Pulp Non Fiction

[ Sunday, January 18, 2004 ]


The Top 100 Heroes of Peace

The Top 100 Heroes of Peace come from diverse backgrounds from all
corners of the globe have one common denominator one unifying message.

NO to WAR NO to NWO.NO to W.

Everyone on this list has spoken at great risk to their careers their jobs
and their lives.Not a few of them have lost their jobs and too many have lost
their lives speaking out against the Bushes and the Blairs and the
Sharons.Suicides, Plane Crashes, Accidents.

One was even bulldozed to death.

The troika of Blair Bush and Sharon have stepped on the toes of 5
billion 900 million people on the planet.We can not allow this madness
to continue.We can not afford four more years of these Bullies
BLUSHARON and their Crusade Charade and Their phoney Warrenterra.If we
really want to head off the NUCLEAR WAR that is clearly on the horizion

WE MUST ACT NOW and bring these war criminals to stand trial for their
crimes against the bulk of humanity.
From New York and from the families of the victims of the 911 World
Trade Center to the far shores of Australia, the message is loud and
clear.Blusharon must be stopped and held accountable for this nightmare
that we have been going through since January 2000 when the Bush gang
stole the election from the people,to this very minute when an Israeli
tank is firing on unarmed children as young as 12 year old in Palestine
and our troops somewhere in Baghdad,as you are reading this, are firing
into an Iraqi crowd rallying against our occupation killing and
wounding scores of Iraqi human beings.

We can not WAIT till November to vote Bush and his Carlyle/Cabal and
their New World DisOrders thousand points of fright aganda out of
office,we must ACT NOW.We must stop the war and the racism.
We must vote to IMPEACH NOW.Let your voice be heard!Go NOW this very
minute before you do anything else to http://votetoimpeach.org and add
your name to the hundreds of thousands (383,000 + as of 1-15-04)who
have so together we can in owr own small way,make a difference and do
something to stop the madness! It takes but a minute of your time.Click
now and go to http://votetoimpeach.org or forever hold your mouse!And
after you do that,do yourself a favor do your childrens children a
favor and forward this list of HEROES of PEACE to everyone you know who
cares about what is really happening to our planet and who want to do
someting to STOP the real evil dewars, the Troika of BLUSHARON!

The 100 Heroes :

George A. Ackerlof 2001 Nobel Prize laureate

"I think this is the worst government the US has ever had in its more than 200 years of history. It has engaged in extradordinarily irresponsible policies not only in foreign policy and economics but also in social and environmental policy,This is not normal government policy. Now is the time for (American) people to engage in civil disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as possible"

Plaid Adder

"Everything about the way Team Bush approached the state visit with the Queen suggested that in the rarefied atmosphere enclosing the Bush crew, paranoia had displaced oxygen. In order to spend four days in a country governed by Bush's most conspicuously loyal coalition "partner," Bush's people apparently felt it would be necessary to take along their own private army of handlers, secret service agents, snipers, and weaponry. While not granting secret service agents diplomatic immunity in order to make it easier for them to shoot to kill, the British authorities did cancel all police leave in order to produce the 14,000 police officers deemed necessary to protect Bush and his "sterile zone." As far as Bush's people were concerned, no sacrifice was too great to ask in order to obliterate even the smallest risk to their president's health and well-being - not even the grounds at Buckingham Palace, which according to a report in the Sunday Mirror sustained thousands of pounds' worth of damage from helicopters and "clod-hopping" security men. And then, less than three weeks later, Bush suddenly turns up in Baghdad, sans private army, sans 12-inch-thick-armor-plated Presidential limo, sans 14,000 cops. If all of London is offended right now, I could hardly blame them. ...Bush's handlers feel that he is safer on a military base in the middle of a bloody war zone than he is walking the public streets of a free city. And this is a problem, because it suggests that free cities - and free citizens - are a serious threat to the Bush they really care about protecting."

Giorgio Agamben Professor NYU

"The newspapers leave no doubt: from now on whoever wants to go to the United States with a visa will be put on file and will have to leave their fingerprints when they enter the country. Personally, I have no intention of submitting myself to such procedures and that's why I didn't wait to cancel the course I was supposed to teach at New York University in March.
I would have liked to suggest that tattooing at Auschwitz undoubtedly seemed the most normal and economic way to regulate the enrolment and registration of deported persons into concentration camps. The bio-political tattooing the United States imposes now to enter its territory could well be the precursor to what we will be asked to accept later as the normal identity registration of a good citizen in the state's gears and mechanisms. That's why we must oppose it."


"My family was one of Hitler's victims. We lost a lot under the Nazi occupation, including an uncle who died in the camps and a cousin killed by a booby trap. ... I'm no expert on WWII - but I learned a lot about what happened in Germany - and Europe - back in those days. I always wondered how the wonderful German people - so honest, decent, hard-working, friendly, and generous - could ever allow such a thing to happen. (There were camps near my family's home - they still talk about them only in hushed conspiratorial whispers.) ... So why, now, when I hear GWB's speeches, do I think of Hitler? Why have I drawn a parallel between the Nazis and the present administration? Just one small reason -the phrase 'Never forget'. Never let this happen again. It is better to question our government - because it really can happen here - than to ignore the possibility. So far, I've seen nothing to eliminate the possibility that Bush is on the same course as Hitler. And I've seen far too many analogies to dismiss the possibility. The propaganda. The lies. The rhetoric. The nationalism. The flag waving. The pretext of 'preventive war'. The flaunting of international law and international standards of justice. The disappearances of 'undesirable' aliens. The threats against protesters. The invasion of a non-threatening sovereign nation. The occupation of a hostile country. The promises of prosperity and security. The spying on ordinary citizens. ... There isn't much doubt in my mind - anyone who compares the history of Hitler's rise to power and the progression of recent events in the US cannot avoid the parallels. It's incontrovertible."

Hanan Ashrawi

"So far, the solution remains simple and attainable, having been
repeatedly defined and having become part of a global consensus. The
two-state solution is still possible, though becoming increasingly
more difficult with the expansion of settlements, by-pass roads, and
the apartheid wall throughout Palestinian territory. The bi-national
state as a de facto solution will become the only option should
Israel continue its expansion and its refusal to withdraw to the June
4, 1967 lines and remove the settlements of the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip. Territoriality will give way to demography, and the issue
then will become one of democracy, with Zionism forced to reexamine
its most basic premises."

Bashar Assad President of Syria

"Our stance is clear, and so is the stance of this party. Hizboullah is a Lebanese resistance party and its role inside the Lebanese territories is a resisting role, but other than this it has it's a political role and this is an internal Lebanese affair. Our dialogue with the Americans was in relation to this particular point. We were saying to the Americans that when Israel stops its continuous aggression and provocation, there will be no single action from Hizboullah; this was said by officials in Hizboullah. They do not start and they do not commit an aggression, while Israel is committing aggressions and the Hizboullah is reacting. Therefore, if the situation is like this, we will continue supporting Hizboullah. Hizboullah did not put any other vision; it did not say that it is seeking to eliminate Israel or that it is against Syria concerning the peace process. We did not hear such circulations. Hizboullah is saying: We want to liberate the last inch of the Lebanese territories. So, within this logic we can't be but with it and with the Lebanese people. It is not against the Lebanese people and if it were against the Lebanese people; it would never be able to achieve what it did. Therefore, according to this logic we are with Hizboullah."

Jack Beatty A Miserable Failure

"With one phrase Dick Gephardt has defined the issue to be decided next November. Can a "miserable failure" of a president win re-election? Bush's victory would testify to a civic failure more dangerous to the American future than any policies implemented or continued during a second Bush term. A majority would have demonstrated that democratic accountability is finished. That you can fail in everything and still be re-elected president. You can preside over the most catastrophic failure of intelligence and national defense in history. Can fire no one associated with this fatal chain of blunders and bureaucratic buck-passing. Can oppose an inquest into September 11 for more than a year until pressure from the relatives of those killed on that day becomes politically toxic.... You can lose more jobs than any other President since Hoover. You can cut cops and after-school programs and Pell Grants and housing allowances for the poor to give tax cuts to millionaires. You can wreck the nation's finances, running up the largest deficit in history. You can permit 17,000 power plants to increase their health-endangering pollution of the air. You can lower the prestige of the United States in every country of the world by your unilateral conduct of foreign policy and puerile "you're either with us or against us" rhetoric. Above all, you can lie the country into war and your lies can be exposed--and, if a majority prefers ignorance to civic responsibility, you can still be reelected. ...The re-election of George W. Bush would signal that a kind of corruption had set in among the led. Our miserable failure as republican citizens would match his as President."

Alan Bisbort Dry Drunk

"How did [Bush], at age 56, get so fumble-tongued, incapable of coherently stringing more than two sentences together, snippily irritable with anyone who dares disagree with him or even ask a question... How did he poutily turn his back on the democratically elected president of one of our most important allies (Germany’s Gerhard Schröder) because of something one of his underlings said about him? Why is he listlessly in need of constant vacations and rest, dangerously obsessed with only one thing (Iraq’s apparently nonexistent weapons of mass destruction, which must mean that it really was, all along, about the oil) to the exclusion of all other things (including an economy that is slowly sucking the life from the nation as well as trashing the retirement savings of anyone reading these words)? Why is Bush so eager to engage in violence and so incapable of explaining why?"

Richard Blow

"Did O'Neill owe his loyalty to Bush? To the presidency? To the public, or to his own conscience? There's no easy answer here, and people can make up their own minds better than any columnist or White House spinner can do it for them. Anyway, that conversation is of lesser importance right now. This is a very valuable book, certainly the best book about the Bush White House to date, and a discussion about its contents is more important than one about its ethics. The substance of this book, along with the fact that O'Neill isn't making a dime off it, elevates it above a simple tell-all. The Price of Loyalty is not about cashing in, it's about conscience... At the center is the president, who comes across looking more like Ronald Reagan than like his father. He is often disengaged and frequently ignorant. He repeats the mantra that he has to stick to his campaign promises, but not for the reasons one would hope. Instead, Bush comes across as so intellectually overwhelmed that he hangs onto those campaign promises like a drowning man clinging to an ocean buoy in a stormy sea. They provide an intellectual center for a man who appears to lack one."

Robyn E. Blumner Filling a suit isn't enough any more

"[George Bush] was the perfect front man for the corporate interests and right-wing ideologues who were looking for a guy who was both electable and malleable. ...While it is true that candidate Bush with his "gentleman's C's" suffered from a lack of depth - the man had a startling lack of interest in geopolitics - the oligarchs knew that in the age of sound bites you don't need the ability to explicate at length. The mileage one could get from the meaningless phrase "compassionate conservative" would be worth a wall full of well-digested books by Benjamin Barber, Thomas Friedman and Francis Fukuyama. Moreover, what Bush had was far more valuable: a gold-card pedigree, giving him nationwide credibility, an outside-the-Beltway Marshal Matt Dillon affectation and, it seemed initially at least, the ability to hide his fierce conservatism within a common touch. But as the war in Iraq continues to go badly, sending back news of a daily casualty count, Bush's common-touch artifice is beginning to wear thinner than the backside of his Crawford jeans. Showing through is the real Bush, his swaggering arrogance, unidimensional understanding of issues, congenital lack of sympathy and intense pique at challenging questions.

James Boyne

"The truth of the matter is that in 2004 President Bush will defeat himself. "The cat is out of the bag". "The genie is out of the bottle". "The jig is up". "You can't fool all of the people all of the time". President Bush is not a President. He is just a kid. He is just a transient personality in history, passing by, that history will barely mention in a short one hundred years from now. He will be remembered as the son of a President, who came to office on the strength of "name recognition". He will be remembered as a President who was lead by the nose by special interest groups, lobbyists, Cabinet appointees, major corporate interests, and the hidden agenda of corrupt Republican politics. He may be remembered as the President that destroyed the Republican Party in the interests of "special interests". What emerges in its place, no one knows."

Eleanor Clift No Mistakes Were Made

"President Bush is certain he did the right thing by going to war in Iraq. Bush never second-guesses himself, a trait that permeates his administration and contains the seeds of his undoing. HOW CAN BUSH fix the mess in Iraq if he denies any missteps? This administration’s unwillingness to ever admit a mistake makes it unlikely it will expand the force size in Iraq, take responsibility for the phony intelligence Bush touted as a prelude to war or eat enough humble pie to get military and financial help from other nations. The White House won’t acknowledge anything that might chip away at Bush’s commander-in-chief image. That’s the nature of the reelection machine that Karl Rove has constructed in his role as Bush’s consigliere. To admit flaws risks losing the luster of the wartime president."

David Corn Is the President a Pathological Liar?

"I obviously believe Bush has lied often and consistently about grave matters, but I have shied away from labeling Bush 'pathological' and the like. Now I wonder about that. What forced this reconsideration was a speech Bush delivered in late November to several thousand troops at Butts Army Air Field in Fort Carson, Colorado. On this occasion, Bush served up the usual rah-rah about the war on terrorism. But as he was hailing the U.S. military, he remarked, 'Working with a fine coalition, our military went to Afghanistan, destroyed the training camps of al Qaeda and put the Taliban out of business forever.' Out of business forever? That was a false statement....Bush was more likely engaged in the deceit of triumphalism --ignoring facts and saying whatever sounds good to juice up the public. It was hype, extreme rhetoric, utterly divorced from events on the ground. This statement was a report from Planet Bush, not the world as it exists--a demonstration of Bush's penchant to embrace (and peddle) self-serving fantasy over the obvious truth."

Martin Crutsinger

"Former treasury secretary Paul O'Neill, pushed out of the administration for not being a team player, says President Bush was so disengaged during Cabinet meetings that he was like a "blind man in roomful of deaf people." O'Neill, who has kept silent about the circumstances surrounding his ouster from the Cabinet 13 months ago, is now ready to give his side of the story in a tell-all book that paints Bush as a disengaged president who didn't encourage debate either at Cabinet meetings or in one-on-one meetings with his Cabinet secretaries."

Susan J. Douglas

"[A]s we're learning from the mainstream media, whose latest negative news peg about Howard Dean is that he's too "angry" to be president, we're not supposed to display our fury over Team Bush's multiple crimes. Angry just doesn't go with the PR-driven, entertainment-oriented nature of modern campaigning. At the same time, as "The Daily Show" reminds us every night, Team Bush does provide America with many laughable moments. I mean, really, that Baghdad photo op of Dubya with the roasted turkey looked exactly like something you'd see in The Onion. ("The turkey has landed," quipped the front-page headline in the London Independent.) So, if "angry" is out, then let's get happy and start making a lot more fun of our Emperor wannabe.... While most of us feel that fury is exactly what is called for at this moment, ridicule and condescension often can be more powerful than indignant attacks."

Paul Findley (R-IL) Republican Congressman

"What “is vivid to most of the world – the real ground zero of terrorism is in Palestine, not Manhattan.I have never worried about America’s future – until now – but we are in a deep hole in Iraq... In the name of national security, the president has brought about fundamental, revolutionary changes that threaten our national mooring.”

In carrying out his policies,Bush isolates America from common undertakings with time-tested allies. He trivializes the United Nations and violates its charter... while at home, he stoops to bigoted measures based on race and national origin, tramples of civil liberties, and spreads anxiety, fear, and shame throughout the land.”
Livid against America for the Unquestioning Alliance with Israel

“Why do anti-American protests rage worldwid?The answer: People worldwide, especially in Iraq and Palestine, are livid over grievances against America.In Iraq, many mistrust the US because of its help to Saddam Hussein in the war against Iran and the Kurds; its refusal to assist the Shi’ites in southern Iraq during their uprising against Saddam in 1991; and the refusal of the US to distance itself from Israel’s anti-Arab colonialism.

“In an exquisite example of hypocrisy, with one hand the president tries to convince Iraqi Arabs that he offers them democracy and freedom while, with the other, he supports Israel’s denial of these very rights to Palestinian Arabs next door.I feel no joy in making this case against the president. He may be sincere in his stewardship, but he is wrong – dead wrong – in the direction he is taking our country. I fear that he is manipulated by underlings who are primarily motivated by concerns for oil and Israel.”Make a “clean break from Israel’s scofflaw behavior.”

"He can “instantly quiet guerrilla warfare in Iraq and anti-American protests throughout the world” by telling Sharon “all aid will be suspended until Israel vacates the Arab territory Israeli forces seized in June 1967.”

“By standing resolutely for justice for Palestinians, who are mostly Muslim, he would virtually end anti-American protests.If he acts, Findley concluded, “he will be a shoo-in for reelection. If he does not, I will join many Republicans in urging his defeat.”

Chris Floyd Bush's New Testament: I'm God's Errand Boy

"Here are Bush's exact words, quoted by Haaretz: 'God told me to strike at al-Qaida and I struck them, and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me, I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.' You can't put it plainer than that...No votes, no inspections, no proof or lack of proof -- in fact, no earthly reason whatsoever -- could have stopped Bush's aggressive war on Iraq. It was God's unalterable will: the Lord of Hosts gave a direct order for George W. Bush to 'strike at Saddam'...And that's why Bush acts with such serenity and ruthlessness. Nothing he does can be challenged on moral grounds, however unethical or evil it might appear, because all of his actions are directed by God. He can twist the truth, oppress the poor, exalt the rich, despoil the Earth, ignore the law -- and murder children -- without the slightest compunction, the briefest moment of doubt or self-reflection, because he believes, he truly believes, that God squats in his brainpan and tells him what to do."

James Howard Gibbons A president should read a newspaper

"Throughout his presidential campaign and first years in office, President Bush has had to combat the impression that he is an intellectually lazy, incurious, ill-read, semi-empty vessel. Recently he all but confirmed the suspicion when he told a television interviewer that he never reads a newspaper beyond the occasional headline. ... The president is treated each morning to a gossip sheet prepared by the CIA and massaged by White House aides. As Americans have learned, intelligence consists of unreliable hunches, guesswork and surmise that make poor substitutes for news. The accuracy rate of the press has been much better than the CIA's, particularly on issues vital to national security. Intelligence reports funneled to Bush have been wrong about Iraqi weapons, the ease of occupation, the relationship between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida, and much, much more. ... Since Bush doesn't read a daily newspaper, Americans must assume he is ignorant of much that one contains. Without a newspaper, he can't even know the name of his latest campaign contributor to be indicted."

Steve Gilliard What to do about George?

"[A]s it was so clearly predictable that the Iraq war would morph from conventional combat to guerrilla war, as it had done in both 1920 and 1991, eventually the series of lies used to rush the country into war will be exposed. With that, Bush's problems will explode from the barely manageable to the fatal. Bush's one asset is his personal character, or more accurately, the illusion of his personal character as an honest, straight shooting man. The reality would be more like a boorish man who is intellectually incurious, but if you've seen Being There, the simplistic statements of mentally disabled gardener Chauncey are turned into political genius, you can understand how the process works. People wanted, no, needed Bush to turn from the callow, incompetent son into a heroic, decisive president.... The problem is that Bush is not a leader. He is a hanger on. He is too proud to follow, and too weak to lead. He can create the aura of leadership, mostly by a stubborn refusal to alter his thinking or by admit error. But when real leadership is required, he simply cannot follow through."

Michael Hardt

"Global Elites Must Realise that US Imperialism Isn't in Their Interest.Some of the worst tragedies of human history occur when elites are incapable of acting in their own interest. The waning years of ancient Rome, for example, were full of misguided political and military adventures that brought death and destruction to the elites, their allies and their enemies alike. Unfortunately we are again facing such a situation. It seems inevitable that the United States will soon conduct a full-scale war in Iraq. The US is also engaged in a war on terrorism that may extend to all regions of the globe. And, most importantly, the US has embarked on a foreign policy of "security" that dictates that it not merely react to threats but anticipate them with pre-emptive strikes.

These military adventures are one sign that the US is fast becoming an imperialist power along the old European model, but on a global scale. It is imposing itself as the active and determining centre of the full range of world affairs, military, political, and economic. All exchanges and decisions are being forced, in effect, to pass through the US. The ultimate hubris of the US political leaders is their belief that they can not only force regime change and name new leaders for various countries, but also actually shape the global environment -- an audacious extension of the old imperialist ideology of mission civilisatrice. Regime change in Iraq is only the first step in an ambitious project to reconstruct the political order of the entire Middle East. And their designs of power extend well beyond that."

Thom Hartmann A Fistful of Kryptonite Against SuperGeorge

"[W]hen Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush, et al finally came up with the priorities for their new administration, al-Qaeda had been replaced by tax cuts for Bush's rich donors on the "A" list, and didn't even appear on the "B" list. Thus came 9/11, despite warnings given to the President on August 6, 2001 that in the immediate future al-Qaeda intended to hijack commercial planes and use them to attack east coast targets. ...Rove and Bush realized that if they simply branded Osama as the criminal thug that he was - the leader of an obscure Islamic mafia with fewer than 20,000 serious members - they wouldn't have the super-villain they needed for George W. Bush to be seen as a super-hero. If Bush only authorized a police action, he'd miss a golden opportunity to position himself as the Battle Commander of The War Against Evil Incarnate. ... By recasting bin Laden from a super-villain into a banal criminal, we weaken support for him around the world. And we also deflate the heroic SuperGeorge action figure in the minds of average Americans, allowing more rational statesmen and women to bring this great nation back to the peace we held through so much of the last half of the 20th century."

Martin Heidt Finally, the Truth About Bush's Military Service Record

A return of this important article about Bush's AWOL history. "Bush didn't apply for duty at Dannelly Air Force Base until September 1972. From May until September he was in limbo, his temporary orders having been rejected. And when his orders to appear at Dannelly came through he still didn't appear. Although his instructions clearly directed Bush to report to Lieutenant Colonel William Turnipseed on the dates of '7-8 October 0730-1600, and 4-5 November 0730-1600,' he never did. In interviews conducted with the Boston Globe earlier this year, both General Turnipseed and his former administration officer, Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Lott, said that Bush never put in an appearance....Both Bush and his aides have made numerous statements to the effect that Bush fulfilled all of his guard obligations. They point to Bush's honorable discharge as proo f of this. But the records indicate that George W Bush missed a year of service." (See also Sheila Samples' "Bad to the Bone" , and Juan Stam's "Bush's Religious Language").

Seymour Hersh Pulitzer prize-winning New York Times journalist

"I think Bush's going to lose [the election], unless he makes some radical change, which he's not going to do.... Bush's got money troubles, troop troubles; he's going to have to hold it. I just don't see any way out.The Bush administration's operations in Iraq as a "massive failure" during a lecture at the Fletcher School yesterday. He is the winner of a Pulitzer-Prize and regular contributor to The New Yorker.The biggest problem,is that "there are no weapons of mass destruction [WMD]." Hersh found it "unnerving" that US authorities sincerely believed in the existence of WMD in Iraq. "A lot of people I like and respected really thought there was an issue there, but I don't think so."

Ron Hutcheson

"President Bush's decision to take revenge on countries that opposed the war in Iraq shocked the diplomatic world, but it fits his longstanding pattern of rewarding friends and punishing enemies. In a family that prizes loyalty, Bush is known for playing hardball with anyone who crosses him. By his description, he was the chief loyalty enforcer in his father's White House. Later, as governor of Texas, he cracked the whip on Republicans who failed to back his policies - a practice he has taken with him to Washington."

Molly Ivins The Uncompassionate Conservative

"In order to understand why George W. Bush doesn't get it, you have to take several strands of common Texas attitude, then add an impressive degree of class-based obliviousness. What you end up with is a guy who sees himself as a perfectly nice fellow -- and who is genuinely disconnected from the impact of his decisions on people. ... I have known George W. Bush slightly since we were both in high school, and I studied him closely as governor. He is neither mean nor stupid. What we have here is a man shaped by three intertwining strands of Texas culture, combined with huge blinkers of class. The three Texas themes are religiosity, anti-intellectualism, and machismo. They all play well politically with certain constituencies." Fear and loathing in America
"Among the more amusing cluckings from the right lately is their appalled discovery that quite a few Americans actually think George W. Bush is a terrible president. Robert Novak is quoted as saying in all his 44 years of covering politics, he has never seen anything like the detestation of Bush. Charles Krauthammer managed to write an entire essay on the topic of "Bush haters" in Time magazine, as though he had never before come across such a phenomenon. Oh, I stretch memory way back, so far back, all the way back to -- our last president. ... It is not necessary to hate George W. Bush to think he's a bad president. Grown-ups can do that, you know -- decide someone's policies are a miserable failure without lying awake at night consumed with hatred. Poor Bush is in way over his head, and the country is in bad shape because of his stupid economic policies. If that make me a Bush-hater, then sign me up."

Donald Kaul

"The president had a wonderful plan: knock over Saddam Hussein like a cardboard cutout, install a friendly, somewhat democratic government in oil-rich Iraq and send a message to our enemies -- "Don't mess with George Dubya." The knocking-over part went as planned, but not much else. In much of Iraq, we find ourselves a hated occupier engulfed by a demoralizing guerrilla war... Our kids are getting cut up. And through it all President Bush sits, ... frozen at the controls, declaring that his plan is working. He even had the gall to declare that recent attacks on our troops are proof that we're making progress just before guerrillas shot down a U.S. helicopter, killing 16 and wounding 21... I suppose we shouldn't be surprised at President Bush's inability, or unwillingness, to face the facts of the mess in Iraq. He is, after all, a fundamentalist Christian. Fundamentalists are creatures of belief, and for them, belief trumps facts, always. They don't have to prove what they believe. What are mere facts, after all, compared to the Word of God."

Michael Kinsley Bush's Filtered News

"Bush doesn't really want people to get the news unfiltered. He wants people to get the news filtered by George W. Bush. Or, rather, he wants everyone to get the news filtered by the same people who apparently filter it for him. It's an interesting question how our president knows what he thinks he knows and why he thinks it is less distorted than what the rest of us know or think we know. Every president lives in a cocoon of advisers who filter reality for him, but it's stunning that this president actually seems to prefer getting his take on reality that way. Bush apparently thinks (if that is the word) that the publicly available media contaminate the news with opinion but Condi Rice and Andy Card are objective reporters. Anyone who has either been a boss or had a boss will find it easier, knowing that Bush believes this, to understand how he can also believe that things are going swimmingly in Iraq."

Paul Krugman How Bush Gets Away With It

"A lot has happened in this country since Bush took office - stock-market decline and business scandal, energy crisis and environmental backsliding, budget deficits and recession, terrorism and troubled alliances, and now, finally, war. Beyond the headlines, however, there's a political story that runs through much of what has happened: the story of the rise and growing dominance of a radical political movement, right here in the U.S.A. I'm talking, of course, about America's radical right - a movement that now effectively controls the White House, Congress, much of the judiciary and a good slice of the media. The dominance of that movement changes everything: Old rules about politics and policy no longer apply. Most people have been slow to realize just how awesome a sea change has taken place. During the 2000 election, many people thought that nothing much was at stake; during the first two years of the Bush administration, many pundits insisted that its radically conservative bent was only a temporary maneuver, that Bush would tack back to the center after solidifying his base. And the public still has little sense of how radical our leading politicians really are."

Saul Landau Bully Goes to War--Blames God

"The born-again bully occupies the White House. He picks on weak targets, taunts them--"bring ‘em on" gets others to fight for him and then serves turkey to his proxy warriors on Thanksgiving. But worse than his addiction for playing dress up for photo ops, he has made bullying into official U.S. policy. As president, you have the forum to conjure up threats, report them as certainties and then order the armed forces to fight them."

Peter Lee

"The Republicans are right. Hating George Bush makes us look bad. The proper tone is contempt. Amused contempt. It's time to twist the nose of the little man who's making such a big mess of the world these days. We've done a pretty good job of broadcasting the magnitude of Bush's errors and the disastrous consequences for America. But we've also paid Bush the backhanded compliment of making Bush appear as big a monster as the monstrosities he's committed. ... He's trying to be Mr. Rocket in His Pocket, Tough on Homeland Security. But all he's got is a sock in his flightsuit. And it's time to start getting the word out."

Dave Lindorff The meaning of 'Mission Accomplished'

"Remember when George Bush the candidate said he would restore integrity to the White House? ...The "mission accomplished" line, like the "Bring 'em on" line, is returning to haunt him. But this time, instead of just showing him to be out of touch, we see the real character of the man. Caught in an embarrassing situation, he'd prefer to lie his way out than face up to his responsibility. If he'd gone to law school instead of business school, Bush might have said it all depends upon what your definition of "mission" is. As it is, though, he's stuck looking very much like the little boy with cookie crumbs on his lips who denies that he broke the cookie jar. This incident could prove to be Bush's undoing."

Hagai Matar Adam Maor Shimri Tsameret Matan Kaminer Noam Bahat AND 583 Israeli Refuseniks

Matar never expected that his sentence would be so harsh. But as the teenage refusenik reports to a military prison today, he says he will draw comfort from the judges' description of him as a threat to the survival of Israel. Mr Matar is one of five young men starting one-year sentences at No 6 military prison near Haifa.They all refused to serve because they object to the occupation.

"We, who know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end.We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements.We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in order to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people.We hereby declare that we shall continue serving in the Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel’s defense.The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose-- and we shall take no part in them."

Chris Matthews Simpleton Bush Not Chief

"In a speech to university students, MSNBC host Chris Matthews characterized President Bush as a shallow-thinking, unlearned man who when confronted by aides with the decision about going to war with Iraq was given something to think about for the first time in his life...'The ideologues started circling around the president,' Matthews said, according to The Call. 'They saw a man who never read any books, who didn't think too deeply and they gave him something to think about for the first time in his life. This thing called pre-emption, the Bush Doctrine. They put it in his head and said 'Iraq, Iraq, Iraq'."

Paul N. “Pete” McCloskey REpublican Congressman (A REPUBLICAN HERO)

"As a Republican somewhat familiar with the political processes in this city and elsewhere, it seems reasonable to me that the President now re-examine his previous adherence to the principles espoused by Mr. Perle and the Project for a New American century.

This would require only the courage to (1) stand up to Ariel Sharon, ordering him to remove the wall he is building between Israel and The Occupied Territories and commence evacuation of its Jewish settlers, (2) make negotiations for peace between the Israelis and Palestinians his top priority in the War on Terror, (3) accept the reality that democracy in the Muslim world may have to include governments which do not have the separation between church and state which has so blessed the United States, (4) specifically reject the philosophy of both Christian and Jewish fundamentalists and (5) push for an independent Palestinian state with borders close to those agreed on at Taba.

Finally, I suggest that the Administration swallow its pride, bring the UN back into Iraq, and surrender control of the occupying forces to the United Nations, removing American troops from Iraq at the earliest possible opportunity."

Joshua Micah Marshall On Bush's Strange Comment on Inspectors

"And remember when [Bush blithely said that] Saddam wouldn't let the inspectors in? I totally missed that one. Look, you can certainly say that Saddam wasn't cooperating fully with the inspectors, that his people hadn't fully accounted for various chemical and biological munitions which the UN thought he had back in 1990s. Hans Blix said as much. It's true. But, c'mon, he let them in. You hear this stuff and you say to yourself: 'Well, you can kinda know what he meant, I guess.' I find myself thinking that. But even that doesn't cut it. The disquieting fact is that these whoppers aren't even getting reported any more because it's become a given among reporters and editors that most of what the president (sic) is saying on this subject has little connection to anything that's actually going on."

James P. Moran Jr. Congressman (D-Va.)

"If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this."Jewish leaders "are influential enough that they could change the direction of where this is going, and I think they should."

Mark Morford: The Incredible Lying Bush Co.

"Look. There is no doubt left. Zero. None. Even many high-ranking Republicans are deeply worried over the increasingly embittered national timbre regarding BushCo's lies, as reflected in his ever-slipping ratings and declining reelectability quotient and his smug little smirky emptiness. Do you need to be reminded? Do you need to see it again? Very good, then. Let us recap....OK, I'll spell it out: George W. Bush and his entire senior administration lied, and continue to lie, flagrantly, openly, knowingly, with full intent, about the need to drive this nation into a brutal and unwinnable and fiscally debilitating war, one that protects no one and inhibits no terrorism and defends nothing but BushCo's own petrochemical cronies and political stratagems."

Herbert Parmet

"What Should We Make of the Charge Linking the Bush Family Fortune to Naziism?All this, especially considering the number of American businesses that were engaged in the German market, says more about finance and capitalism than about ideology. It is a story of power, totalitarianism on one hand, and sheer greed and economic survival on the other --and with no relationship to 'morality.' We need to do more than merely sift through the essence of Buchanan's assertions, as troubling as they may be, to appreciate the value of his labors, and wonder at the contribution to public knowledge of Steven Fowle's maverick newspaper. What all this means for the reputation of Prescott Bush's descendants should be as relevant as Joseph P. Kennedy's for his descendants, just as it was for the connection of the Dulleses with Sullivan and Cromwell. Similar associations did not keep John Foster Dulles from becoming secretary of state or his brother Allen from heading the C.I.A. Nor did it stop Averell Harriman from becoming governor of New York."

Robert Parry Lying: A Bush family value

"By hiding his earlier problems, George W. Bush learned what is becoming a dangerous lesson--that his family and political connections can protect him from the truth. Politicians with less powerful friends may pay dearly for their little lies or perceived exaggerations, as Bill Clinton and Al Gore learned. But the Bushes are not like lesser-born men. The Bushes have asserted themselves as a kind of American royalty. When the rare question about their truthfulness penetrates the outer defenses, aides step in to spin the facts, or a cowed news media minimizes the offense, or if necessary, some subordinate takes the fall. Meanwhile, the American people are supposed to bend over backward with testimonials, saying it would be unthinkable that "straight-shooting" George W. Bush would ever intentionally mislead the people. The Bushes simply aren’t capable of lying, even when the public is watching a train wreck of lies about the reasons for the Iraq War."

Kevin Phillips

"Dynasties in American politics are dangerous. We saw it with the Kennedys, we may well see it with the Clintons and we're certainly seeing it with the Bushes. Between now and the November election, it's crucial that Americans come to understand how four generations of the current president's family have embroiled the United States in the Middle East through CIA connections, arms shipments, rogue banks, inherited war policies and personal financial links. ... the ever-reaching Bushes have emerged as the first U.S. political clan to thoroughly entangle themselves with Middle Eastern royal families and oil money. The family even has links to the Bin Ladens — though not to family black sheep Osama bin Laden — going back to the 1970s. How these unusual relationships helped bring about 9/11 and then distorted the U.S. response to Islamic terrorism requires thinking of the Bush family as a dynasty. The two Bush presidencies are inextricably linked by that dynasty."

David Podvin Weasel

"When it comes to accurately evaluating the morality of their leaders, the American people are in the midst of a lengthy slump. Perhaps the most surrealistic aspect of the last few years has been the polling evidence that approximately two thirds of Americans admire the character of George W. Bush. Surrealistic, that is, until you recall that two thirds of Americans used to admire the character of Richard Nixon. Conclusive evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, most citizens have chosen to believe that Bush is a stand up guy. That is why the current controversy about his deceitful State of the Union Address is potentially devastating. It is not that he lied; people tend to be quite jaded about politicians lying, unless the politician presides over unprecedented prosperity and the lying involves nothing of significance. The problem for Bush is that he has now behaved so cravenly that even the White House press corps is having a hard time presenting his latest display of moral turpitude in a positive light. When Bush was caught lying, he immediately began trying to pin the blame on his underlings, which is decidedly unmanly behavior."

Ted Rall Why we hate Bush

"'Have the Democrats totally flipped their lids?' asks David Brooks in The Weekly Standard, quasi-official organ of the Bush Administration. "Because every day some Democrat seems to make a manic or totally over-the-top statement about George Bush, the Republican party, and the state of the nation today." True, Democrats loathe Dubya with greater intensity than any Republican standard-bearer in modern political history. Even the diabolical Richard Nixon--who, after all, created the EPA, went to China and imposed price controls to stop corporate gouging--rates higher in liberal eyes. "It's mystifying," writes Brooks. Let me explain."

Richard Reeves

"That man in the White House changed the world for better or worse when he sent American troops into action in Iraq. Time calls our military "the bright sharp instrument of a blunt policy." But the policy is the story. The president decided to roll the dice, and we are the dice -- the men and women in uniform more than the rest of us. The president is a bold, decisive and overconfident crusader, a self-righteous leader, a dangerous man. He changed the rules, ignoring the post-World War II history of alliances, multilateral institutions and containment. His rationale for the invasion of Iraq is called "pre-emptive war" in the White House and "preventive war" in other capitals. But, in fact, it is more than that."

Thom Rutledge What I Have to Say About George W. Bush, Blood-thirsty Christians, Homophobes & People Who Don't Use Their Blinkers

"George W. Bush is an odd combination of ridiculous and dangerous. He's sort of an evil idiot savant. He also is the perfect poster boy for hypocrisy. Just this morning I heard Georgie say on the television that the best way to protect our homeland is to hunt our enemies down one by one and stop them, which I suppose means to kill them. The idiot part comes in when I realize that he really believes what he is saying. This guy really believes that he is here to wipe out evil. The savant part --- the genius --- is found in how he gets so many otherwise intelligent people to cheer him on. Now, to the hypocrisy part. President Georgie is a born again Christian, as are the vast majority of his adoring followers. Do they think that Jesus was just kidding around, or maybe having an off day, when he gave the sermon on the mount ---- and when he said turn the other cheek, and when he said put away your sword?"

Sheila Samples Bad to the Bone

"Bush watchers ... see nothing precious, courageous or brilliant about undisciplined, over-indulged serial liars who keep making mess after ghastly mess and then waltz breezily away, leaving devastation in their wake for others to clean up. They see bad boys. Very, very bad boys... [The neo-cons] knew they would likely get but one shot at achieving world domination. The only thing lacking was a candidate who was impervious to human pain and suffering, and who viewed most constitutional laws and regulations as ploys of the vulnerable to set road blocks to progress. They needed a candidate whose lust for power and thirst for blood matched their own. When they looked around for an accomplice or, better yet, a puppet, to start the empirical ball rolling, it was only natural to consider the Brothers Bush."Honey, I Shrunk the Presidency "It is impossible to list the many and varied ways Bush has shrunk the presidency since the Supreme Court shook the pillars of democracy by appointing him the world's top photo-op Robo-Cop. The Supremes gave him the keys to the kingdom, the combination to the treasury lock, and assured him that, since he was president, he didn't have to explain to anyone why he did anything. What pampered, mean-spirited, totally self-centered schoolyard bully wouldn't get a hard-on at hearing that bit of good news? Especially one who had always had everything but accomplished nothing, who had discredited himself in college and in military service, and had emerged from a lifelong drug and alcoholic haze just 14 short years before?"

Harley Sorensen The madness of King George

"Folks, our God-fearing president, George W. Bush, who claims to start every morning on his knees praying, now says that he gets his orders from God Himself. I kid you not. 'God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you can help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.' OK, I've been shilly-shallying around here, hesitant to come right out and say what I think, but I'm becoming convinced that our president, the man with his finger on the nuclear trigger, is a bona fide nutcase."(Ira Chernus: Did Bush Say God Told Him To Go To War?,


"Everyone knows that I am in jail not because I raped, robbed or murdered. I sit here because of my ideals. Given my background and the things I knew, it was inevitable that I did what I did.I have sacrificed my freedom and risked my life in order to expose the danger of nuclear weapons which threatens this whole region. I acted on behalf of all citizens and all of humanity.More and more states are realizing the deficit in possessing nuclear weapons and that nuclear weapons do not promote economic development in most of the undeveloped states. These countries are ready to back and support any initiative that will bring the end of nuclear weapons in the entire world. They know that the abolition of nuclear weapons in Europe, the US and the entire world will only bring help and encouragement to global economic activities, including globalization. So anti-nuclear activists should work in this new field to use economic reasons and alliances to defeat nuclear weapons. This could be done especially at economic summits like the G-8 and WTO meetings where decisions or declarations could be issued to abolish nuclear weapons. Rather than fighting the WTO like anarchist environmentalists, we can recreate the WTO and G-8 to begin working toward zero nuclear weapons.But the thing that most annoyed me was that I had positive intentions for what I did but the state turned me into a monster. I could not bear the thought that their reason for doing these things was simple revenge. I wanted to save the population of Israel from the disaster of a nuclear war and they turned me into a traitor and a spy. There was no proportion between my act and my punishment"


Ben Affleck Actor Anti War Activist

"The Bush administration has continued to push a dangerous right-wing
agenda which has included increasing encroachments on civil liberties,
particularly with the questionable and aggressive use of the Patriot
Act.""I save a million bucks," he joked, "the deficit grows like
William Bennett's credit line on a one-armed-bandit bender at Bally's."

Robert Altman King of Counter-culture cinema

"If you asked would I live in London the rest of my life, yeah, I'd be
very happy to stay here. There's nothing in America that I would miss
at all.I am a political person,but I don't have to put a strong debate
into a film. This present government in America I just find disgusting,
the idea that George Bush could run a baseball team successfully -he
can't even speak! I just find him an embarrassment. I was over here
when the election was on and I couldn't believe it -and I'm 76 years
old. Then when the Supreme Court came in and turned out to be a totally
political animal, the last shred of any naivete that was left in me has
gone. When I see an American flag flying, it's a joke."

Uri Avnery Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom

"From Golda to George, quite a short jump. Bush wanted a war in Iraq.
He could not disclose the real aim to the public: to get his hands on
the fabulous oil riches of that country, to dominate the world's oil
supplies and acquire a stranglehold on the economies of Europe, Japan
and any other potential competitor. He needed a much more simple and
compelling reason: Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, he is in
cahoots with Bin-Laden, he is about to attack the United States.

To be convincing, authoritative-sounding intelligence data were
required. So the CIA produced documents, already known to be false,
showing Saddam trying to acquire uranium in Niger. Put this into the
President's State of the Union Address and hop! there's your war.
Did the Americans get upset when the lie was discovered? Not at all. So
the President lied. Big deal. And the CIA helped him to lie. Big deal
again. The important thing is that the sons of Saddam have been killed
in a "targeted elimination", Israeli-style. How wonderful!"

Alec Baldwin

"Bush wasn't elected, he was selected? selected by five judges up in
Washington who voted along party lines.""I'll raise as much money as I
can to make sure that this Bush winds up like the last Bush, a one-term


"I WILL NOT ?APOLOGIZE?, I WILL NOT ?RESIGN"The ADL, by attacking me by
distorting what my poem is saying, is doing its usual ugly, as a well
known running dog of imperialism, particularly by attacking anyone who
takes an independent position or is critical of Israeli Imperialism and
its attendant ideology political Zionism. As they are attempting with
me the ADL slanders anyone who is not happy with Israel?s ethnic
cleansing of the Palestinians.

Of the other lines of the poem, which the ADL termed an example of the
Hitlerian ?Big Lie?, and the poet?s ?spewing Anti-Semitic venom?. The
lines, ?Who knew the World Trade Center was gonna get/bombed?? Well
now, certainly, even the Democratic Party has affirmed that the Bush
Administration knew. I agree with this, and it is everywhere on the
Internet that not only was the US warned repeatedly by Germany, France,
Russia, England but also Israel. Michael Ruppert of the Green Party has
issued a video stating clearly, ?Israeli security issued urgent
warnings to the CIA of large-scale terror attacks. ?And that the
Israeli Mossad knew that the attacks were going to take place?they knew
that the World Trade Center were the targets. This is from British
newspaper the Telegraph.

Benjamin Barber American Dream, Super Sized: Democracy can not coexist with Bush's failed doctrine of preventive war

"In his historic speech at the National Endowment for Democracy
recently, President Bush embraced a new doctrine, a "formal strategy of
freedom" in the Middle East ? and he did it just in the nick of time.
For although the war in Iraq is won, the peace has been lost, and that
other Bush doctrine, the "preventive war" doctrine, is in disarray. The
United States can neither withdraw with honor ? anarchy, civil war and
renewed tyranny probably would result ? nor stay and fight on into a
Vietnam-style quagmire, which is what the new Baathist-terrorist
alliance is obviously hoping for..."

Phyllis Bennis Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC.

"Nelson Mandela was right when he said that attacking Iraq would be "a
disaster." A U.S.invasion of Iraq would risk the lives of U.S. military
personnel and inevitably kill thousandsof Iraqi civilians; it is not
surprising that many U.S. military officers, including some withinthe
Joint Chiefs of Staff, are publicly opposed to a new war against Iraq.
Such an attackwould violate international law and the UN Charter , and
isolate us from our friends andallies around the world. An invasion
would prevent the future return of UN arms inspectors,and will cost
billions of dollars urgently needed at home. And at the end of the day,
aninvasion will not insure stability, let alone democracy, in Iraq or
the rest of the volatileMiddle East region, and will put American
civilians at greater risk of hatred and perhapsterrorist attacks than
they are today."

Hans Blix UN Inspector General

"I was smeared by the Pentagon I have my detractors in Washington.
There are bastards who spread things around, of course, who planted
nasty things in the media. Not that I cared very much.It was like a
mosquito bite in the evening that is there in the morning, an irritant"

Jose Bono One of the most powerful figures the Spanish Socialist Party.

His remarks were not intended to be heard, but were recorded by a
television team while he was talking to Joaquin Almunia, a former
Socialist leader. Mr Bono said: "Hey, and our colleague Blair? He's a
complete dickhead (un gilipollas integral). He's an imbecile."

John Brown Ph.D., Foreign Service Officer stationed in Moscow

"I am submitting my resignation from the Foreign Service (effective
immediately) because I cannot in good conscience support President
Bush's war plans against Iraq.The president has failed:
To explain clearly why our brave men and women in uniform should be
ready to sacrifice their lives in a war on Iraq at this time;To lay out
the full ramifications of this war, including the extent of innocent
civilian casualties;To specify the economic costs of the war for
ordinary Americans;To clarify how the war would help rid the world of
terror;To take international public opinion against the war into
serious consideration.Throughout the globe the United States is
becoming associated with the unjustified use of force. The president's
disregard for views in other nations, borne out by his neglect of
public diplomacy, is giving birth to an anti-American century."

Pat Buchanan 2000 Presidential Candidate

"In the longer haul, unless you stop this cycle of reprisals and
assassinations and atrocities and terror on all sides, the U.S. --
which is lined up behind Israel because of our aid to them ... the U.S.
needs to take an independent stance to make a just, honorable workable
solution that does not take Israel's side 100 percent, and does not
take the side of the Palestinians 100 percent."Capitol Hill is Israeli
-occupied territory." (St.Louis Post Dispatch, 10/20/90)During the Gulf
crisis: "There are only two groups that are beating the drums for war
in the Middle East -- the Israeli defense ministry and its 'amen
corner' in the United States." ("McLaughlin Group," 8/26/90) The
Buchanan '96 campaign's World Wide Web site included an article blaming
the death of White House aide Vincent Foster on the Israeli
intelligence agency, Mossad -- and alleging that Foster was a Mossad
spy. (The campaign removed the article after its existence was reported
by a Jewish on-line news service; Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 2/21/96.)

Robert Byrd Democratic Senator West Virginia

"The American people may have been lured into accepting the unprovoked
invasion of a sovereign nation, in violation of long-standing
international law, under false premises"
The American people unfortunately are used to political shading, spin,
and the usual chicanery they hear from public officials. They
patiently tolerate it up to a point. But there is a line. It may seem
to be drawn in invisible ink for a time, but eventually it will appear
in dark colors, tinged with anger. When it comes to shedding American
blood - - when it comes to wreaking havoc on civilians, on innocent
men, women, and children, callous dissembling is not acceptable.

Nothing is worth that kind of lie - - not oil, not revenge, not
reelection, not somebody's grand pipedream of a democratic domino
theory.And mark my words, the calculated intimidation which we see so
often of late by the "powers that be" will only keep the loyal
opposition quiet for just so long. Because eventually, like it always
does, the truth will emerge. And when it does, this house of cards,
built of deceit, will fall."

Jean Carnahan Former Democratic Senator Missouri

"I'm the number 1 target of the White House. They can't get Osama bin
Laden; they're going to get me."

Barry Chamish Israeli researcher author journalist

"This was my first lesson in Israeli cheating. The most unexpected
people are engaged in it and the people would rather believe there was
no cheating in their world.I quit the game for good in utter disgust
and then Rabin was murdered. I had honed the skill of catching cheaters
and this time I vowed I would not let them prosper. I caught Rabin's
real murderers and though about half the country know it, they cannot
be properly motivated to bring justice to their land. They would rather
believe that their leaders are honest, the leaders know it, so the
cheaters they elected can get away with anything. It is a national
character flaw that is proving too costly in lives and integrity."

Jacques Chiraq President of France

"Nothing today justifies a war in Iraq," he said. "This region really
does not need another war.the debate over Iraq should take place "in
the spirit of friendship and respect that characterises our relations
with the United States and other countries.To act without the
legitimacy of the United Nations, to favour the use of force over law,
is taking a serious responsibility"France and Russia, along with
Germany, are among the strongest proponents of a peaceful solution to
the Iraq crisis, a position that runs counter to the U.S. warning that
"time is running out" for Baghdad to disarm.

Noam Chomsky Leading linguist and commentator

"President George Bush will have to "manufacture" another threat to
American security to win re-election in 2004 after US failure in
occupying Iraq."The nation's most implacable critic of U.S. foreign
policy argues that the war is unjust, America is the biggest terrorist
state and intellectuals always support official violence."

Ramsey Clark Former Democratic Attorney General

"Regime change! George Bush has to go and we have the power to do it.
The officials of the government shall be removed from office for crimes
and misdemeanor; their crime against peace, and for use of torture in
Iraq.""The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign

Alexander Cockburn Counterpunch

"Also Turning his attention to Michael Lerner, Summaria remarks, "What really pissed me off about Michael Lerner back during the Bush Sr attack on Iran was Lerner's accusation that Barbara Lubin (Middle East Childrens' Alliance) was a 'self-hating Jew'. After that, no ad hominem seems to me below the belt. Besides, my family is Italian American, and where I grew up neither tact nor modesty was ever considered much of a virtue. Why my tax dollars should help religious fanatics from Detroit to Brooklyn build fortified luxury condos on stolen land baffles me. Plus one cannot help but wonder how much of US aid to Israel actually hits the ground there, versus the coffers of US arms manufacturers and the Swiss bank accounts of Israeli government officials on the take in the form of kickbacks and other perks. If Iran-Contra taught us anything, anything at all, it is that the Israel government is at least as corrupt as our own."

Robin Cook British Foreign Secretary

Why I had to leave the cabinet
This will be a war without support at home or agreement abroad

Rachel Corrie Peace Activist

Rachel was killed on March 16, less than a year ago, when she was run
over by Israeli bulldozer #949-623. Rachel died in the attempt to stop
the bulldozer from demolishing the home of a Palestinian physician in
the Gaza Strip. This weekend The Wisconsin Council of Churches plans an
interfaith gathering: the "Courage for Nonviolence" conference.

Herta Daeubler-Gmelin German Justice Minister

"Bush wants to divert attention from his domestic problems. It's a
classic tactic. It's one that Hitler used."

Robert Dreyfuss Writer

"In desperate moments, people lash out. Perhaps the clearest sign of
Perle and Frum?s desperation is their shameless effort to preempt their
opponents attacks by claiming that anyone who criticizes them is an
anti-Semite. In disparaging the "myth of the neoconservative cabal,"
Perle and Frum say that "the neoconservative myth offers Europeans and
liberals a useful euphemism for expressing their hostility to Israel."

It's a standard refrain for defenders of Israel?s own excesses: if you
dare to criticize Ariel Sharon?s thuggish policy toward the occupied
territories, the expansionist settler movement, the building of The
Wall, etc., then you are prima facie anti-Semitic. In similar fashion,
if you disagree with the Perle-Frum vision of an endless war on terror
and preemptive regime-change wars, and if you excoriate the relatively
small group of neocons partisans who advocate that policy, you hate
Jews. (David Brooks, writing in The New York Times recently, went so
far as to say that when critics use the world neocons, "neo" means
Jewish!) Journalists around the world, Perle and Frum say, constantly
ask them: "Is the war on terror a Zionist plot?" Well, no, it?s not.
But neither are Perle?s critics anti-Semites."

Francoise Ducros Canadian Prime Minister's Director of communications
replaced for calling Bush a "moron"

"Bush,"What a moron."

David Duke American Patriot

"America should put Israel at the top of our hit list; for in this
article, I will prove that Israel has committed deliberate acts of
murderous terrorism against America and has responsibility for the
carnage of September 11, 2001.Israel has committed more continuing
terrorism in the last half century than any other nation on earth.
Then, I will expose Israel?s record of terrorism and treachery
against the United States of America. Finally, I will show the shocking
facts proving thatIsrael?s extremist government, under the leadership
of mass-murderer Ariel Sharon,treacherously abetted the 9-11

Robert Fisk Journalist

"Why, I wonder, doesn't Mr Bush let Ariel Sharon run the White House
press bureau? Not only would it be more honest we would at least be
hearing the voice of Israel at first hand but it would spare the
American President the ignominy of parroting everything he is told by
the Israelis."

Al Franken Author Comedian

"George W. Bush said he doesn?t mind being ?misunderestimated.? Because
by ?misunderestimated,? Bush means being underestimated for the wrong
reason. The media thought he was kind of stupid. He isn?t. He?s just
shamelessly dishonest."


"Perhaps the greatest crime of the Not See Party was the execution of
Operation Northwoods on September 11, 2001. Instead of having real
Cubans to take part and take blame, they had Osama bin Laden, an old
friend of the Bushes, to play scapegoat. Forty years of refinements to
these plans made them a bit slicker and more high tech than the '60s
version. However, a few things went wrong, and intelligent people all
over the world, including many American citizens, were noticing that 9
/11 must have been an inside job. For instance, if one looks at the
anthrax hoax, perpetrated soon after 9/11, it becomes clear that this
was a fraud made to look like a Moslem act of terror. In fact, it was
clearly US anthrax, most likely put in the mail by US scientist Dr.
Steven Hatfill, who to this day remains free despite the evidence
against him.
As to the body of evidence against the US government relative to the 9
/11 attacks, there can be no doubt that this was an inside job. Molten
steel from the beams, advance warnings given to US politicians not to
fly, unprecedented levels of options trading on United and American
Airlines, the lack of US Air Force response, Bush's remark about
'seeing' the plane hit before it was broadcast, the lack of black box
data, the precision with which one plane hit the Pentagon, the way the
towers jumped and caused small earthquakes before falling, these and a
plethora or other facts point to 9/11 simply being Operation

Jeremy Glick Son of Victim of 911 WTC

"our current president, who I feel and many feel is in this position
illegitimately by neglecting the voices of Afro-Americans in the
Florida coup, which, actually, somebody got impeached for during the
Reconstruction period -- Our current president now inherited a legacy
from his father and inherited a political legacy that's responsible for
training militarily, economically, and situating geopolitically the
parties involved in the alleged assassination and the murder of my
father and countless of thousands of others. So I don't see why it's


"I think there's no question that Bush has increasingly destabilized
the world, and what has taken place in Saudi Arabia is a key example.
What Graham has raised is very important. He's former head of the
Senate Intelligence Committee, and he, together with Porter Goss, who,
in fact, is a former CIA agent are quite infuriated that the Bush
administration, rather than deeply investigating what happened on
September 11 are actually preventing information from getting out, and
this is of grave concern. He also said that the invasion of Iraq is a
distraction from the war on terror, and I think what we're seeing this
week in Saudi Arabia with these deadly bombings is a good example of

Richard Green [father of helicopter pilot Philip Green killed in a crash]

"I feel highly emotional about Tony Blair's presence at the service. "I
think he's a war criminal, it's as simple as that. The man, without any
consideration to the Labour parliamentary party, elected to go to war
with this scabby little friend in Texas [Dictator Bush], and killed 51
of our men unnecessarily,"

Denis Halliday Former head of the U.N.'s humanitarian program in Iraq

"An American invasion would be an international crime -- and would make
the U.S. even less safe.The whole weapons inspection issue is really
just a ruse. The real agenda of the Bush administration is a regime
change -- which is just a polite word for assassination. It has nothing
to do with the U.N. or weapons inspectors or even human rights."

Michael Hardt

"Global Elites Must Realise that US Imperialism Isn't in Their
Interest.Some of the worst tragedies of human history occur when elites
are incapable of acting in their own interest. The waning years of
ancient Rome, for example, were full of misguided political and
military adventures that brought death and destruction to the elites,
their allies and their enemies alike. Unfortunately we are again facing
such a situation. It seems inevitable that the United States will soon
conduct a full-scale war in Iraq. The US is also engaged in a war on
terrorism that may extend to all regions of the globe. And, most
importantly, the US has embarked on a foreign policy of "security" that
dictates that it not merely react to threats but anticipate them with
pre-emptive strikes.

These military adventures are one sign that the US is fast becoming an

imperialist power along the old European model, but on a global scale.
It is imposing itself as the active and determining centre of the full
range of world affairs, military, political, and economic. All
exchanges and decisions are being forced, in effect, to pass through
the US. The ultimate hubris of the US political leaders is their belief
that they can not only force regime change and name new leaders for
various countries, but also actually shape the global environment -- an
audacious extension of the old imperialist ideology of mission
civilisatrice. Regime change in Iraq is only the first step in an
ambitious project to reconstruct the political order of the entire
Middle East. And their designs of power extend well beyond that."

Woody Harrelson Actor Peace Activist

"This is a racist and imperialist war. The warmongers who stole the

White House have hijacked a nation's grief and turned it into a
perpetual war on any non-white country they choose to describe as

Seymour Hersh Pulitzer prize-winning New York Times journalist

"I think Bush's going to lose [the election], unless he makes some
radical change, which he's not going to do.... Bush's got money
troubles, troop troubles; he's going to have to hold it. I just don't
see any way out.The Bush administration's operations in Iraq as a "
massive failure" during a lecture at the Fletcher School yesterday. He
is the winner of a Pulitzer-Prize and regular contributor to The New
Yorker.The biggest problem,is that "there are no weapons of mass
destruction [WMD]." Hersh found it "unnerving" that US authorities
sincerely believed in the existence of WMD in Iraq. "A lot of people I
like and respected really thought there was an issue there, but I don't
think so."

Tom Hayden California peace activist

"It is natural that opponents of war want to protect their efforts from
being tagged as unpatriotic.We know we'll be attacked by the White
House and right-wing radio broadcasters for disregard of the troops,
when in fact it's the White House that's putting them in harm's
way,Even the most modest critics of this administration's policy, like
comedian Bill Maher, have been tarred with that brush already. Now you
can expect more of the same."

David Icke Webmaster

TH And what about that statement about "there's one terrible pilot".
What?? A passenger jet crashes into one of the twin towers full of
people and all the President of the United States can say is "there's
one terrible pilot"!! And then he walks into a classroom to read a
story about a pet goat?? God help us. "There's one terrible pilot"? We
are not talking a light plane flown by an amateur, but a commerical
airliner and even if it had not been a terrorist outrage, it would
still have been an enormous tragedy requiring the leadership of the US
president. But of course none of this tissue of lies by Bush could have
happened because he could not possibly have seen the first crash on
live television because there was no live coverage. The fact that Bush
KNEW the plane was going to hit the tower is more like it because he,
like his masters who orchestrated it, was well aware of what was going
to unfold that morning."

David Irving Real Historian

"As for Osama bin Laden himself, I still find it hard to believe that this simpering, giggling mystic was able to mastermind this ruthless plan. Maybe that is why the Pentagon was loath to put it on show -- except that their own military leaders like Tommy Franks, Air Force General Myers and the ineffable Rear-Admiral Stufflebeem seem to be several plates short of a picnic in their own intellectual department, from what we can see at their press conferences (unlike Rumsfeld whose brain is as sharp as a Wilkinson sword). Watching the videotape I kept asking myself -- this being Florida -- what these guys had been smoking. Evidently in this case Islam is itself the opiate."

Chalmers Johnson Decades as student and East Asia scholar Consultant to the CIA from 1967 to 1973

"This is not the way most of us think of U.S. foreign policy.We
Americans deeply believe that our role in the world is virtuous?that
our actions are almost invariably for the good of others as well as
ourselves. Even when our actions have led to disaster, we assume that
the motives behind them were honorable.? But,the evidence is building
up that in the decade following the end of the Cold War, the United
States has largely abandoned a reliance on diplomacy, economic aid,
international law, and multilateral institutions in carrying out its
foreign policies and resorted much of the time to bluster, military
force, and financial manipulation.

Alex Jones Radio Anti War Commentator

"George W. Bush planned the attacks of September 11th!"

Walid Jumblatt Lebanese Minister of Public Works and Transport

"There are a number of questions on the authors of the attacks in
America. I think they were a great coup carried out by the secret
services. The CIA and the Mossad could be behind (the attacks) to
provoke a new war and impoverish and occupy the Middle East."
In Beirut, Walid Jumblatt, an influential Lebanese politician and
leader of its Druze community, triggered US outrage on Monday when he
expressed regret Mr Wolfowitz was unhurt in the rocket attack.
"We hope the firing will be more precise and efficient (next time), so
we get rid of this microbe and people like him in Washington who are
spreading disorder in Arab lands, Iraq and Palestine," Mr Jumblatt said
in a statement.Mr Jumblatt called Mr Wolfowitz a `friend of Ariel
Sharon', the hard line Israeli prime minister, `and one of the main
architects of ... the destruction of Iraq' even before the war to
topple Saddam."

David Kelly U.K. weapons expert

A journalist who used British scientist David Kelly as a key source
testified Tuesday that Kelly was sure Iraq had weapons of mass
destruction, but that intelligence had been embellished to heighten the
actual threat.Kelly apparently committed suicide after he was forced to
appear before a parliamentary committee. Tony Blair said he was not
aware of the way in which the Ministry of Defence was planning to
reveal Kelly as the source for the BBC story questioning Britain's
intelligence dossier as SEXED UP/However, Blair accepted full
responsibility for the government's decision to reveal Kelly as the
source of the story.

Edward Kennedy Senator from Boston

"I believe that this Administration is indeed leading this country to a
perilous place. It has broken faith with the American people, aided and
abetted by a Congressional majority willing to pursue ideology at any
price, even the price of distorting the truth. On issue after issue,
they have moved brazenly to impose their agenda on America and on the
world. They have pursued their goals at the expense of urgent national
and human needs and at the expense of the truth. America deserves
better.I do not make these statements lightly. I make them as an
American deeply concerned about the future of the Republic if the
extremist policies of this Administration continue."

John Brady Kiesling Foreign Service Officer for 20 years,assigned to U.S. Embassy in Athens, Greece.

"Letter of Resignation I am resigning because I have tried and failed
to reconcile my conscience with my ability to represent the current U.
S. administration. I have confidence that our democratic process is
ultimately self-correcting, and hope that in a small way I can
contribute from outside to shaping policies that better serve the
security and prosperity of the American people and the world we share."

Reijo Kemppinen European Executive Comission Spokesman

"The commission strongly rejected allegations that legitimate criticism
by EU institutions of the actions of Israel had anything to do with
anti-Semitism, he said. "These two things are separate.".

Naomi Klein Writer

"The only way out for the administration is to make sure that Iraq's
next government is anything but sovereign. It must be pliant enough to
ratify the CPA's illegal laws, which will then be celebrated as the
happy marriage of free markets and free people. Once that happens, it
will be too late: the contracts will be locked in, the deals done and
the occupation of Iraq permanent.Which is why anti-war forces must use
this fast-closing window to demand that the next Iraqi government be
free from the shackles of these reforms. It's too late to stop the war,
but it's not too late to deny Iraq's invaders the myriad economic
prizes they went to war to collect in the first place. It's not too
late to cancel the contracts and ditch the deals."

Dennis J. Kucinich Congressman opposition leader to thewar in Iraq

"This Administration deliberately led this nation to war based on based
on false premises. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11; with Al-Queda?s
role in 9/11; or with the Anthrax attack on this nation. Iraq did not
present an imminent threat to the United States. Iraq had no usable
weapons of mass destruction. That?s why the weapons of mass
destruction cannot be found.This Administration?s deception made
America less secure. It has cut off the US from the world community.
It violated the US Constitution. It violated the UN Charter. It
violated the Geneva Convention. It continues to cost the lives of our
men and women in uniform. It has cost the lives of countless innocent
Iraqis. It will cost the American taxpayers well over $100 billion.
It has caused tens of billions of dollars in damage to Iraq. It has
strengthened religious fundamentalists who now threaten the freedom of
women in Iraq society.This manufactured catastrophe called foreign
policy represents not only a failure of truth, a great credibility gap,
but more than that, America faces a crisis of the legitimacy of the
government itself, which lied to the American people to get approval
for a war.

Emile Lahoud President of the Republic of Lebanon

"In the absence of justice and development, oppression and backwardness
prevail.A commitment to fighting terrorism was not enough.A ?clear
definition of terrorism,?was essential to fighting it.It is not
possible for every country to lay down ?its own definition of terrorism
in the absence of an international explanation of the word accepted by
the international community.The Middle East is full of examples of
international double standards.We need an ?international re-awakening
aimed at finding the right solutions to Middle East problems before it
is too late. It is not appropriate for some great powers to impose
their own definition of terrorism.Israel is to blame for most of the
injustice and extremism in the region.Israel possessess weapons of mass
destruction and continuing to occupy Arab land in complete disregard of
international resolutions calling on it to withdraw.

Israel is constantly expanding its settlements and ?oppressively
denying the Palestinians their fundamental rights.So what kind of
international justice is this,and what kind of logic is behind it??
Rebelling against injustice is legitimate and not terrorist in any way
!Is resistance to foreign occupation a form of terrorism?Backwardness
breeds poverty and poverty undermines freedom.Is an intifada against
backwardness and poverty terrorist?Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
was trying to make as many gains on the ground as he could in the lead
-up to the US presidential elections.Sharon had stymied all
international efforts to achieve peace, including the US-backed ?road
map? for peace."

Lyndon H. LaRouche,Jr.,Democratic Presidential pre-candidate for 2004

"The Bush Administration must not make any excuses for what Israeli

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is doing in the Dec. 2-8 attacks on
Palestinians.Sharon and the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] are determined
to kill Arafat and to destroy the Palestinian Authority. We will not
tolerate this.The present government in Israel represents currents
inside Israel and abroad that must be judged as clinically insane. Even
after the intervention by the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin?who
warned that unless there was a fundamental change in Israeli policy,
the nation would soon cease to exist?those same suicidal policies were
continued, and were, in fact, the driving factor behind Rabin's
assassination.A government that pursues suicidal policies cannot be
treated as sane. If Israel persists in its current policies, somewhere
down the line, the result will be the destruction of Israel, and its
vilification as a Hitler-like state.The Bush Administration should tell
Sharon: Stop this Nazi-like policy toward the Palestinians, or the
United States will come at you full force and crush you; such
unequivocal action could stop Sharon's madness."

Terje Roed Larsen Oslo Accords architect Norway's Minister of Planning

"Fight the Zionistic State of Israel, US imperialism, and the enemies
of the Palestinian people in the Arab world.'No' to a two-state
solution - support the battle for the liberation of all of Palestine."
Right now, Larsen is battling for his young political life!

Mark Latham Prominent opposition Labor MP in Australia

"Bush himself is the most incompetent and dangerous President [sic] in
living memory."

Carlos Latuff Artist

"We are ALL Palestinian"

Ken Livingstone the Mayor of London

"George Bush is just about everything that is repellent in politics
President George Bush is the greatest threat to life on this planet
that we've most probably ever seen. This really is a completely
unsupportable government and I look forward to it being overthrown as
much as I looked forward to Saddam Hussein being overthrown.You have
got this super-patriotic hawk who was a coward when his country was
actually involved in a war and has the most venal and corrupt
administration since President Harding in the 20s. He is not a
legitimate president."

Al Martin Bestselling Author

Bushonianism: Creating a Surreal America
"The purpose of Bushonomics, in the unforgettable words of George Bush
Sr., is ?the continuous consolidation of money and power into higher,
tighter and righter hands?. But once you have been on a binge, like the
Cabal has been, over the last three years, and you have transferred $6
trillion of wealth from the American people into your hands, you have
to take a respite. That transfer mechanism, i.e. Bushonomics, however,
cannot continue indefinitely. It has to be punctuated with regimes that
will act with fiscal restraint and economic prudence to allow the
economy to at least stabilize. Then when the economy is stabilized, you
put a Bush or a Cabalist back in to re-rape and re-pillage. This is why
I have always maintained that the long-term agenda of the Cabalists is
the economic collapse of the United States."

Hagai Matar, Adam Maor, Shimri Tsameret Matan Kaminer Noam Bahat AND 583 Israeli Refuseniks

Matar never expected that his sentence would be so harsh. But as the
teenage refusenik reports to a military prison today, he says he will
draw comfort from the judges' description of him as a threat to the
survival of Israel. Mr Matar is one of five young men starting one-year
sentences at No 6 military prison near Haifa.They all refused to serve
because they object to the occupation.

Cynthia McKinney Former Congresswoman

"Ever since I came to Congress in 1992, there are those who have been
trying to silence my voice. I've been told to "sit down and shut up"
over and over again. Well, I won't sit down and I won't shut up until
the full and unvarnished truth is placed before the American people."
placing troops in Cincinnati Ohio or in Benton Harbor to restore calm
and "protect property" is about as helpful for the resolution of the
problems of Ohio, or Michigan, or for that matter Black America as it
is to place US troops in Liberia to resolve the problems on West
Africa's oil-rich shore.Or, for that matter, in the hot, oil-rich
desert sands of Iraq.America must be held accountable for the sick and
depraved conditions under which millions of our people now live.I
wonder, have I ever seen that word in the corporate press when
describing the Bush Administration?Now it is a fact that it was the
Ashcroft Justice Department that gave law enforcement officials
authority to use the no-knock warrant But, I'm wondering where are the
no-knock warrants for the Carlyle Group, Enron, DynCorp, Halliburton,
Worldcom, HealthSouth, all the off-shore companies that fled our
country to avoid paying taxes yet continue to get billions in federal
contracts? Where are their no-knock warrants?"

Norman Mailer World Acclaimed American Author

"Gaining an Empire, Losing Democracy?
There is a subtext to what the Bushites are doing as they prepare for
war in Iraq. My hypothesis is that President George W. Bush and many
conservatives have come to the conclusion that the only way they can
save America and get if off its present downslope is to become a regime
with a greater military presence and drive toward empire. My fear is
that Americans might lose their democracy in the process.The dire
prospect that opens, therefore, is that America is going to become a
mega-banana republic where the army will have more and more importance
in Americans' lives. It will be an ever greater and greater overlay on
the American system. And before it is all over, democracy, noble and
delicate as it is, may give way. My long experience with human nature -
I'm 80 years old now - suggests that it is possible that fascism, not
democracy, is the natural state."

Nelson Mandela Former South African president Nobel Peace Prize Awardee

"U.S. wants holocaust Mandela has slammed the U.S. stance on Iraq,
saying that "one power with a president who has no foresight, who
cannot think properly,is now wanting to plunge the world into a

Ellen Mariani Widow of 911 Victim

9-11 widow Ellen Mariani in her Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act (RICO) suit seeking to hold President Bush and
various government officials accountable for the September 11 attacks,
served Bush and top officials in his Administration with a personal
summons, the original complaint and the first amended complaint via a
federal process server, as required by the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure.Among those served besides the President, were Vice-President
Richard Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Attorney General
John Ashcroft, Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet,
National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of
Transportation Norman Mineta, 9-11 Congressional Victim Compensation
Fund Special Master Kenneth Feinberg, former Iraqi Dictator Saddam
Hussein, Zacarias Moussaoui, and former President George H. W. Bush.

Dr.Mahatir Mohamad Former Malaysian Prime Minister

"Jews rule the world by proxy" and the world's 1.3 billion Muslims
should unite, using non-violent means for a "final victory."Some are
well-disposed toward us. Some even see our enemies as their enemies.
Even among the Jews there are many who do not approve of what the
Israelis are doing."

Natalie Maines

In a Dixie Chicks concert in London earlier this week said that she was
"ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas."


"...you know it's ironic we're fighting for democracy in Iraq because
we ultimately aren't celebrating democracy here. Because anybody who
has anything to say against the war or against the president or
whatever - is punished, and that's not democracy - it's people being
intolerant. And you know, everyone's entitled to their opinion, for or
against and that's what our constitutional rights are supposed to be,
that we all have the freedom to express ourselves and voice our dissent
if we have that."

Juergen Moellemann, Former deputy leader of Germany's centrist Free Democratic Party

A controversial former German minister has died in a parachute jump,
shortly after parliament voted to lift his immunity over sleaze
allegations.Condemned as an anti-Semite in the German media for his
outspoken criticism of Israel?s brutal occupation of Palestine, the
mainstream press chose to portray M?llemann?s death as the suicide of a
disgraced politician whose career was in ruins. While the media
barely mentioned the possibility of murder there is substantial
suspicion - and some evidence - of foul play.He resigned from the party
in March after being accused of anti-Semitism in the run-up to last
year's parliamentary elections.Police said Juergen Moellemann, an
experienced skydiver, died at an airfield near the town of Marl in his
home state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Last year, Mr Moellemann became
notorious for making allegedly anti-Semitic remarks.He resigned from
the parliamentary group of the FDP in February, and from the party
itself the following month. He remained an independent member of
parliament.He also issued a leaflet shortly before national elections
in which he criticised German Jewish leader Michael Friedman and
Israeli leader Ariel Sharon.

Michael Moore Anti War Activist and World Renound Bestselling Author Film Producer

"We live in fictitious times. We live in a time with fictitious
election results that elect fictitious presidents. We live in a time
when we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons. We are
against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you. Shame on you."

Bill Moyers Public Broadcasting System

"Way back in the 1950's when I first tasted politics and journalism,
Republicans briefly controlled the White House and Congress. With the
exception of Joseph McCarthy and his vicious ilk, they were a
reasonable lot, presided over by that giant war hero, Dwight
Eisenhower, who was conservative by temperament and moderate in the use
of power. That brand of Republican is gone. And for the first time in
the memory of anyone aliveThe entire federal government ? the Congress,
the executive, the courts ? is united behind a right-wing agenda for
which George W. Bush believes he now has a mandate.
That agenda includes the power of the state to force pregnant women to
surrender control over their own lives. It includes using the taxing
power to transfer wealth from working people to the rich. It includes
giving corporations a free hand to eviscerate the environment and
control the regulatory agencies meant to hold them accountable. And it
includes secrecy on a scale you cannot imagine. ?Above all, it means
judges with a political agenda appointed for life. If you like the
Supreme Court that put George W. Bush in the White House, you will
swoon over what?s coming. And if you like God in government, get ready
for the Rapture.... ?So it?s a heady time in Washington, a heady time
for piety, profits and military power,all joined at the hip by ideology
and money. Don?t forget the money Republicans out-raised Democrats by
$184 million and they came up with the big prize: monopoly control of
the American government and the power of the state to turn their
radical ideology into the law of the land. Quite a bargain at any

Hussein Mujalli, Head of the Jordan Bar Association,

"Demanded a defense panel for ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
According to Mujalli, he will be building his case around the
illegality of trying him in Iraq or internationally as laid out by the
present Iraqi constitution. He is also demanding that both American
president Bush and British PM Blair be put on trial fortheir unlawful
occupation of Iraq."
The real intention behind the capture of Saddam is to terrorize the
Arab nations and humanity as a whole?President Bush and his
administration are the ones who should be brought to trial as they are
the major threat to world peace added Mujalli.

Paul O'Neill Former Treasury Secretary

First major insider of the Bush administration to launch an attack on
the president."President George W. Bush entered office in January 2001
intent on invading Iraq and was in search of a way to go about it like
a blind man in a roomful of deaf people."

Greg Palast author of the New York Times bestseller,'The Best Democracy Money Can Buy'

Investigative reporter Greg Palast has uncovered fraud and corruption
in the highest seats of power, exposing the back-room crimes and
propaganda lies of the New World Order's robber barons-- from the
pirates in the Oval Office to the corporate globalizers steamrolling
the world over.If Britain's government was selling its nation,
corporate America was buying. That's my main beat: "Inside Corporate
America,"This book is largely a compendium of the investigations
printed and broadcast overseas, expanded, with the newest information,
plus substantial new material for this special edition for the United
States.The question remains, why were these stories (and their author)
exiled to Europe?Where are you, America? Don't you want to know how
your president was elected? How the IMF spends your money?Mike Isikoff,
a Newsweek reporter, suggested an answer. A couple of years ago, he
passed me some truly disturbing information on President Clinton, not
the usual intern-under-the-desk stuff. I said, "Mike, why don't you
print this?" And he said,"Because no one gives a shit."

Nancy Pelosi House Democratic Leader

"It is clear to me that there was not an imminent threat from weapons
of mass destruction in Iraq. Saddam Hussein may have had aspirations to
develop such weapons, but, as the interim report indicates, whatever
aspirations he had ran well beyond Iraq's capabilities.Because the
threat was not imminent, there was certainly time for more diplomatic
efforts to be made before we went to war."

Sean Penn Actor Peace Activist

"Many of your (BUSH) actions to date and those proposed seem to violate
every defining principle of this country over which you preside:
intolerance of debate ("with us or against us"), marginalization of
your critics, the promoting of fear through unsubstantiated rhetoric,
manipulation of a quick comfort media, and position of your
administration's deconstruction of civil liberties all contradict the
very core of the patriotism you claim. You lead, it seems, through a
blood-lined sense of entitlement. Take a close look at your most
vehement media supporters. See the fear in their eyes as their loud
voices of support ring out with that historically disastrous
undercurrent of rage and panic masked as "straight tough talk."

John Pilger What They Don't Want You to Know

"The disaster in Iraq is rotting the Blairite establishment. Blair
himself appears ever more removed from reality; his latest tomfoolery
about the "discovery" of "a huge system of clandestine weapons
laboratories," which even the American viceroy in Baghdad mocked, would
be astonishing, were it not merely another of his vapid attempts to
justify his crime against humanity. (His crime, and George Bush's, is
clearly defined as "supreme" in the Nuremberg judgment.)"

William Rivers Pitt Managing Editor of Truthout.org

"Mr. Bush You Are A Liar!
Bush and the White House told the American people over and over again
that Iraq was in possession of vast stockpiles of chemical, biological
and nuclear weapons. Bush and the White House said over and over again
that this was a direct threat to the United States. Bush and the White
House told the American people over and over again that Iraq was
directly connected to al Qaeda terrorism, and would hand those terrible
weapons over to the terrorists the first chance they got. Bush and the
White House told Congress the same thing. Very deliberately, Bush and
the White House tied a war in Iraq to the attack of September 11.It was
all a lie. All of it."

Carl Pope Sierra Club President

"You can't make a silk purse out of two sows' ears. We have a House
energy bill that will take us backwards very quickly and a Senate
energy bill that will take us backwards somewhat more slowly. Neither
is what the American people wanted, asked for or need. What we needed
was a proposal that would reduce our dependence on oil, that would
increase our reliance on renewable energy resources and that would
protect and take care of America instead of turning over huge swaths of
our country to irresponsible oil, gas and nuclear industries. So, we
think the American people need to say to both their senators and their
representatives, "Thanks but no thanks." We're not going to take this
deal. And we'll continue our conversation with you in the ballot box."

Validimir Putin President of Russia

"Iraq's weapons capability must be neutralised as quickly as possible,
but that waging war should be considered only as a last resort.Nothing
today justifies a war,This region really does not need another war.
Russia believes the crisis must be resolved diplomatically.We are
against the war."France and Russia, along with Germany, are among the
strongest proponents of a peaceful solution to the Iraq crisis, a
position that runs counter to the U.S. warning that "time is running
out" for Baghdad to disarm."The Iraq war would be a "mistake with the
most serious consequences"

Justin Raimondo Anti War Activist


"They'll lie us into yet another war.They're already debating whether
to go to war with Syria, and the neocons have come out with their
election year manifesto, declaring that we need to take the fight not
only to Syria, but to Iran, Saudi Arabia, and ? chillingly ? North
Korea. The neocons, and their nestlings inside the Defense Department
and other federal agencies, are nothing if not brazen. What they need
is a good smack upside the head!"

Jeffrey Record Defense expert and visiting research professor at the Strategic Studies Institute of the Army War College

The Record report blasts President Bush for claiming that Saddam
Hussein and Al-Qaida were "a single, undifferentiated terrorist threat
."Pentagon officials dismissed Record's findings, arguing that the
respected scholar is entitled to his opinion. And whose opinion on
terrorism does the Pentagon value? That of George W. Bush - our most
incurious president ever. Members of the Army War College, of which
Record is one, publish must-read studies on military and national
security issues"

Michael Rectenwald Founder and Chair Citizens for Legitimate Government

"Rumsfeld now threatens Syria and Iran. China now plans to bolster its
military and crack down on dissent in order to prepare for a
confrontation with the US Hegemony. France, Russia, Germany, China,
Mexico and the citizens of the world have condemned us. Even our
nearest neighbor, Canada, has an unexampled fear and loathing of its
southern neighbor.

What lengths will we go? Do we assemble? Of course--with or without
permits. Do we argue with detractors: Of course! We, and not they, have
the facts and morality on our side. Do we make our dissent loud, clear
and constant. YES. Do we stand in front of military convoys when they
drive in our very streets even though these very same trucks may not
reach Iraq itself? YES! Do we make the city governments pay a few
million more to stop the 70 plus billion dollar Bush war of aggression:
HELL YES!!! Do we stand in the way of business as usual and demand a
change of course! We must! We must undo the Bush coup! And we must stop
the Bush juggernaut before it is Dubya Dubya III!"

Reno "Rebel Without a Pause"

Her favorite subjects these days are the hypocritical troika of Bush,
Rumsfeld and Ashcroft and what she believes to be the short-sighted
nature of post-Sept. 11 hyper-patriotism.George W. Bush's public
speaking style -- "Like a drunk trying to look sober."

Jeff Rense "An American Treasure"

That's the description many listeners use when trying to describe this
indescribable host and his most unusual nightly voyages into what he
terms 'conversational journalism.' Jeff refers to his program as 'the
end of the line...a detour to reality' and, night after night, presents
riveting, mind-stretching information and truly unforgettable guests.
Often searingly politically incorrect, and intellectually daring, Jeff
brings forth a prolific array of topics which routinely leave listeners
mesmerized. This is NOT a 'talk show' - it is intelligent, discovery
radio at its finest and produces material which is not only vital but
addictive, compelling and life-changing. There is a special energy and
intensity here unlike that found on ANY other program.Interview/Michael
Rivero - What Really Happened?

Scott Ritter Former chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq

"The controversial weapons inspector says Saddam's weapons of mass
destruction are largely disarmed, the "Iraqi threat" is built on a
framework of lies and President Bush has betrayed the American people."

Mike Rivero What Really Happened Webmaster Extraordinaire

"The truth is "hate speech" only to those who have something to hide"

Tim Robins Actor Anti War Activist

"And then came the speech: You are either with us or against us. And
the bombing began. And the old paradigm was restored as our leader
encouraged us to show our patriotism by shopping and by volunteering to
join groups that would turn in their neighbor for any suspicious
behavior.In the 19 months since 9-11, we have seen our democracy
compromised by fear and hatred. Basic inalienable rights, due process,
the sanctity of the home have been quickly compromised in a climate of
fear. A unified American public has grown bitterly divided, and a world
population that had profound sympathy and support for us has grown
contemptuous and distrustful, viewing us as we once viewed the Soviet
Union, as a rogue state."

Mary Robinson U.N. high commissioner for human rights

The outgoing U.N. high commissioner for human rights talks about
running afoul of the Bush administration over Israel and the
Palestinians, ending the "cycle of impunity" and standing up to bullies.

Arundhati Roy The Algebra of Infinite Justice

"President Bush's ultimatum to the people of the world - "If you're not
with us, you're against us" - is a piece of presumptuous arrogance.
It's not a choice that people want to,need to,or should have to make."

Thom Rutledge What I Have to Say About George W. Bush, Blood-thirsty Christians, Homophobes & People Who Don't Use Their Blinkers

"George W. Bush is an odd combination of ridiculous and dangerous. He's sort of an evil idiot savant. He also is the perfect poster boy for hypocrisy. Just this morning I heard Georgie say on the television that the best way to protect our homeland is to hunt our enemies down one by one and stop them, which I suppose means to kill them. The idiot part comes in when I realize that he really believes what he is saying. This guy really believes that he is here to wipe out evil. The savant part --- the genius --- is found in how he gets so many otherwise intelligent people to cheer him on. Now, to the hypocrisy part. President Georgie is a born again Christian, as are the vast majority of his adoring followers. Do they think that Jesus was just kidding around, or maybe having an off day, when he gave the sermon on the mount ---- and when he said turn the other cheek, and when he said put away your sword?"

WILLIAM SAFIRE Seizing Dictatorial Power

"Misadvised by a frustrated and panic-stricken attorney
general, a president of the United States has just assumed what
amounts to dictatorial power to jail or execute aliens. Intimidated by
terrorists and inflamed by a passion for rough justice, we are letting
George W. Bush get away with the replacement of the American rule of
law with military kangaroo courts.

In his infamous emergency order, Bush admits to dismissing "the
principles of law and the rules of evidence" that undergird America's
system of justice. He seizes the power to circumvent the courts and
set up his own drumhead tribunals ? panels of officers who will sit in
judgment of non-citizens who the president need only claim "reason to
believe" are members of terrorist organizations.No longer does the
judicial branch and an independent jury stand between the government
and the accused. In lieu of those checks and balances central to our
legal system, non-citizens face an executive that is now investigator,
prosecutor, judge, jury and jailer or executioner. In an Orwellian
twist, Bush's order calls this Soviet-style abomination "a full and
fair trial."

Edward Said Non Violence Peace Activist and Professor

"A Tiny, Unelected Group, Backed by Powerful Unrepresentative Interests
The Bush administration's relentless unilateral march towards war is profoundly disturbing for many reasons, but so far as American citizens are concerned the whole grotesque show is a tremendous failure in democracy. An immensely wealthy and powerful republic has been hijacked by a small cabal of individuals, all of them unelected and therefore unresponsive to public pressure, and simply turned on its head. It is no exaggeration to say that this war is the most unpopular in modern history. Before the war has begun there have been more people protesting it in this country alone than was the case at the height of the anti- Vietnam war demonstrations during the 60s and 70s. Note also that those rallies took place after the war had been going on for several years: this one has yet to begin, even though a large number of overtly aggressive and belligerent steps have already been taken by the US and its loyal puppy, the UK government of the increasingly ridiculous Tony Blair."

Sheila Samples Bad to the Bone

"Bush watchers ... see nothing precious, courageous or brilliant about undisciplined, over-indulged serial liars who keep making mess after ghastly mess and then waltz breezily away, leaving devastation in their wake for others to clean up. They see bad boys. Very, very bad boys... [The neo-cons] knew they would likely get but one shot at achieving world domination. The only thing lacking was a candidate who was impervious to human pain and suffering, and who viewed most constitutional laws and regulations as ploys of the vulnerable to set road blocks to progress. They needed a candidate whose lust for power and thirst for blood matched their own. When they looked around for an accomplice or, better yet, a puppet, to start the empirical ball rolling, it was only natural to consider the Brothers Bush."Honey, I Shrunk the Presidency "It is impossible to list the many and varied ways Bush has shrunk the presidency since the Supreme Court shook the pillars of democracy by appointing him the world's top photo-op Robo-Cop. The Supremes gave him the keys to the kingdom, the combination to the treasury lock, and assured him that, since he was president, he didn't have to explain to anyone why he did anything. What pampered, mean-spirited, totally self-centered schoolyard bully wouldn't get a hard-on at hearing that bit of good news? Especially one who had always had everything but accomplished nothing, who had discredited himself in college and in military service, and had emerged from a lifelong drug and alcoholic haze just 14 short years before?"

Carlos Santana Calls On Bush To Change Is Evil Ways

"He is supposed to be America's president, but he's not my president, I didn't vote for him,""We do not feel oneness with Bush at all. We say, God bless humanity first.""So my band is different from some American performers likeThe Beach Boys who wrap themselves in America's flag. I don't want to have a flag.""We're not here to push any American agenda, because we don't even see eye-to-eye with America ourselves anyway.""His agenda is different from ours. His agenda is basically about benefits of rich, greedy, ignorant people.""To me, George W. Bush doesn't have any power anyway. He's just someone who reads a cue that somebody writes for him -- somebody who's even richer than him. "Our agenda is different. He sells fear. We push joy."
http: //www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0311/S00035.htm

Susan Sarandon

“Bush says you’re either with us or against us. I don’t know who ‘us’ is. I say to Mr. Bush—this is what democracy looks like. We will not give our daughters and sons for a war for oil.”

Christopher Scheer LATimes Columnist Robert Scheer and Lakshmi Chaudhry

"In a democracy, of course, it always matters a great deal whether or not our leaders tell the truth. From the first declarations of the Founding Fathers, it has been clear our representative system demands the independence of an informed citizenry to insure that they do. And yet, in the two years since 9/11, we have seen little of both, as fear, lies, and jingoism have stifled the best aspects of our national nature... The public was systematically deceieved as to the true purposes of the war [in Iraq], as well as the overwhelming risks and dangers of assuming complete responsibility for a nation as large, complex, and difficult to rule as Iraq."The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq.

Gerhardt Schroeder German Chancellor

"My question has been and remains: does the scale of the threat from the Iraqi dictator justify the launch of a war that will certainly bring death to thousands of innocent men, women and children? My answer in this case has been and remains: No. Those who decide that all peaceful means are exhausted assume a grave responsibility before God, their conscience and history.I am deeply moved by the fact that I know my attitude is shared by the overwhelming majority of our people, and also by the majority of the UN Security Council and the world's peoples.Germany has "the most firm hope and the will to have the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 applied by political pressures without military intervention.Germany will not participate in military intervention in any case,It is the role of our diplomacy to see to it that the time needed is given to him (Blix),At present, the military action is not of actuality. It is nottime for it now.We are both of the opinion, and the French president said that quite clearly yesterday, that one can never accept it when it is said that war isunavoidable, War may never be considered unavoidable"
France and Russia, along with Germany, are among the strongest proponents of a peaceful solution to the Iraq crisis, a position that runs counter to the U.S. warning that "time is running out" for Baghdad to disarm.

Patrick Seale Author Biograoher Historian

The United States has embarked on an imperial adventure in the Middle East. This is the true meaning of the war against Iraq. The war is not about the disarmament of Iraq. That was always a hollow and cynical pretext. No one with any real knowledge of the situation believed that Iraq, on its knees from two disastrous wars and from twelve years of punitive sanctions, presented any sort of 'imminent threat' to anyone. In any event, from the start of last November when UN inspectors returned to Iraq under Security Council Resolution 1441, the Washington hawks wanted the inspectors to fail and then pressed impatiently for war, just when inspections showed real signs of progress.

Julier Sebastiao da Silva Brazilian Judge

"I consider the act absolutely brutal, threatening human rights, violating human dignity, xenophobic and worthy of the worst horrors committed by the Nazis," citing new US immigration measures to fingerprint and photograph Brazilians entering the United States.

Martin Sheen Actor Citizen Patriot

"One need not be a scholar of international law to know that war at this time and in this place is unwelcome, unwise and simply wrong.
And although my opinion is not any more valuable or relevant merely because I am an actor, that fact does not render it unimportant. Some have suggested otherwise, trying to denigrate the validity of this opinion and those of my colleagues solely due to our celebrity status. This is insulting not only to us but to other people of conscience who love their country enough to risk its wrath by going against the grain of powerful government policy.Whether celebrity or diplomat, cabdriver or student, all deserve a turn at the podium. In speaking the truth as we know it, my friends and I have stood proxy for all those yet to join this great public debate. We urge their participation and welcome them to the fray, for in the end, this is not about us but is truly about the matter of life and death."

Sherman H. Skolnick

"U.S. GOVERNMENT PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF EMERGENCY" 09/11/01 AMERICA'S REICHSTAG FIRE" "The most massive so-called "terrorist" attacks on U.S. soil since the Oklahoma City bombings of 1995, were known, a week ahead of time, by the American CIA. Among the foreign intelligence agencies who penetrated the plots were the French CIA and Israel's The Mossad, units of both often working with one another.Foreign intelligence sources confirm the validity of this story. And they state that they informed the U.S. secret police who absolutely failed, neglected, and outright refused to take action as to known prior specifics of which the top-level of the CIA were informed in advance."


The 38 year old Texas woman who, last December, filed a sexual assault lawsuit against President Bush was found in September, murdered by a gunshot wound to the head. A Republican coroner of Harris county, loyal to George Bush ruled the murder a, "Suicide.Margie Schoedinger of Missouri City, Texas filed a bizarre sexual abuse lawsuit last December alleging that Bush had drugged and raped her. The lawsuit was so bizarre and convoluted at first glance that voxfux gave it a thumbs down as being at best, a disinformation campaign by the Bush team designed to drown out the Sherman Skolnick story about Bushes alleged long standing homosexual relationship with a college buddy. At worst, I thought the woman might be a kook. However in light of the new developments I believe I may have been wrong to have written off this story prematurely. The case was about to go to court - someone didn't want that to happen. There has been ZERO mention of this explosive story in the major media.

Susan Sontag Denounced as a fifth columnist by the right

Blasts America's cowlike media and scaremongering leaders -- and says she fears that another terror attack could turn the U.S. into a police state.One article in the New Republic, a magazine for which I have written, began: "What do Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Susan Sontag have in common?" I have to say my jaw dropped. Apparently we are all in favor of the dismantling of America. There's a kind of rhetorical overkill aimed at me that is astonishing. There has been a demonization which is ludicrous.

Harley Sorensen The madness of King George

"Folks, our God-fearing president, George W. Bush, who claims to start every morning on his knees praying, now says that he gets his orders from God Himself. I kid you not. 'God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you can help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.' OK, I've been shilly-shallying around here, hesitant to come right out and say what I think, but I'm becoming convinced that our president, the man with his finger on the nuclear trigger, is a bona fide nutcase."(Ira Chernus: Did Bush Say God Told Him To Go To War?,

George Soros Financier Leads Liberal Fund to Defeat Bush

Financier George Soros, who you'll recall helped douse the U.S. economy after Sept. 11, has joined with some other "philanthropists" and unions in funding an effort to defeat George W. Bush in 2004. The organization they're forming will be called Americans Coming Together, or ACT, and it hopes to spend $75 million, $30 million of which it already has, according to the Washington Post, with $10 million from Soros, $12 million from six other people, and about $8 million from unions, including the Service Employees International Union. And why has Soros, the billionaire Clinton supporter and man who bet heavily against America, decided all of a sudden that he has America's best interests at heart? Soros said: "I believe deeply in the values of an open society. For the past 15 years I have focused my energies on fighting for these values abroad. Now I am doing it in the United States. The fate of the world depends on the United States, and President Bush is leading us in the wrong direction."

Bruce Springsteen Born In The USA

"It's time to impeach the president and get a man in there to get us out of this mess."

Oliver Stone Holywood Director/Producer

"[I thought] very much like the way [President George W.] Bush thinks now. Of course, I was 15," Stone said, to laughter from the crowd.""[Bush says] 'We're pursuing terrorists,'" Stone said. "No, George, you're not. You're a flake."

Peter Stothard Former Editor of the Times's book, 30 Days

"Has Tony Blair become some sort of reckless crusader over Iraq? He thinks not. In September 2002 his analysis of relations between Washington, London and Baghdad was clear and cold. It rested on six essential points to which he and his aides would regularly return:
· Saddam Hussein's past aggression, present support for terrorism and future ambitions made him a clear threat to his enemies. He was not the only threat, but he was a threat nevertheless.
· The US and Britain were among his enemies.
· The people of the US, still angered by the September 11 attacks, still sensing unfinished business from the first Gulf war 12 years before, would support a war on Iraq.
· Gulf war 2 - President George W Bush v Saddam Hussein - would happen whatever anyone else said or did.
· The people of Britain, continental Europe and most of the rest of the world would not even begin to support a war unless they had a say in it through the UN.
· It would be more damaging to longterm world peace and security if the Americans alone defeated Saddam Hussein than if they had international support to do so.
"These six points - when scribbled on the back of an envelope or set out on a printed page - are not exceptional. What is exceptional is the certainty required to follow their logic. It is Tony Blair's certainty that has been the surprise for many Labour MPs."

Barbra Streisand Singer actress Anti War activist

"Not only is he poisoning our air and water - he's poisoning our political system as well.""As we have learned in the past weeks, we cannot trust George W. Bush,""How could such a destructive man be so popular with the American people?""I find George Bush and (Vice-President)Dick Cheney frightening, [Defense Secretary] Donald Rumsfeld and [Attorney-General] John Ashcroft also frightening,"

Majd Tabbaa The Mouse that Roared

"The anti-American feeling throughout the Middle East is palpable. Arab newspaper editorials don't come near to expressing public opinion. In Damascus, Majd Tabbaa has become famous as the lady who threw the US Consul Roberto Powers out of her husband's downtown restaurant on 7 April . "I went over to him," she said, "and told him, 'Mr Roberto, tell your George Bush that all of you are not welcome - please get out'." Across the Arab world, boycotts of American goods have begun in earnest."

Mikako Tanaka Japanese Foreign Minister
"Bush Is A Total Asshole"

Paul Thompson Webmaster Complete 911 Timeline

This webpage is meant to be a comprehensive resource for anyone attempting to understand 9/11, the anthrax attacks, and the "war on terrorism." Once you start reading, I think it will become clear that there is much more going on than the "official story" claims. The mainstream media is the one that's failed to "connect the dots". There are an amazing amount of intriguing news stories that have squeaked into the media but not reached a wide audience, and/or have not been properly followed up or placed into context.

HELEN THOMAS White House Correspondant

"The imperial presidency has arrived. On the domestic front President Bush has found that in many ways he can govern by executive order. In foreign affairs he has the nerve to tell other people that they should get rid of their current leaders. Amazingly, with Americans turning into a new silent majority and Congress into a bunch of obeisant lawmakers, he is getting away with such acts.The lawmakers are worried that Bush will play the "patriot card" in the November elections to attack dissenters and opponents. The Democratic leaders have already rolled over. They have given him a blank check by passing the USA Patriot Act, which permits outrageous invasions of privacy, and by seconding Bush's foreign policy with a weak "me too."

Greg Thielmann Director of the Strategic Proliferation and Military Affairs Office at the US State Department

“I’m afraid I think the American public was seriously misled.The US administration “twisted, distorted, simplified” intelligence in a way that led Americans to “seriously misunderstand what the nature of the Iraq threat was.I’m not sure I can think of a worse act against the people in a democracy than a President distorting criticalinformation.
For a President to abuse that sacred trust ... is to me a very serious development.”

Jonathan Turley Appetite for Authoritarianism Spawns an American Gulag

"Since his arrival, Ashcroft has rushed through the U.S. legal system with the same rampaging rage as a Baghdad looter, thoughtlessly shattering artifacts in looking for things of instant value. What remains are pieces of Americana, like the presumption of innocence and due process, that lay in shards after only a two-year period."

Ted Turner Media Mogul

"The Palestinians are fighting with human suicide bombers, that's all they have. The Israelis ... they've got one of the most powerful military machines in the world. The Palestinians have nothing. So who are the terrorists? I would make a case that both sides are involved in terrorism."



Bernie Ward Journalist

During his program on Wednesday, Sept. 12 -- the day after the terror attacks -- Ward compared the tactics of religious fundamentalists to those used by Nazis. Fundamentalists, he said, included "the ultra-Orthodox" in Israel.

Senator Paul Wellstone

Anti-war senator Wellstone dies in plane crash Democrat liberal killed with wife and daughter.Paul Wellstone, called the conscience of the US Senate for his passion and liberal convictions, was killed in an air crash yesterday, in the final days of a knife-edge mid-term election campaign. Wellstone, 58, was seen as a symbol of the anti-war movement for voting against President George Bush earlier this month on the resolution authorising the use of force against Iraq, a stand that gave this contest in Minnesota national significance.He was killed with his wife and daughter, three campaign staff and two pilots when their small propeller plane went down in icy rain at Eveleth, in north-eastern Minnesota.

Adele Welty, who lost her son, Firefighter Timothy Welty, at the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001

"I support Congressman Kucinich's bill, which would roll back certain sections of the Patriot Act that I believe pose a serious threat to the exercise of our Constitutional rights," Welty said, "particularly our right to due process and our right to petition the government in cases where we believe the government's actions are contrary to the best interests of the American people. Although it was written before September 11th, Congress passed the Patriot Act after the attacks, during a time of extreme anxiety over our safety and emotional stress over the loss of our family members, and without debate over its consequences. I do not want my son's death used again for the purpose of concentrating power in the hands of this administration, in ways that will compromise our liberties."

Mary A. Wright, Former U­S Ambassador to Mongolia,

Resignation letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell.
"I cannot represent the policies of the Bush Administration regarding Iraq, Israel and Palestine, North Korea, or the breakdown of civil rights in America."


Absolutely positively, in the months leading up to the next presidential election, a clandestine military/intelligence operations group linked to George Bush Sr. will execute a strategic pre-election terrorist attack in America designed to kill Americans and send this country into martial law. This strategic pre-election attack will be perpetrated by the same group of clandestine military/industrial/intelligence terrorists, linked to Bush Sr., who perpetrated the September 11th attacks. The preparatory memes are surfacing everywhere. Bush Sr. and the military/industrial/intelligence cartel he fronts for, knows that America has had enough of this retarded jerk son of his, he knows that America has had enough with the Bushes and their type, and their murderous war profiteering looting rampage, and so in order to survive, this cartel will execute a strategic pre-election attack on Americans and as usual, make it look like Islamists did it. Then of course their allis (scum) in the media will once again trumpet this idiot son of his as a hero who has once again "come into his own" as he bravely visits the contamination zone live on the CIA controlled disinformation network,CNN.
GEORGE BUSH is the Worlds Biggest Fuck Up Ever"

Benjamin Zephaniah Rasta poet publicly rejects OBE from Queen

"I protest British government policies, including the decision to go to war in Iraq.The award as a legacy of colonialism. The very name of the Order of the British Empire reminds me of "thousands of years of brutality - it reminds me of how my foremothers were raped and my forefathers brutalised.Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought'
An invitation to the palace to accept a New Year honour... you must be joking."

Howard Zinn Historian

"On September 11, 2001, a terrorist attack in New York and Washington took close to 3,000 lives. The Bush Administration has used that tragic event as an excuse to go to war, first in Afghanistan and now in Iraq. But neither war has made us safer from terrorism. The Bush Administration lied to the American people about a connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda, when even the CIA has not been able to find such a connection.Indeed, by its killing of thousands of people in both countries, the Bush Administration has inflamed millions of people in the Middle East against us and increased the ranks of the terrorists.

The Iraqi people are happy to be rid of Saddam Hussein, but now they want to be rid of us. They do not want our military to occupy their country. If we believe in self-determination, in the freedom of the Iraqis to choose their own way of life, we should listen to their pleas, leave their country, and allow them to work out their own affairs.We can choose to use the wealth of our nation and the talents of our people for war, or we can use that wealth and talent to better the lives of men, women, and children in this country. We can continue being the target of anger and terrorism and indignation by the rest of the world, or we can be a model of what a good society should be like, peaceful in the world, prosperous at home.The choice will come in the ballot box. I ask you to choose for the peace of the world, and the security of the American people."

Ernst Zundel Revisionist of the Century

"By way of introduction, Revisionism has taken hold as an intellectual revival movement all over the world. People are beginning to ask questions about the Holocaust. These questions are uncomfortable. No longer can the Holocaust Promotion Lobby ignore the global interest in the TRUE facts surrounding very murky claims pertaining to the "Holocaust" by shouting "Anti-Semitism!"

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8:14 AM]
