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Pulp Non Fiction

[ Tuesday, April 26, 2005 ]




art [3:31 AM]



Bush Holding Hands W/ Abdullah

art [2:23 AM]



Ralph Shoenman 911 (Video)

Download the QuickTime Video Now (Right-Click to Save)

Ralph Shoenman, former Executive Director of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, is seen here in this video speaking about 9/11. Always articulate, often controversial, this is a rare interview with the man who brings "Taking Aim" to air every week.

art [1:33 AM]



29 Thoughts About The Apparent Sexiness of The Neo Pope


art [1:09 AM]


[ Monday, April 25, 2005 ]


John Bolton Exposes Himself : In His Own Words VIDEO

Captain of The A-TEAM of Zionists

"The U.S makes the U.N work when it wants it to work and that is EXACTLY the way it should be because the only question, THE ONLY QUESTION for the United States is whats in OUR national interest.And if you dont like that I'm sorry because thats a fact." JB

art [9:05 PM]




"Now we know what George Bush meant when he said he had a mandate" BM


art [8:58 PM]


[ Sunday, April 24, 2005 ]


Former RNC Insider and Bush Strategist Says He Has 9/11 'Smoking Gun,' Proving Government Complicity

A conservative who once 'rubbed shoulders' with the Washington neo-cons also says America is now under a fascist rule and Bush must be impeached.

A former Republican Party insider turned Bush basher thinks he has "stumbled across" what may be the "smoking gun," proving the U.S. government’s official story about the WTC attacks is an "unequivocal lie."Karl Schwarz of Little Rock, Ark., who several years ago began exposing corruption amongst the neo-conservative movement in a book entitled "A One Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas," now has set his sights on proving government complicity in 9/11.

Schwarz admits he had a "whole lot" of the later when running across the video footage in a French foreign film entitled "The Barbarian Invasion."Contained in the film unrelated to 9/11, is a 1:52 second video segment, shot by an unknown amateur photographer at the WTC, which Schwartz says clearly shows a 737 airliner striking the south Tower, not a 767 Boeing jet as previously reported by the government.

art [6:45 PM]



Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11: Audio

Alex Jones Interviews Andreas Von Buelow Transcript

"At the first hours, we didn’t know who was it, then within hours it came out that probably Usama bin Laden and Al Qaeda was behind it. And then within two or three days these 19 people came out. And my objection was- my looking at it- to whom does it bring good? And I found out that it is rather damaging to the Islamic world and perhaps it might be not only be a terrorist attack but perhaps it might be a covert operation."So for me, since the official version- it’s not credible at all, it’s totally incredible. The second solution for me is a covert operation. And this is a way to influence, to brainwash the American people into long, long, ongoing conflict with the Muslim world and all that you get to, for example the oil companies, the last oil reserves which we need for the next decades before the oil age is going out. And probably behind this is a geopolitical thinking that finally China has to be taken out. China is too big and you have to be able to- this is put down in the New American Century, which has been written by a lot of people who are now in government like Cheney, like Rumsfeld and others.

art [6:31 PM]



Meanwhile: From Damascus to Beirut and Back

By Elisabeth Eaves International Herald Tribune

The distance between Damascus and Beirut was growing, it seemed, when I arrived at the Damascus taxi terminal.Fixing governments, unfortunately, is much harder, even for the cleverest mechanics.

art [2:16 AM]



Jews and the Empire

By Israel Shamir

(A Talk given in the House of Lords, Westminster, on February 23, 2005)

Ladies and Lords, Gentlemen, Friends,

A Jewish joke tells of two Jewish brothers in revolutionary Odessa; one of them emigrated to England and became a peer of the realm, another one remained in Russia, suffered as much as anybody, and eventually the Russian brother was invited by his British brother to London. The brother arrived, received English citizenship, had whale of time, went to Covent Garden, maybe to the Palace, at night the brothers come home, and the Russian brother began to cry. “Oh do not cry, told him the English brother, you had your life, I had mine, it could happen other way around.” “You did not understand me, - says the Russian brother, - I weep for India we have lost”.

art [1:59 AM]



The World According To Bush (VIDEO)

A film by William Karel in collaboration with Eric Laurent author La guerre des Bush and Le monde secret de Bush.This film aims to pass through the looking glass and to show how the Bushes, father and son, have not only dined with the devil but have often invited themselves to his table.

art [1:55 AM]


[ Saturday, April 23, 2005 ]


Former RNC Insider and Bush Strategist Says He Has 9/11 'Smoking Gun'

Proving Government ComplicityA conservative who once 'rubbed shoulders' with the Washington neo-cons also says America is now under a fascist rule and Bush must be impeached and thinks he has "stumbled across" what may be the "smoking gun," proving the U.S. government’s official story about the WTC attacks is an "unequivocal lie."

Contained in the film unrelated to 9/11, is a 1:52 second video segment, shot by an unknown amateur photographer at the WTC, which Schwartz says clearly shows a 737 airliner striking the south Tower, not a 767 Boeing jet as previously reported by the government.

"This segment, however, conclusively shows a 737 hit the South Tower, not the 767 like previously reported. This in itself should be the smoking gun, which proves the whole story given to us by the government about 9/11 is untrue."

art [11:47 PM]


[ Friday, April 22, 2005 ]


A Synagogue Within the Church : Vatican Controlled by Jews

art [8:33 PM]



art [9:41 AM]


[ Thursday, April 21, 2005 ]



A very good listen...make yourself a nice cup of tea or whatever,and sit back a while and listen to an Englishman in Beirut....Insightful, to say the least.Fisk clarifies the Lebanon and the disputed SHEBA FARMS situation like vizine for the brain."Flashpoints"A wide-ranging interview with London Independent reporter Robert Fiskon the volatile situation in Lebanon.

"Download (mp3) - (Audio)":Go to 17:30 minutes...Fisk interview starts from there.Fisk Interview is approx 25 mins....not long enough.Nevertheless...Enjoy!....then forward This "link": to everyone you know.

art [6:30 PM]


[ Wednesday, April 20, 2005 ]


THE MEMOIRES OF A DESTRUCTIVE MIND : Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger’s Milestones


In 1996, Cardinal Ratzinger published an in-depth interview of himself titled Salt of the Earth1 and in 1997 an autobiography called Milestones: Memoirs 1927-1977.2 These books are important if we consider the high post the Cardinal holds in the Vatican.

In this article, which will be printed in two parts (Part II to appear in The Angelus, May, 1999), we will review Milestones to better understand the current crisis in the Catholic Church.

art [2:52 AM]


[ Monday, April 18, 2005 ]


The Protocols of the Elders Of London

A document compiled by Gilad Atzmon

art [4:36 AM]



KILL HIM NOW : This Film Has Been Banned By The Feds

Protesting U.S. foreign policy, the Norwegian rap group Gatas Parlament created this video entitled "Kill Him Now." Under pressure from the U.S., this was banned by the Norwegian government who claim that the video advocates direct violent action against President Bush, rather than peaceful protest. Consequently, it's become a major free speech issue in Norway. Check out the translated version, with English subtitles, before it's censored here also.

Save it before they pull it.

Seriously it speaks volumes what the world really thinks of bUSh.

art [3:57 AM]


[ Saturday, April 16, 2005 ]



Fulani, a longtime leader odefended her claim that Jews "had to sell their souls to acquire Israel and are required to do the dirtiest work of capitalism - to function as mass murderers of people of color in order to keep it." Not only did she assert that that comment was not anti-Semitic, she said that it raised "issues that I think need to be explored."

art [8:24 PM]


[ Thursday, April 14, 2005 ]


Jewish Party Politicians

All your bases are belong to ZOG.


art [8:03 PM]


[ Wednesday, April 13, 2005 ]


"We Have Some Planes"

9/11 /OMMISSION REPORT Inside the Four Flights

"Tuesday, September 11, 2001, dawned temperate and nearly cloudless in the eastern United States. Millions of men and women readied themselves for work. Some made their way to the Twin Towers, the signature structures of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Others went to Arlington, Virginia, to the Pentagon. Across the Potomac River, the United States Congress was back in session. At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, people began to line up for a White House tour. In Sarasota, Florida, President George W. Bush went for an early morning run."

art [6:54 PM]


[ Tuesday, April 12, 2005 ]


Japan On Brink of China Crisis

Chinese police turn out in force to watch over anti-Japanese demonstrators at a weekend rally of 40,000 people in the southern province of Guangdong.Picture: Getty Images

Key points
• Chinese protests at Japanese UN Security Council membership turn violent
• Japan accused of not acknowledging World War Two atrocities
• Approved Japanese history textbook 'glossing over' military past sparks row

Key quote
"The strong responses from the Asian people should make the Japanese government have deep and profound reflections" - Wen Jiabao, Chinese premier.

The weekend protesters burned the Japanese flag, smashed Japanese-made cars, targeted Japanese businesses and broke windows at Japan’s embassy in Beijing while police stood by.

art [5:55 PM]



The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion (Verse 2)

An Artists View

art [12:01 AM]


[ Friday, April 08, 2005 ]


Place Your Bets on The Papal Conclave Election! Fait Vos Jeux!

Who will be the next Pope?Online gamblingsites,taking bets onthe next pontiff,may be best predictors.

art [7:01 PM]


[ Thursday, April 07, 2005 ]


Lebanon and The Avaricious Superpower

The Next Crusades By URI AVNERY

Many years ago, I read a book called "The Quiet American" by Graham Greene. Its central character is a high-minded, naive young American operative in Vietnam. He has no idea about the complexities of that country but is determined to right its wrongs and create order. The results are disastrous.

I have the feeling that this is happening now in Lebanon.

art [8:27 PM]



Israels Next War?

Inside the world of militant Jewish Radicals And The Grave New Threat They Pose To The Fragile Peace Process--And To Israel Itself.

art [3:34 AM]



Next Pope 'Will Die, Spark War'
From correspondents in Bogota, Colombia07-04-2005 From: Agence France-Presse

THE pope elected to succeed John Paul II will be assassinated and his death will spark a Muslim invasion of the west that will split the Roman Catholic church, according to an interpretation of the prophecies of Nostradamus's by a leading Colombian author.

"The next pope elected will be subsequently murdered in central Italy. Then comes pope number 112, who will flee Rome because of an attack by Muslims," said Gonzalo Echeverri, a Colombian investigating judge and author of a book on Nostradamus.
According to Mr Echeverri, the pope will base himself in Avignon, France and another pontiff will take control in Italy, splitting the Catholic church in two.

"There is a very clear prophecy that says the holy father will move to another place, even warning that the French pope will not be able to stay in Avignon due to the Muslim invasion and will flee again to Lyon, where he will be attacked, according to Nostradamus," Mr Echeverri said.

Avignon was a base for popes for much of the 14th century, another time of grave divisions in the church and Europe.

Nostradamus was a 16th century scholar who made prophecies. His supporters say he predicted the French revolution, the rise of Hitler and the assassination of President John F Kennedy.

art [3:12 AM]


[ Monday, April 04, 2005 ]


US & UK Relied on 'Drunken Liar' to Justify War on Iraq

'Crazy' Iraqi spy was full of misinformation, says report

Edward Helmore in New York Sunday April 3, 2005 The Observer

An alcoholic cousin of an aide to Ahmed Chalabi has emerged as the key source in the US rationale for going to war in Iraq.According to a US presidential commission looking into pre-war intelligence failures, the basis for pivotal intelligence on Iraq's alleged biological weapons programmes and fleet of mobile labs was a spy described as 'crazy' by his intelligence handlers and a 'congenital liar' by his friends.The defector, given the code-name Curveball by the CIA, has emerged as the central figure in the corruption of US intelligence estimates on Iraq. Despite considerable doubts over Curveball's credibility, his claims were included in the administration's case for war without caveat.

art [1:18 AM]


[ Sunday, April 03, 2005 ]


Hawks and Doves

Tony Blair is standing firm with America as the prospect of war with Iraq looms ever closer, depsite fierce opposition from members of his own party. But who in the UK is standing behind him? We look at some of the UK's most outspoken hawks and doves.Who is set to resign over the war?

art [11:53 PM]



Soldier's Father To Challenge Blair

The Guardian

Reg Keys, the father of a young Royal Military policeman killed in Iraq, is to stand against the prime minister in the general election.

Mr Keys, 52, an outspoken critic of the war, says he hopes the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats will not field candidates in Mr Blair's Sedgefield constituency so that he can be the sole challenger. He has also asked the former MI5 officer David Shayler to withdraw.

Mr Keys, whose campaign will be funded by the musician Brian Eno, said he was standing to achieve justice for his son. Lance Corporal Tom Keys, 20, was one of six Red Caps killed by an Iraqi mob in Majar al-Kabir in June 2003.

Mr Keys, a former ambulance driver, has campaigned ever since over Britain's role in the war. He is undaunted by Mr Blair's 17,000 majority.

He said yesterday, "I've made the ultimate sacrifice for this campaign, I've lost my son ... How does (Mr Blair) think I felt when I dressed my son for his funeral, combed his beautiful blond hair and tried to avert my vision from the side of his face that had been blown off? I'm coming for you Mr Blair, but in a civilised way."

He has challenged Mr Blair to a television debate. "If this war was legal ... you've got nothing to hide," he said. "But we went to war for weapons of mass destruction and they did not exist. It was a lie.

MPs seek Blair impeachment

Celebrity anti-war campaigners joined MPs in Westminster to table a motion calling for parliament to discuss Tony Blair's impeachment over the Iraq war.

art [11:46 PM]



Hezbollah Says Blasts Serve Israel

Beirut, Lebanon, Apr. 2 (UPI) -- Lebanon's Hezbollah said Saturday the recent series of blasts in the country served the "Zionist enemy."

The Shiite group said in a statement that the four explosions that struck the northeastern, predominantly Christian areas, in the past three weeks were aimed at planting sedition and division among the Lebanese.

The organization demanded the perpetrators of the bombings be found and punished, saying those who carried out the attacks were "serving the Zionist enemy and its schemes."

It warned against the "dangers of the repercussions of such acts, which target the security, stability and civil peace" of Lebanon.

Hezbollah's statement came a day after an explosive device blew up in the parking lot of a commercial center in the Christian area of Brummana, 12 miles northeast of Beirut.

The latest blast, said to have included 55 pounds of explosives, slightly injured nine people, including an American and a Kuwaiti whose identities were not revealed.

It destroyed 12 cars, damaged more than 50 shops, a sports club, a social club and two large warehouses.

art [11:44 PM]



Mass Call to Outlaw Jewish Groups


Over 5,000 known public activists and members of the clergy in Russia have sent a petition to the state prosecutor's office in which they demand to outlaw Jewish groups.

In the petition, the signatories use quotes from Kitzur Shulhan Aruch, which they argue prove their claim that Judaism is a fanatic and racist religion that hates gentiles.

Among those who signed the letter, according to Army Radio, are ex-generals, artists and the former world champion in chess.

Israel's Ambassador to Russia, Arkadi Milman, called the new affair severe and said that Israel will contact Russian authorities in an attempt to prosecute those responsible for the petition.

The recent anti-Semitic petition comes two months after about 20 members of the lower Russian parliament house, the State Duma, asked Prosecutor- General Vladimir Ustinov to investigate their claims that Jews are fomenting ethnic hatred and provoking anti-Semitism.

Arguing that Jews were to blame for anti-Semitism, the authors of the letter demanded that Jewish groups be outlawed, based on legislation against extremism and fomenting ethnic discord.

However, in a 306-58 vote that hewed to party lines, the State Duma adopted a declaration saying that the 'clear anti-Semitic intent' of the letter and other appeals for government actions targeting Jews 'prompts indignation and sharp condemnation.'

The stunning calls to ban all Jewish groups comes amid concerns of persistent anti-Semitism that continues to plague Russia.

Jewish leaders have praised President Vladimir Putin's government for encouraging religious tolerance, but rights groups accuse the authorities of failing to adequately prosecute the perpetrators of anti-Semitic and racial violence.

Russia's chief rabbi, Berel Lazar, said the lawmakers were either insane or 'quite sane but limitlessly cynical' and were hoping to win support 'by playing the anti-Semitic card.'

With Putin planning to join events this week commemorating the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops, Russia's Holocaust Foundation head Alla Gerber said it was 'horrible that as we're marking the 60th anniversary of this tragic and great day... we can speak of the danger of fascism in the countries that defeated fascism.'

She said that while the Russian state itself is no longer anti-Semitic, there are 'anti-Semitic campaigns that are led by all sorts of organizations.'

'The economic situation is ripe for this, an enemy is needed, and the enemy is well-known, traditional,' Gerber said.

Echoing anti-Semitic tracts of the Czarist era, the letter's authors accuse Jews of working against the interests of the countries where they live and of monopolizing power worldwide. They say the United States 'has become an instrument for achieving the global aims of Judaism.'

'It is possible to say that the entire democratic world today is under the monetary and political control of international Judaism, which high-profile bankers are openly proud of,' the letter says.

Along with outlawing Jewish organizations, the lawmakers called for the prosecution of 'individuals responsible for providing these groups with state and municipal property, privileges and state financing.'

art [11:41 PM]



U.S. says Israel Must Give Up Nukes

By Amir Oren

The State Department yesterday called on Israel to forswear
nuclear weapons and accept international Atomic Energy
Agency safeguards on all nuclear activities.
This is the second time in about two weeks that officials
in the Bush administration are putting the nuclear weapons
of Israel, India and Pakistan on a par.

The officials called on the three to act like Ukraine and
South Africa, which in the last decade renounced their
nuclear weapons.

The similar phrasing used by the officials refers to
Israel's military nuclear capability, as distinct from
"nuclear option," which is to be rolled back, although not
necessarily in the "foreseeable future."

The rare use of these terms contradicts the custom of
senior administration officials to avoid any possible
confirming reference to Israeli nuclear weapons.

The officials, who hold middle-level and lower ranks, are
Jackie Wolcott Sanders, ambassador, Conference on
Disarmament and special representative of the president for
the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and Mark
Fitzpatrick, acting deputy assistant secretary for nonproliferation.

Sanders was quoted yesterday in the State Department's
Electronic Journal, published ahead of the Non
Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference scheduled in
New York at the beginning of May.

Fitzpatrick spoke on March 17 at a security conference of
the Organization of American States (OAS).

President George Bush called for a strengthening
of the NPT regime and thwarting the efforts of rogue states
and terrorists to obtain weapons of mass destruction. Bush
devoted his statement to enforcing NPT clauses on treaty
regime members (like North Korea and Iran) and ignored non
-member states (India, Pakistan, Israel and Cuba).

In the past six years, since the Wye conference in 1998,
presidents Clinton and Bush repeatedly promised then prime
ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak and also Ariel
Sharon that Israel's strategic capability to protect itself
will not be harmed.

Israeli experts on Bush's nuclear policy say that the
president is focusing on objecting to the nuclear process
of North Korea and Iran, and even approves aid to India -
in nuclear energy among other things - and to Pakistan
(selling F-16 planes), while far lower ranks abound with
verbal formulas to excuse the withdrawal of the NPT regime
during the Bush era.

Sanders and Fitzpatrick refrained from calling on Israel,
India and Pakistan explicitly to renounce their weapons.
The expectation of these three states was phrased in terms
of a vow - a verbal pledge to forswear, rather than real
action. Nor was this demand accompanied by a time table,
conditions and sanctions.

An official known for his sympathy for Israel, Robert
Joseph, has been nominated undersecretary of state for arms
control and international security, and has been serving in
a similar position on the staff of the National Security
Council. His predecessor in the post is UN ambassador-
designate John Bolton, also known for his sympathy for

Sanders and Fitzpatrick hold more junior ranks in the

In her statement yesterday Sanders said: "The Conference
should also reinforce the goal of universal NPT adherence
and reaffirm that India, Israel and Pakistan may join the
NPT only as non-nuclear-weapon states. Just as South Africa
and Ukraine did in the early 1990s, these states should
forswear nuclear weapons and accept IAEA safeguards on all
nuclear activities to join the treaty. At the same time, we
recognize that progress toward universal adherence is not
likely in the foreseeable future. The United States
continues to support the goals of the Middle East
resolution adopted at the 1995 NPT Review and Extension
Conference, including the achievement of a Middle East free
of weapons of mass destruction."

According to the Israeli experts, the American
administration does not want to expand nuclear
proliferation to additional states in the region and agrees
that in time it would be preferable to have the Middle East
nuclear free, but disagrees with the immediate adoption of
a policy which would prevent American forces like the Sixth
Fleet ships and airplanes from carrying nuclear warheads in
bombs and missiles as well.

This is the seventh time that the Review Conference is
convening, to mark the 35th year of the NPT's
establishment. The conference, held every five years, will
end at the end of May, shortly before the IAEA governing
council meets in Vienna in June to elect a director
general. The U.S. has not decided yet whether to support
incumbent IAEA Director General, Mohammed ElBaradei for
another term.

art [11:34 PM]


[ Saturday, April 02, 2005 ]



art [3:42 PM]



The Trouble with Zionism: An Interview with Joel Kovel

This interview was inspired by an article Kovel wrote entitled `Zionism’s Bad Conscience` in the September/October 2002 issue of the journal Tikkun.
(Joel Kovel is an American-Jewish Psychiatrist)Lorna Tychostup: In your article `Zionism’s Bad Conscience,` you begin by asking the following question: `How have the Jews, immemorially associated with suffering and high moral purpose, become identified with a nation-state loathed around the world for its oppressiveness toward a subjugated indigenous people?` Can you elaborate?

art [3:04 PM]
