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Pulp Non Fiction

[ Sunday, September 11, 2005 ]


U.S. Envisions Using Nukes on Terrorists

A Pentagon planning document being updated to reflect the doctrine of pre-emption declared by President Bush in 2002 envisions the use of nuclear weapons to deter terrorists from using weapons of mass destruction against the United States or its allies.

The "Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations," which was last updated 10 years ago, makes clear that "the decision to employ nuclear weapons at any level requires explicit orders from the president."

art [3:14 AM]


[ Sunday, September 04, 2005 ]


The Zionist Inquisition

"Much like the medieval Church, which enforced obedience to Christian dogma through terror, torture and mass murder, the Lobby must also wage its own crusade against enlightenment and free thought.Yes folks, time for another episode of Flip Your Yarmulke!—the unintentionally funny reality show where members of Canada’s Jewish Lobby go berserk on scholars and journalists who challenge the verities of zionist dogma and seek justice for Muslims.The rules of the show are simple. A Lobby representative impugns the integrity of a writer or publication by invoking the stale epithets of “anti-Semitism” and “anti-Israel bias,” and then advocates censorship under the guise of fighting racism."


The Lobby’s three weapons are: intimidation, rhetorical predictability, ruthless disregard for honest argument, and a … four! … the Lobby’s four weapons are: intimidation, predictability, ruthless disregard for honest argument, and a fan@ical devotion to Israel.

art [7:15 PM]
