He served as an economics minister last decade and had been a member of parliament without a party affiliation.

The German media are questioning whether the death was a suicide, but police said they have not yet determined the cause.

Moellemann announced in March he was leaving Germany's opposition Free Democrats as leaders of the party made efforts to expel him over accusations that he uttered anti-Semitic statements. The party's deputy leader until last autumn, Moellemann stepped down from that position after colleagues blamed the uproar over his actions for the party's poor showing in September elections. He leaves a wife and three children.
Inquiry underway into Möllemann's death,3367,1429_W_887304,00.html

art [8:23 AM]

[ Wednesday, June 04, 2003 ]


Pictures of the June Protest Jews NOT Zionists.
No one knows them better.
"Zionism is Racism"
WE are all equal.
No one is chosen and no one is persecuting you.
The only ones doing the persecuting these days is you.
Treat the Pal as an equal and there will be peace.
You can undress someone with a kind word.
All this violence begets more violence.
Wipe the slate clean brothers.
Truly forgive and forget.
Be more forgiving.
Be more giving.
Its Yours.
Its mine.

art [2:53 AM]


Russia Concerned Over Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program

PUSAN, South Korea, June 2, 2003 (Haa’retz Daily)-- Russia recently expressed concern over Israel's nuclear program and demanded that this be placed on the agenda of international organizations concerned with preventing nuclear proliferation.

art [1:17 AM]

[ Tuesday, June 03, 2003 ]


by Napoleon Hill

If you must give expression to predjudice and hatred and intolerance, do not speak it,but write it; write it in the sands, near the waters edge.

When the dawn of intelligence shall spread over the eastern horizon of human progress, and Ignorance and Superstition shall have left their footprint on the sands of time, it will be recorded in the last chapter of man's crimes that his most grevious sin was that of intolerance.

The bitterest intolerance grows out of religious, racial and economic prejudices and differences of opinion. How long unntil we poor mortals understand the folly of trying to destroy one another because we are of different religious beliefs and tendancies?

Our allotted time on this earth is but a fleeting moment. Like a candle, we are lighted, shine for a moment, and flicker out.Why can we not learn to so live during this brief earthly visit that when the great Caravan called Death draws up and announces this visit completed, we will be able to fold our tents and silently follow into the great unknown w/ out fear and trembling?

I am hoping that I will find no Jews or Gentiles, Catholics or Protestants, Germans, Englishmen or Frenchmen when I shal have crossed the bar to the other side.I am hoping that I will find there only human Souls, Brothers and Sisters all, unmarked by race , creed or color, for I shall want to be done with intolerance so I may rest in peace throughout eternity.

art [11:31 PM]


Stories from a small planet

+ This Week: FRONTLINE/World, Thurs., June 5, at 9 p.m. on PBS (check
local listings).

A breaking news story from the Philippines about the Muslim rebels the
U.S. army may soon be fighting ... an update on our report about
journalists coming under fire in Gaza and the West Bank from Israeli
soldiers ... and an encore of our story about the impact of television
on the remote Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan.

art [9:00 PM]